Difference between revisions of "Module:Sandbox/Arcangelus"

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-- A proper solution needs to consider PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Maybe Steam deck as well.
-- This solution uses images: https://splatoonwiki.org/wiki/Module:Button
-- Switch: https://splatoonwiki.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3APrefixIndex&prefix=Switch_Icon_&namespace=6
-- Possible to get icons from wikipedia, if needed.
-- For Xbox:
-- https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Xbox_controller_buttons
-- https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Xbox_Series_Controller_icons
-- For PlayStation 4:
-- https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:PlayStation_controller_buttons
-- Other possible sources (Creative Commons Attribution):
-- https://zacksly.itch.io/ps5-button-icons-and-controls ; https://zacksly.itch.io/xbox-series-button-icons-and-controls
-- Below this line was taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Module:Key. As the CSS was was not copied ovee, this is incomplete and only kinda works. Not properly implemented as I'm not happy on the handling of console inputs (controller)
-- Aditionally, there seems to be some kind of issue with dark mode. See here to avoid it: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Recommendations_for_night_mode_compatibility_on_Wikimedia_wikis?minervanightmode=1 ]]
-- This module implements {{key press}}.
-- This module implements {{key press}}.

Latest revision as of 20:50, 21 August 2024

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This is a doc attached to my sandbox. I'll use it to see the effects of my changes W/o messing something important

NOTE: LUA is usually slower than ParserFunctions for short statements. The factor varies from 7-1 to 2-1.
Lua only is an advantage to long statements, nested logic, loops (maybe others case i don't see right now).

expr only uses 1 Preprocessor visited node count, in general. Variables may change that.

function p._TableRow(skillBase, skillBonus, statMin, statMax, capImportance, capLimit, resultCols, LV, Ln)

-- A proper solution needs to consider PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Maybe Steam deck as well.

-- This solution uses images: https://splatoonwiki.org/wiki/Module:Button
-- Switch: https://splatoonwiki.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3APrefixIndex&prefix=Switch_Icon_&namespace=6
-- Possible to get icons from wikipedia, if needed.
-- For Xbox:
--	https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Xbox_controller_buttons
--	https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Xbox_Series_Controller_icons
-- For PlayStation 4:
--	https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:PlayStation_controller_buttons
-- Other possible sources (Creative Commons Attribution):
-- https://zacksly.itch.io/ps5-button-icons-and-controls ; https://zacksly.itch.io/xbox-series-button-icons-and-controls

-- Below this line was taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Module:Key. As the CSS was was not copied ovee, this is incomplete and only kinda works. Not properly implemented as I'm not happy on the handling of console inputs (controller)
-- Aditionally, there seems to be some kind of issue with dark mode. See here to avoid it: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Recommendations_for_night_mode_compatibility_on_Wikimedia_wikis?minervanightmode=1 ]]
-- This module implements {{key press}}.

local kbdPrefix = '<kbd class="keyboard-key nowrap">'

local kbdSuffix = '</kbd>'

local keyText = {
	['caps lock'] = '⇪ Caps Lock',
	['[[caps lock]]'] = '⇪ [[Caps Lock]]',
	['shift'] = '⇧ Shift',
	['[[shift key|shift]]'] = '⇧ [[Shift key|Shift]]',
	['enter'] = '↵ Enter',
	['[[enter key|enter]]'] = '↵ [[Enter key|Enter]]',
	['cmd'] = '⌘ Cmd',
	['[[command key|cmd]]'] = '⌘ [[Command key|Cmd]]',
	['command'] = '⌘ Command',
	['[[command key|command]]'] = '⌘ [[Command key|Command]]',
	['opt'] = '⌥ Opt',
	['[[option key|opt]]'] = '⌥ [[Option key|Opt]]',
	['option'] = '⌥ Option',
	['[[option key|option]]'] = '⌥ [[Option key|Option]]',
	['tab'] = 'Tab ↹',
	['[[tab key|tab]]'] = '[[Tab key|Tab]] ↹',
	['backspace'] = '← Backspace',
	['[[backspace]]'] = '← [[Backspace]]',
	['win'] = '⊞ Win',
	['[[windows key|win]]'] = '⊞ [[Windows key|Win]]',
	['menu'] = '≣ Menu',
	['[[menu key|menu]]'] = '≣ [[Menu key|Menu]]',
	['up'] = '↑',
	['[[arrow keys|up]]'] = '[[Arrow keys|↑]]',
	['down'] = '↓',
	['[[arrow keys|down]]'] = '[[Arrow keys|↓]]',
	['left'] = '←',
	['[[arrow keys|left]]'] = '[[Arrow keys|←]]',
	['right'] = '→',
	['[[arrow keys|right]]'] = '[[Arrow keys|→]]',
	['asterisk'] = '&#42;',
	['hash'] = '&#35;',
	['[[#]]'] = '[[Number sign|#]]',
	['colon'] = '&#58;',
	['[[:]]'] = '[[Colon (punctuation)|:]]',
	['pipe'] = '&#124;',
	['[[|]]'] = '[[Pipe symbol|&#124;]]',
	['semicolon'] = '&#59;',
	['[[;]]'] = '[[Semi-colon|&#59;]]',
	['equals'] = '&#61;',

