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! Rebel slave
{| {{STDT| sortable c_17}}
| NAME was born into corporate slavery and raised to perform menial tasks for minimum pay. He/She was just another cog in the machine.{{br}}NAME found his/her freedom by joining a revel organization whose goal was to break free from their corporate masters.
! Title<br />(Short Title) !! Description !! Skill Modifications !! Incapable of
| Shooting: {{+|2}}{{br}}Social: {{+|2}}{{br}}Construction: {{+|1}}{{br}}Growing: {{+|1}}{{br}}Crafting: {{+|2}}{{br}}Research: {{--|2}}
| Mining{{br}}Art
! Rebel student
| NAME grew up in a modest but privileged family who encouraged him/her to play chess and shoot skeet at a young age. {{br}}As a bored student, he/she found joy in challenging his/her teachers about the contradictions between his/her planet's official values and their government's policies.
| Shooting: {{+|2}}{{br}}Research: {{+|3}}
| Plant cutting{{br}}Hauling{{br}}Cleaning
! Reclusive child
| NAME didnt learn to speak until he/she was nearly 5 years old, and, even then, he/she preferred to keep to him/herself. When he/she was in his/her early teens, he/she made a habit of wandering off the village to live in the wilderness for weeks at a time.
| Melee: {{+|4}}{{br}}Crafting: {{+|3}}
| Warden
! Reclusive prodigy
| Growing up on a flourishing glitterworld afforded NAME the chance to fully devote him/herself to his/her studies.{{br}}Having taken a keen interest in genetic modification and neural augmentation from a young age, he/she had little time (or desire) for a regular childhood.
| Research: {{+|4}}{{br}}Medicine: {{+|4}}
| Warden{{br}}Art
! Re-educated youth
| NAME lived on a midworld where the government cared about the youth. {{br}}He/She was one of the many children who were taken from their parents and forced into the new education programs.
| Social: {{+|2}}
| Art
! Refugee
| War broke out in NAME's home when he//she was a baby. His/Her parents fled with him/her, seeking safety wherever they could find it. NAME's earliest memories are of being taught how to defend him/herself. {{br}}The violence and destruction he/she witnessed scarred him/her for life.
| Shooting: {{+|3}}{{br}}Melee: {{+|3}}
| Firefighting
! Rich boy
| NAME grew up on a midworld with loving parents, a cute pet and a lot of money - but no friends. {{br}}He/She was always told by his/her father that 'those peasants just want your money'. So, he/she spent most of his/her time alone, or fighting other kids.
| Melee: {{+|3}}{{br}}Artistic: {{+|3}}
| Doctoriing{{br}}Warden
! Scavenger (1)
| NAME grew up in one of the few remaining cities on a world ravaged by nuclear war.{{br}}He/She learned to survive on his/her own in this post-apocalyptic wasteland by scavenging for technology and supplies.
| Shooting: {{+|2}}{{br}}Melee: {{+|2}}{{br}}Social: {{--|2}}{{br}}Cooking: {{+|2}}
| Art{{br}}Researching
! Scavenger (2)
| NAME spent his childhood escaping grunt work to go digging through wrecks and ruins for treasures. His/Her natural curiosity got him/her into a lot of trouble, but it also yielded many interesting finds.
| Mining: {{+|3}}{{br}}Research: {{+|3}}
| Plant cutting{{br}}Hauling {{br}}Cleaning
! Science prodigy
| NAME was top of his/her class in chemistry, physics, exobiology, astronomy, and opera. {{br}}An unfortunate lab accident left him/her with a deathly fear of fire.
| Medicine: {{+|3}}{{br}}Artistic: {{+|2}}{{br}}Research: {{+|3}}
| Firefighting{{br}}Hunting
! Scout (1)
| Born to colonial administrators from a small imperial power, NAME was enrolled in a youth program that taught military scouting skills.{{br}}He/She learned to survive in the wilderness, to obey, and not to ask questions.
| Shooting: {{+|3}}{{br}}Construction {{+|1}}{{br}}Crafting: {{+|2}}
| Art{{br}}Researching
! Scout (2)
| NAME loved being outdoors. His/Her parents enrolled him/her in a program that taught military scouting skills. He/She thrived when he/she was left alone in the wilderness. {{br}}Due to this upbringing, however, NAME did not learn the basic technological skills that are taken for granted by many others.
