Difference between revisions of "Stat/Core Basics General"

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(Core Stats_Basics_General)
m (Default Base value Inaccuracy)
Line 12: Line 12:
| Basics-Non-Pawn-Important
| Basics-Non-Pawn-Important
* '''Default Base Value:''' {{%|100}}
* '''Default Base Value:''' 100% <!-- for some reason the xml has this set as 100, instead of the usual 0~1 -->
* '''Min Value:''' {{%|1}}
* '''Min Value:''' {{%|1}}
* '''Round Value:''' {{Good|true}}
* '''Round Value:''' {{Good|true}}

Revision as of 18:09, 4 September 2024


Label For Full Stat List
Offset Label
Description Category Parameters Complex
  • defName: MaxHitPoints
  • label: max hit points
The maximum hit points of an object.

This represents how much damage it can take before being destroyed.
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 100%
  • Round Value: true
  • To String Style: Integer
  • Round To Five Over: 200
  • Show Non Abstract: true
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Show On Pawns: false
- 99997
  • defName: Mass
  • label: mass
The physical mass of an object. Basics
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: FloatTwoOrThree
  • Format String: {0} kg
  • Minified Thing Inherits: true
  • Show On Unhaulables: false
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_BodySize
    • StatPart_NaturalNotMissingBodyPartsCoverage
    • StatPart_GearAndInventoryMass
    • StatPart_UnfinishedThingIngredientsMass
    • StatPart_AddedBodyPartsMass
  • defName: MarketValue
  • label: market value
The market value of an object.

The actual trade price will be adjusted by negotiation skill, relationship status, and other contextual factors.
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_MarketValue
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: Money
  • Round To Five Over: 200
  • Minified Thing Inherits: true
  • Show On Untradeables: false
  • Scenario Randomizable: true


  • StatPart_Quality:
    • Factor Awful: 50%
    • Factor Poor: 75%
    • Factor Normal: 100%
    • Factor Good: 125%
    • Max Gain Good: +500
    • Factor Excellent: 150%
    • Max Gain Excellent: +1000
    • Factor Masterwork: 250%
    • Max Gain Masterwork: +2000
    • Factor Legendary: 500%
    • Max Gain Legendary: +3000
  • StatPart_WornByCorpse
  • StatPart_IsCorpseFresh
  • StatPart_WeaponTraitsMarketValueOffset
  • StatPart_Biocoded
  • StatPart_ReloadMarketValue
  • StatPart_GenesContent added by the Biotech DLC
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Health:
      • Curve:
        • Points:
          • (0.0, 0.0)
          • (0.5, 0.1)
          • (0.6, 0.5)
          • (0.9, 1.0)
    • StatPart_AgeContent added by the Biotech DLC:
      • Use Biological Years: true
      • Humanlike Only: true
      • Curve:
        • Points:
          • (3,0.5)
          • (13,0.9)
          • (18,1)
  • defName: MarketValueIgnoreHp
  • label: market value ignoring hitpoints
- Basics-Important
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_MarketValue
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: Money
  • Round To Five Over: 200
  • Minified Thing Inherits: true
  • Show On Untradeables: false
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Always Hide: true


  • StatPart_Quality:
    • Factor Awful: 50%
    • Factor Poor: 75%
    • Factor Normal: 100%
    • Factor Good: 125%
    • Max Gain Good: +500
    • Factor Excellent: 150%
    • Max Gain Excellent: +1000
    • Factor Masterwork: 250%
    • Max Gain Masterwork: +2000
    • Factor Legendary: 500%
    • Max Gain Legendary: +3000
  • StatPart_WornByCorpse
  • StatPart_IsCorpseFresh
  • StatPart_WeaponTraitsMarketValueOffset
  • StatPart_Biocoded
  • StatPart_ReloadMarketValue
  • StatPart_GenesContent added by the Biotech DLC
  • defName: SellPriceFactor
  • label: sell price multiplier
A multiplier on the price at which you can sell items. Basics-Non-Pawn
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show On Untradeables: false
- 2509
  • defName: RoyalFavorValue
  • label: honor value
The amount of honor your trader will earn for giving this to a tribute collector. Basics-Important
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: FloatMaxThree
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Show If Mods Loaded:
    • Royalty Content added by the Royalty DLC
- 2508
  • defName: Flammability
  • label: flammability
How easily an object catches fire and how quickly a fire will grow as it burns. Basics
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Max Value: 2
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Minified Thing Inherits: true
- 3000
  • defName: WorkToMake
  • label: work to make
The base amount of work it takes to make an item, once all materials are gathered. Basics-Non-Pawn
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: WorkAmount
  • Round To Five Over: 300
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
- 3100
  • defName: DeteriorationRate
  • label: deterioration rate
The rate at which this item deteriorates when left outside, in average hit points per day.