	-- Left & right analog sticks.
	['l up'] = 'L↑',
	['l down'] = 'L↓',
	['l left'] = 'L←',
	['l right'] = 'L→',
	['l ne'] = 'L↗',
	['l se'] = 'L↘',
	['l nw'] = 'L↖',
	['l sw'] = 'L↙',

	['r up'] = 'R↑',
	['r down'] = 'R↓',
	['r left'] = 'R←',
	['r right'] = 'R→',
	['r ne'] = 'R↗',
	['r se'] = 'R↘',
	['r nw'] = 'R↖',
	['r sw'] = 'R↙',

	-- PlayStation.
	['ex'] = '×',
	['circle'] = '○',
	['square'] = '□',
	['triangle'] = '△',

	-- Nintendo 64 and GameCube.
	['c up'] = 'C↑',
	['c down'] = 'C↓',
	['c left'] = 'C←',
	['c right'] = 'C→',
	['c ne'] = 'C↗',
	['c se'] = 'C↘',
	['c nw'] = 'C↖',
	['c sw'] = 'C↙',

local keyAlias = {
	-- ['alternate name for key (alias)'] = 'name for key used in key table'
	['[[cmd key|cmd]]'] = '[[command key|cmd]]',
	['[[cmd key|command]]'] = '[[command key|command]]',
	['[[opt key|opt]]'] = '[[option key|opt]]',
	['[[option key]]'] = '[[option key|option]]',
	['[[opt key|option]]'] = '[[option key|option]]',
	['[[win key|win]]'] = '[[windows key|win]]',
	['*'] = 'asterisk',
	['#'] = 'hash',
	[':'] = 'colon',
	[';'] = 'semicolon',
	['l-up'] = 'l up',
	['l-down'] = 'l down',
	['l-left'] = 'l left',
	['l-right'] = 'l right',
	['l-ne'] = 'l ne',
	['l-se'] = 'l se',
	['l-nw'] = 'l nw',
	['l-sw'] = 'l sw',
	['r-up'] = 'r up',
	['r-down'] = 'r down',
	['r-left'] = 'r left',
	['r-right'] = 'r right',
	['r-ne'] = 'r ne',
	['r-se'] = 'r se',
	['r-nw'] = 'r nw',
	['r-sw'] = 'r sw',
	['ps x'] = 'ex',
	['ps c'] = 'circle',
	['ps s'] = 'square',
	['ps t'] = 'triangle',
	['c-up'] = 'c up',
	['c-down'] = 'c down',
	['c-left'] = 'c left',
	['c-right'] = 'c right',
	['c-ne'] = 'c ne',
	['c-se'] = 'c se',
	['c-nw'] = 'c nw',
	['c-sw'] = 'c sw',

local Collection = {}
Collection.__index = Collection
	function Collection:add(item)
		if item ~= nil then
			self.n = self.n + 1
			self[self.n] = item
	function Collection:join(sep)
		return table.concat(self, sep)
	function Collection:sort(comp)
		table.sort(self, comp)
	function Collection.new()
		return setmetatable({n = 0}, Collection)

local function keyPress(args)
	local chainNames = {
		'chain first',
		'chain second',
		'chain third',
		'chain fourth',
		'chain fifth',
		'chain sixth',
		'chain seventh',
		'chain eighth',
		'chain ninth',
	local result = Collection.new()
	local chainDefault = args.chain or '+'
	for i, id in ipairs(args) do
		if i > 1 then
			result:add(args[chainNames[i - 1]] or chainDefault)
		local lc = id:lower()
		local text = keyText[lc] or keyText[keyAlias[lc]] or id
		result:add(kbdPrefix .. text .. kbdSuffix)
	return result:join()
--		name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = 'Template:Key press/styles.css'} 
--	}..result:join()

local function keypress(frame)
	-- Called by "{{key press|...}}".
	-- Using the template doubles the post‐expand include size.
	return keyPress(frame:getParent().args)

local function press(frame)
	-- Called by "{{#invoke:key|press|...}}".
	return keyPress(frame.args)

return {
	keypress = keypress,
	press = press,