| Shooting: {{+|3}}{{br}}Construction: {{+|1}}{{br}}Crafting: {{+|2}}
| Art{{br}}Researching
! Sentimental child
| NAME was a nice child. When anybody had a probelm, he/she tried to fix it. But, being a child, he/she did not always succeed. This urt his/her sensitive soul. {{br}}He/She dreamed of being a soldier who fights raiders and aliens.
| Social: {{+|4}}
| N/A
! Shelter child
| NAME grew up in a shelter deep beneath a toxic world. He/She received a comprehensive education, but had no opportunity to do physical labor.
| Social: {{+|2}}{{br}}Medicine: {{+|3}}{{br}}Construction: {{--|2}}{{br}}Mining: {{--|2}}{{br}}Research: {{+|3}}
| N/A
! Ship technician
| NAME was an apprentice technician on trade ships plying their routes between the stations and planets of his/her home system. In this job, he/she learned to fix and improve many machines.
| Construction: {{+|3}}{{br}}Growing: {{--|3}}{{br}}Crafting: {{+|3}}{{br}}Research: {{+|3}}
| N/A
! Shooting coma
| NAME fell into a coma at a young age and spent years dreaming about shooting. When he/she awoke, he/she was useless at most tasks, but he could aim pretty well.
| Shooting: {{+|8}}
| Cooking{{br}}Constructing{{br}}Growing{{br}}Mining{{br}}Plant cutting{{br}}Smithing{{br}}Tailoring{{br}}Art{{br}}Crafting{{br}}Hauling{{br}}Cleaning{{br}}Researching
! Shopkeeper
| NAME's mother was often ill, and it fell to him/her to run the store which was their only source of income. He/She learned a little about exotic artifacts which he/she sold, and a lot about the art of the deal.
| Social: {{+|4}}{{br}}Research: {{+|2}}
| N/A
! Shunned girl
| NAME was born into a small, poor family. She was bullied relentlessly, beaten and hated. As she grew up, she developed an interest in guns. She usually studied from books, but occasionally managed to get some practice time with the real thing. NAME later discovered a talent for art and began to teach herself how to draw and paint.
| Shooting: {{+|2}}{{br}}Social: {{--|2}}
| N/A
! Sickly child
| As a child, NAME suffered from a rare disease. Quarantined in a research hospital, he/she had minimal human contact and got little physical exercise. In the sterile hospital environment, however he/she became very familiar with science and medicine.
| Melee: {{--|2}}{{br}}Social: {{--|2}}{{br}}Medicine: {{+|5}}{{br}}Construction: {{--|2}}{{br}}Research: {{+|4}}
| N/A
! Slave farmer
| Abandoned as a little girl, NAME was found by a farmer. Being infertile himself, the farmer kept her as a slave. The constant beatings left her scarred and unable to handle violence. After many years, she ran away.
| Shooting: {{+|2}}{{br}}Melee: {{--|3}}{{br}}Growing: {{+|4}}
| Hunting
! Sole survivor (1)
| NAME's entire tribe was wiped out by a mysterious disease. {{br}}Found alone and adopted by another band, he/she never became close with other tribe members. He/She preferred to stay away from his/her new home, wandering the woods and tending the animals.
| Shooting: {{+|2}}{{br}}Growing: {{+|2}}{{br}}Crafting: {{+|2}}
| Firefighting
! Sole survivor (2)
| NAME entire tribe was wiped out in a raid. Though he/she was adopted by another group, he/she was emotionally scarred, and preferred to stay near home, cooking and tending crops.
| Cooking: {{+|3}}{{br}}Growing: {{+|3}}
| Firefighting{{br}}Hunting
! Son of a huntress
| In the mountains of the planet Ticonderoga, NAME was raised by his/her tribal mother. She taught him/her survival skills; trapping, tracking, shooting, skinning, cooking and healing.{{br}}His/Her departed father had left behind old bolt-action rifle, and NAME practiced with it every chance he/she got.
