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m (Thought testing. Again.)
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local yesno, getArgs -- lazily initialized
This module implements the functions of Template:Thought
local p = {}
local p = {}
local wrap = {} -- Holds wrapper functions that process arguments from #invoke. These act as intemediary between functions meant for #invoke and functions meant for Lua.
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
--Copied from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Module:Math
--[[ The template argument goes to "main"
local function err(msg)
Only this funcion will work when invoked. This is case sensitive.
-- Generates wikitext error messages.
What it does is obtain the data from the wiki to a fomrat readable by other functions]]
return mw.ustring.format('<strong class="error">Formatting error: %s</strong>', msg)
local function unpackNumberArgs(args)
function p.main(frame)
-- Returns an unpacked list of arguments specified with numerical keys.
local args = getArgs(frame)
local ret = {}
local desc = tostring(args["desc"])
for k, v in pairs(args) do
local label = tostring(args["label"])
if type(k) == 'number' then
local duration = tonumber(args["duration"])
table.insert(ret, v)
local stack = tonumber(args["stack"])
local multi = tonumber(args["multi"]) or 1
--[[ The advantage of adding values to an empty list rather than defining a list
with the correct values is that no nil values will get into the list this way.
This means that values don't have to be consecutive.
EX: value9 is valid w/o defining value2 to value8.
local valores = {}
if tonumber(args["value"]) then
return p._main(desc, label, duration, stack, multi, valores)
return "<big><b>Missing value. Please, define a numerical value to use.</b></big>"
return unpack(ret)
local function makeArgArray(...)
-- Makes an array of arguments from a list of arguments that might include nils.
_main function decides the kind of thought this will be and returns the final output
local args = {...} -- Table of arguments. It might contain nils or non-number values, so we can't use ipairs.
If the are several defines values, then it uses the Thought function
local nums = {} -- Stores the numbers of valid numerical arguments.
If only value is defined, then:
local ret = {}
- If both stack and the multiplier "multi" are 1, it gives a result early.
for k, v in pairs(args) do
multi defaults to 1 when not defined (or invalid)
v = p._cleanNumber(v)
- Otherwise, it calls the stacks function.
if v then
nums[#nums + 1] = k
args[k] = v
function p._main(desc, label, duration, stack, multi, valores)
local final_string = duration and {duration, " [[mood]] for ", duration, " [[Time|days]]" } or {" [[mood]]"}
local middle_string = {'<abbr title="', desc, '"><i>', (label:gsub("^%l", string.upper)), '</i></abbr>' }
-- "valores" is a list of all values given to the function.
-- This checks if a second value exist
if valores[2] then
return p.Thought(valores) --..middle_string..final_string
else --Only initial value defined
if stack==1 and multi==1 then
local value = valores[1]
if tonumber(value)>0 then
return '<b><font color="forestgreen">'..value..'</font></b> '..middle_string..final_string
elseif tonumber(value) == 0 then
return '<b>'..value..'</b> '..middle_string..final_string
return '<b><font color="firebrick">'..value..'</font></b> '..middle_string..final_string
return p.stacks(stack, multi, valores[1])..middle_string..final_string
for i, num in ipairs(nums) do
ret[#ret + 1] = args[num]
return ret
local function fold(func, ...)
-- Use a function on all supplied arguments, and return the result. The function must accept two numbers as parameters,
The "Thought" function returns a string if more than 1 value was defined.
-- and must return a number as an output. This number is then supplied as input to the next function call.
It iterates through all the values defined (contained on the list "valores")