| Shooting: {{+|2}}{{br}}Melee: {{+|2}}{{br}}Cooking: {{+|2}}{{br}}Medicine: {{+|1}}{{br}}Crafting: {{+|1}}
| Researching
! Space cadet
| Growing up on a rural farm-world leaves little oppurtunity for excitement and adventure, so when the Royal Fleet began a recruiting program on his/her home planet, NAME threw down his/her hoe and cattle prod to take up arms for the crown. {{br}}He/She served on the interplanetary super-destroyer HMS Thunder-Child.
| Shooting: {{+|4}}{{br}}Melee: {{+|2}}
| Growing{{br}}Plant cutting
! Space fanboy
| NAME dreamed of space travel. He/She built his/her own pretend spaceship from an old police box and went to see the great unknown.
| Crafting: {{+|3}}{{br}}Research: {{+|2}}
| N/A
! Space smuggler
| NAME's parents used him/her to help smuggle contraband between a cluster of rim worlds.{{br}}Aided by his/her small size, NAME became very adept at carrying out his/her parents' missions, learning, weaponry, negotiations, and most of all smuggling.
| Shooting: {{+|3}}{{br}}Melee: {{+|3}}{{br}}Social: {{+|3}}{{br}}Medicine: {{+|2}}{{br}}Growing: {{--|2}}{{br}}Artistic: {{--|2}}{{br}}Research: {{--|2}}
| N/A
! Speeder racer
| NAME was the son/daughter of a fern farmer in the towering forests of Khalderia.{{br}}He/She found his/her first love in speeder racing, zipping in and out of the massive canopies and gorgeous vistas of his/her homeworld. The seedy underworld of racing also forced him/her to learn to defend him/herself with a quick word or quicker shot.
| Shooting: {{+|3}}{{br}}Social: {{+|3}}
! Spoiled child
| NAME grew up the child of an industrious colony manager. In this position, most manual and dangerous tasks were forbidden by his/her parents, but on the rim everyone has to dirty their hands.
| Social: {{+|2}}{{br}}Cooking: {{+|2}}{{br}}Construction: {{--|2}}{{br}}Growing: {{+|2}}{{br}}Mining: {{--|2}}{{br}}Artistic: {{+|2}}
| Firefighting
! Squire
| Born to a noble family on a medieval world, NAME became a squire. His/Her training involved falconry, fencing, and wrestling - often done wearing armor.{{br}}In battle, his/her job was to ensure that the knights were taken care of anf their armor was well-polished.
| Shooting: {{--|2}}{{br}}Melee: {{+|3}}{{br}}Cooking: {{--|2}}{{br}}Crafting: {{+|1}}
| Cooking
! Stableboy
| NAME was a stableboy on a medieval planet, mucking dung almost every day to earn his keep.{{br}}By the time he was in his late teens, NAME had saved up enough money to pay a space trader to take him offworld.
| Melee: {{+|2}}{{br}}Social: {{--|2}}{{br}}Mining: {{+|2}}{{br}}Artistic: {{+|2}}{{br}}Crafting: {{+|1}}
| Warden
! Star squire
| Born on a medieval world, NAME's first memory is of gazing up into the night's sky. {{br}}Ever since, he/she has dreamed of squiring a knight amidst the star-filled heavens. His/Her focus on that vision left him/her somewhat single-minded.
| Shooting: {{+|2}}{{br}}Melee: {{+|3}}
| Handling{{br}}Art
! Starforce cadet
| Raised on Amen-Ti, glitterworld capital of the Star Empire, NAME had an easy childhood.{{br}}As a youth, NAME decided that joining the Starforce would be his way of giving back to the Empire.
| Social: {{+|2}}{{br}}Medicine: {{+|1}}{{br}}Mining: {{--|3}}{{br}}Research: {{+|2}}
| N/A
! Station whelp
| NAME spent his/her childhood as a penniless orphan living on a space station. He/She managed to scrape by doing filthy jobs and stealing. He/She became so violent due to poor treatment by his/her betters that he/she was banished from the station, just to be picked up by space pirates.