local vals = makeArgArray(...)
For each element:
local count = #vals -- The number of valid arguments
1.- If it is a valid number, then it valuates what kind of number it is.
if count == 0 then return
1.2.- If it is, it then decides what color it need. Currently, it returns:
-- Exit if we have no valid args, otherwise removing the first arg would cause an error.
Green for positive, Red for negative, None for 0.
nil, 0
2.- It it is not a valid number, it returns the value bolded and large. The idea is to make the mistake obvious.
3.- Once all values are checked, it concatenates all results, with some extras to make sense.
This last part is what it returns.
function p.Thought(valores)
local valores_buscados={}
for i, j in ipairs(valores) do
local vx = valores[i]
local vy = ""
if tonumber(vx) then -- A number.
vy = tonumber(vx)<0 and '<b><font color="firebrick">'..vx.."</font></b>" or tonumber(vx)>0 and '<b><font color="forestgreen">'..vx.."</font></b>" or '<b>0</b>'
vy='<big><b>'..vx.."</b></big>" --The idea is to prevent a hard to track error
local ret = table.remove(vals, 1)
return "<b>"..table.concat(valores_buscados,"<b>/</b>").."</b> "..table.concat(middle_string,"")..table.concat(final_string,"")
for _, val in ipairs(vals) do
ret = func(ret, val)
return ret, count
function p.test(frame)
parent=frame:getParent()--equal to frame.getParent(frame)
return parent.args
function p.hello()
The "stacks" function return a string for the case that only 1 value was defined.
    return 'Hola'
1.  If a stack value was defined:
1.1 Is stack equal to 1
1.2 Any other case.
aname=string.match("Blood Filtration Limit",' %(.*)% ')
2. If a stack was not defined, then check the multiplier
2.1 If the multiplier is equal or above one
2.2 If the multiplier is below 1.
return p
Finally, some final code to decide what color to use.
1. Green (forestgreen) for positive.
2. None for 0.
3. Red (firebrick) for negatives.
Fold arguments by selectively choosing values (func should return when to choose the current "dominant" value).
The retuned value is rounded half-down. (Meaning 0.5 -> 0 )
string.format("%.2f", number))
To combat that, I add 0.001 to the number calculated. It should be enough.
local function binary_fold(func, ...)
local value = fold((function(a, b) if func(a, b) then return a else return b end end), ...)
return value
Quality={ Quality_general, Quality_building, Quality_Apparel, Quality_Weapons }
--{ Beauty, Market Value, Max Increment, Deterioration Rate, Psychic Sensitivity }
awful={ -0.1, 0.50, 0, 2.00, 0.5 },
poor={ 0.5, 0.75, 0, 1.50, 0.66 },
normal={ 1.0, 1.00, 0, 1.00, 0.83 },
good={ 2.0, 1.25, 500, 0.80, 1.00 },
excellent={ 3.0, 1.5, 1000, 0.60, 1.16 },
masterwork={ 5.0, 2.5, 2000, 0.30, 1.32 },
legendary={ 8.0, 5, 3000, 0.10, 1.50 }
function p.stacks(stack, multi, value)
--{ Comfort, Rest Effectiveness, Surgery Success, Recreation Power, Meditation Psyfocus+, Meditation Psyfocus+ }
local text=""
awful={ 0.76, 0.86, 0.90, 0.76, 0.12, 0 },
if stack then
poor={ 0.88, 0.92, 0.95, 0.88, 0.16, 0 },
if multi == 1 then
normal={ 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.20, 0.01 },
if stack ~= 1 then
good={ 1.12, 1.08, 1.05, 1.12, 0.22, 0.01 },
text = "Stacking "..stack.." times for a maximum of "..tostring(value*stack)
excellent={ 1.24, 1.14, 1.10, 1.24, 0.24, 0.01 },
masterwork={ 1.45, 1.25, 1.15, 1.40, 0.26, 0.02 },
legendary={ 1.70, 1.60, 1.30, 1.80, 0.28, 0.02 }
text = "Stacking "..stack.." times with a "..multi.." multiplier for maximum of "..string.format("%.2f", value*( 1 - multi^stack)/(1 - multi) + 0.001)
--{ Protection, Insulation, Smokepop Pack Radius, Shield Max Energy, Shield Recharge Rate, Jump Range }
awful={ 0.60, 0.80, 0.84, 0.60, 0.90, 0.75 },
poor={ 0.80, 0.90, 0.92, 0.80, 0.95, 0.90 },
normal={ 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 },
good={ 1.15, 1.10, 1.08, 1.20, 1.05, 1.06 },
excellent={ 1.30, 1.20, 1.16, 1.40, 1.10, 1.13 },
masterwork={ 1.45, 1.50, 1.30, 1.70, 1.20, 1.19 },
legendary={ 1.80, 1.80, 1.50, 2.10, 1.30, 1.25 }
--{ Melee Damage, Melee AP, Ranged Accuracy, Ranged Damage, Ranged AP }
awful={ 0.80, 0.80, 0.80, 0.9, 0.90 },
poor={ 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 1, 1 },
normal={ 1.00, 1.00, 1, 1, 1 },
good={ 1.10, 1.10, 1.1, 1, 1 },
excellent={ 1.20, 1.20, 1.2, 1, 1 },
masterwork={ 1.45, 1.45, 1.35, 1.25, 1.25 },
legendary={ 1.65, 1.65, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5 }
--Stat Factors Table Row
function wrap.TableRow(args)
return p._TableRow(unpackNumberArgs(args))
function p._TableRow(skillBase, skillBonus, statMin, statMax, capImportance, capLimit, resultCols, LV, Ln)
local argumentos={skillBase,skillBonus,statMin,statMax,capImportance,capLimit,resultCols,LV,Ln}
for i = 1,8 do --This should prevent errors if a number is not defined.
if type(argumentos[i])~='number' then
-- Do note that statMin, statMax are handled by "Template:Stat Factors Table".
-- While I could set fallbacks, I decided against it.
if tonumber(Ln)==nil then --Sanitizes input and allows for 0.
factor = skillBase + skillBonus * LV
factor = Ln
if multi >= 1 then --I want to avoid the case of really large numbers.
text = "Stacking infinitely"
text = "Stacking with a "..multi.." multiplier for maximum of "..string.format("%.2f", value*( 1 - multi^100)/(1 - multi) + 0.001)
local Pval = math.min(math.max(factor,statMin),statMax)
if tonumber(value)>0 then
R_Pval = tostring(math.floor(Pval*10000+0.5)/100).."%" -- This formats the number as a 2 digit percent value, rounded up.
return '<abbr title="'..text..'"><b><font color="forestgreen">'..value..'</font></b></abbr> '
if tonumber(resultCols)>1 then
elseif tonumber(value) == 0 then
Pval = factor * ( 1 + capImportance * math.min(capLimit-1, 0.25))
return '<abbr title="'..text..'"><b>'..value..'</b></abbr> '
Pval = math.min(math.max(Pval,statMin),statMax)
R_Sval="<td>"..tostring(math.floor(Pval*10000+0.5)/100).."% </td>"
return '<abbr title="'..text..'"><b><font color="firebrick">'..value..'</font></b></abbr> '
if tonumber(resultCols)>2 then
Pval = factor * ( 1 + capImportance * math.min(capLimit-1, 0.5))
Pval = math.min(math.max(Pval,statMin),statMax)
R_Tval="<td>"..tostring(math.floor(Pval*10000+0.5)/100).."% </td>"
return "|-\r\n!"..LV.."\r\n|"..R_Pval..R_Sval..R_Tval
-- There are more efficient ways, but this works.
function Melee_HCC(frame)
local baseScore=frame.args[1]
local a = math.floor(baseScore/10)
return frame
--[[ if a < -2 then
return 0.05 --0.05
if a == -2 then
return (baseScore + 20) * 0.005 + 0.05 -- 0.05 / 0.1
if a == -1 then
return (baseScore + 10) * 0.04 + 0.1 -- 0.1 / 0.5
if a == 0 then
return baseScore * 0.03 + 0.5 -- 0.5 / 0.8
if a == 1 then
return (baseScore - 10)* 0.01 + 0.8 -- 0.8 / 0.9
if a<=3 then -- 2 and 3
return (baseScore - 20) * 0.003 + 0.9 --0.9 / 0.96
if a<=5 then -- 4 and 5
return (baseScore - 40) * 0.001 + 0.96 -- 0.96/ 0.98
return 0.98
--This last part outputs the actual result. W/O it, it gives an error.
--Inspired by some fandom site.
return p
--[[function spliting(frame)
local texto = frame.args[1]
local sep = frame.args[2]
local N = frame.args[3]
sep = sep or "%s"
local A = {}
for str in string.gmatch(texto, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do
table.insert(A, str)
N=N or 0
return A[N]
--[[ Taken from some fandom site
local text = "And if you tolerate this"
local tab = mw.text.split( text, " ")
Wrapper function that does basic argument processing. This ensures that all functions from #invoke can use either the current
frame or the parent frame, and it also trims whitespace for all arguments and removes blank arguments.
--[[ Comented out to test some things.
local mt = { __index = function(t, k)
return function(frame)
if not getArgs then
getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
return wrap[k](getArgs(frame))  -- Argument processing is left to Module:Arguments. Whitespace is trimmed and blank arguments are removed.
end }
return setmetatable(p, mt)