| Shooting: {{+|3}}{{br}}Melee: {{+|5}}{{br}}Social: {{--|2}}
| Doctoring{{br}}Warden
! Story writer
| As a child, NAME was addicted to reading. He/She would spend all day in his/her local library with her nose in a book. When budget cuts forced the library to close, NAME was distraught. He/She decided to fill the gap by writing her own stories instead.
| Artistic: {{+|4}}{{br}}Research: {{+|3}}
| N/A
! Straggler
| Despite being blessed with parental love, NAME hardly knew his/her parents.{{br}}He/She was frequently left to his/her own devices which meant more time devoted to exploring his/her interests...and getting into trouble.
| Melee: {{+|2}}{{br}}Artistic: {{+|2}}{{br}}Crafting: {{+|2}}{{br}}Research: {{--|3}}
| Doctoring{{br}}Warden
! Street child
| NAME's drug addict mother died, leaving him/her an orphan at a young age. To stay alive, he/she resorted to theft, and when necessary, prostitution. When NAME was caught stealing from a church, the priestess saw a wounded but smart child, and took him/her in to give him/her a second chance at life.
| Social: {{+|3}}
| N/A
! Street kid
| Growing up on the streets of the a desert planet, NAME's only friend was a dog named Rest. The pair scraped by, finding just enough food to survive. When he/she was 13 years old, an interplanetary criminal group took him/her under their wing.
| Melee: {{+|3}}{{br}}Social: {{+|3}}
| Growing {{br}}Plant cutting
! Street urchin (1)
| Born to a poor family on an urbworld, NAME was abandoned on the streets at a young age. {{br}}He/She learned to steal and kill to survive the ruthless streets, gaining skills in melee and ranged combat. There was little time for talk innhis/her life.
| Shooting: {{+|3}}{{br}}Melee: {{+|3}}{{br}}Social: {{--|3}}
| Warden
! Street urchin (2)
| After running away from home, NAME had to live on the streets. {{br}}He/She grew up fast, and learned early that he/she had to figure out how to fool people into connecting with him/her.
| Shooting: {{+|2}}{{br}}Melee:: {{+|3}}{{br}}Social: {{+|2}}{{br}}Construction: {{+|2}}{{br}}Growing: {{--|2}}
| Art
! Student
| NAME studied chemistry and quantum mechanics for entertainment. {{br}}He/She was very good at convincing others to do his/her physical work, and made it a goal in life to avoid manual labor.
| Social: {{+|2}}{{br}}Medicine: {{+|3}}{{br}}Mining: {{--|2}}{{br}}Research: {{+|3}}
| Hauling{{br}}CLeaning
! Student engineer
| A genius child, NAME was put in a special training program covering aerospace warfare and engineering.{{br}}One day, he/she tried to befriend a squirrel by giving it a bracelet. The squirrel bit him/her, earning him the nickname Squirrel Boy.{{br}}NAME came to believe that work involving manual labor is beneath him.
| Cooking: {{--|2}}{{br}}Construction: {{+|2}}{{br}}Mining: {{--|2}}{{br}}Artistic: {{--|2}}{{br}}Crafting: {{+|4}}{{br}}Research: {{+|4}}
| Plant cutting{{br}}Hauling {{br}}Cleaning
! Student socialite
| NAME leaned politics in an elite training school for socially gifted students on Kalthas IV.{{br}}While he/she was naturally adept at reading and manipulating people, he/she found no joy in it. He/She left the academy several years before graduation.
| Social: {{+|6}}
| Doctoring{{br}}Cooking{{br}}Constructing{{br}}Growing{{br}}Mining{{br}}Plant cutting{{br}}Smithing{{br}}Tailoring{{br}}Art{{br}}Crafting{{br}}Hauling{{br}}Cleaning
! Super soldier
| NAME's government ran an experimental super-soldier development program. They kidnapped thousands of infants, conditioned their minds with drugs and machines, and trained them to fight. {{br}}Most infants died, but NAME did not. He/She killed his/her first man at age six, and was fighting in field operations not ong after.
| Shooting: {{+|3}}{{br}}Melee: {{+|3}}{{br}}Medicine: {{+|2}}{{br}}Growing: {{--|3}}
| Warden{{br}}Handling{{br}}Art

Latest revision as of 18:51, 31 March 2017

(Short Title)
Description Skill Modifications Incapable of