Revision as of 17:56, 17 August 2024

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This is a doc attached to my sandbox. I'll use it to see the effects of my changes W/o messing something important

NOTE: LUA is usually slower than ParserFunctions for short statements. The factor varies from 7-1 to 2-1.
Lua only is an advantage to long statements, nested logic, loops (maybe others case i don't see right now).

expr only uses 1 Preprocessor visited node count, in general. Variables may change that.

function p._TableRow(skillBase, skillBonus, statMin, statMax, capImportance, capLimit, resultCols, LV, Ln)

This module implements the functions of Template:Thought

local p = {}
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs

--[[ The template argument goes to "main" 
Only this funcion will work when invoked. This is case sensitive.
What it does is obtain the data from the wiki to a fomrat readable by other functions]]

function p.main(frame)
	local args = getArgs(frame)
	local desc = tostring(args["desc"])
	local label = tostring(args["label"])
	local duration = tonumber(args["duration"])
	local stack = tonumber(args["stack"])
	local multi = tonumber(args["multi"]) or 1
--[[ The advantage of adding values to an empty list rather than defining a list
	with the correct values is that no nil values will get into the list this way.
	This means that values don't have to be consecutive.
	EX: value9 is valid w/o defining value2 to value8.
	local valores = {}
	if tonumber(args["value"]) then
		return p._main(desc, label, duration, stack, multi, valores)
			return "<big><b>Missing value. Please, define a numerical value to use.</b></big>"

_main function decides the kind of thought this will be and returns the final output
If the are several defines values, then it uses the Thought function
If only value is defined, then:
	- If both stack and the multiplier "multi" are 1, it gives a result early.
		multi defaults to 1 when not defined (or invalid)
	- Otherwise, it calls the stacks function.

function p._main(desc, label, duration, stack, multi, valores)
	local final_string = duration and {duration, " [[mood]] for ", duration, " [[Time|days]]" } or {" [[mood]]"}
	local middle_string = {'<abbr title="', desc, '"><i>', (label:gsub("^%l", string.upper)), '</i></abbr>' }
	-- "valores" is a list of all values given to the function.
	-- This checks if a second value exist
	if valores[2] then
		return p.Thought(valores) --..middle_string..final_string
	else --Only initial value defined
		if stack==1 and multi==1 then
			local value = valores[1]
			if tonumber(value)>0 then
				return '<b><font color="forestgreen">'..value..'</font></b> '..middle_string..final_string
			elseif tonumber(value) == 0 then
				return '<b>'..value..'</b> '..middle_string..final_string
				return '<b><font color="firebrick">'..value..'</font></b> '..middle_string..final_string
		return p.stacks(stack, multi, valores[1])..middle_string..final_string

The "Thought" function returns a string if more than 1 value was defined.
It iterates through all the values defined (contained on the list "valores") 
For each element:
1.- If it is a valid number, then it valuates what kind of number it is.
1.2.- If it is, it then decides what color it need. Currently, it returns:
	Green for positive, Red for negative, None for 0.
2.- It it is not a valid number, it returns the value bolded and large. The idea is to make the mistake obvious.
3.- Once all values are checked, it concatenates all results, with some extras to make sense.
This last part is what it returns.

function p.Thought(valores)
	local valores_buscados={}
	for i, j in ipairs(valores) do
		local vx = valores[i]
		local vy = ""
		if tonumber(vx) then -- A number.
			vy = tonumber(vx)<0 and '<b><font color="firebrick">'..vx.."</font></b>" or tonumber(vx)>0 and '<b><font color="forestgreen">'..vx.."</font></b>" or '<b>0</b>'
			vy='<big><b>'..vx.."</b></big>" --The idea is to prevent a hard to track error
	return "<b>"..table.concat(valores_buscados,"<b>/</b>").."</b> "..table.concat(middle_string,"")..table.concat(final_string,"")

The "stacks" function return a string for the case that only 1 value was defined.
1.  If a stack value was defined:
1.1 Is stack equal to 1
1.2 Any other case.
2.  If a stack was not defined, then check the multiplier
2.1 If the multiplier is equal or above one
2.2 If the multiplier is below 1.

Finally, some final code to decide what color to use.
1. Green (forestgreen) for positive.
2. None for 0.
3. Red (firebrick) for negatives.
The retuned value is rounded half-down. (Meaning 0.5 -> 0 )
	string.format("%.2f", number))
To combat that, I add 0.001 to the number calculated. It should be enough.

function p.stacks(stack, multi, value)
	local text=""
	if stack then
		if multi == 1 then
			if stack ~= 1 then 
				text = "Stacking "..stack.." times for a maximum of "..tostring(value*stack)
			text = "Stacking "..stack.." times with a "..multi.." multiplier for maximum of "..string.format("%.2f", value*( 1 - multi^stack)/(1 - multi) + 0.001)
		if multi >= 1 then --I want to avoid the case of really large numbers.
			text = "Stacking infinitely"
			text = "Stacking with a "..multi.." multiplier for maximum of "..string.format("%.2f", value*( 1 - multi^100)/(1 - multi) + 0.001)

	if tonumber(value)>0 then
		return '<abbr title="'..text..'"><b><font color="forestgreen">'..value..'</font></b></abbr> '
	elseif tonumber(value) == 0 then
		return '<abbr title="'..text..'"><b>'..value..'</b></abbr> '
		return '<abbr title="'..text..'"><b><font color="firebrick">'..value..'</font></b></abbr> '

--This last part outputs the actual result. W/O it, it gives an error.
return p