Deterioration rate is also affected by things like weather, roofs, toxic fallout, or being left in shallow water.
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: FloatTwo
  • Format String: {0} / day
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Quality:
      • Factor Awful: 200%
      • Factor Poor: 150%
      • Factor Normal: 100%
      • Factor Good: 80%
      • Factor Excellent: 60%
      • Factor Masterwork: 30%
      • Factor Legendary: 10%
    • StatPart_EnvironmentalEffects:
      • Factor Offset Unroofed: +50%
      • Factor Offset Outdoors: +50%
      • Protected By Edifice Factor: 0%
    • StatPart_PollutionContent added by the Biotech DLC:
      • Multiplier: 150%
    • StatPart_NoxiousHazeContent added by the Biotech DLC:
      • Multiplier: 300%
    • StatPart_ToxicFallout:
      • Multiplier: 300%
    • StatPart_NearHarbingerTreeContent added by the Anomaly DLC:
      • Multiplier: 200%
    • StatPart_ShamblerCorpseContent added by the Anomaly DLC:
      • Multiplier: 500%
  • defName: Beauty
  • label: beauty
How enjoyable an object is to look at.

Beautiful objects fulfill characters' need for beauty.
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: -100000%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • Round Value: true
  • To String Style: Integer
  • Round To Five Over: 100
  • Apply Factors If Negative: false
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Quality:
      • Factor Awful: −10%
      • Factor Poor: 50%
      • Factor Normal: 100%
      • Factor Good: 200%
      • Factor Excellent: 300%
      • Factor Masterwork: 500%
      • Factor Legendary: 800%
    • StatPart_ContentsBeauty
  • defName: BeautyOutdoors
  • label: outdoor beauty
How enjoyable something is to look at if it's outside.

Beautiful objects fulfill peoples' need for beauty.
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: -100000%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • Round Value: true
  • To String Style: Integer
  • Round To Five Over: 100
  • Apply Factors If Negative: false
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Quality:
      • Factor Awful: −10%
      • Factor Poor: 50%
      • Factor Normal: 100%
      • Factor Good: 200%
      • Factor Excellent: 300%
      • Factor Masterwork: 500%
      • Factor Legendary: 800%
    • StatPart_ContentsBeauty
  • defName: Cleanliness
  • label: cleanliness
How much an object contributes to an area's cleanliness score. Basics-Non-Pawn
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Max Value: 1000
  • Min Value: -100000%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • To String Style: FloatOne
  • Apply Factors If Negative: false
- 3000
  • defName: Comfort
  • label: comfort
How comfortable an object is to sit or lay on.

Using comfortable objects fulfills a character's need for comfort.
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Max Value: 1000
  • Min Value: -100000%
  • To String Style: FloatTwo
  • Apply Factors If Negative: false
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Quality:
      • Factor Awful: 76%
      • Factor Poor: 88%
      • Factor Normal: 100%
      • Factor Good: 112%
      • Factor Excellent: 124%
      • Factor Masterwork: 145%
      • Factor Legendary: 170%
  • defName: Nutrition
  • label: nutrition
How nutritious this food is. Basics-Non-Pawn-Important
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • To String Style: FloatTwo
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_BodySize
    • StatPart_NaturalNotMissingBodyPartsCoverage
    • StatPart_PlantGrowthNutritionFactor
    • StatPart_IsFlesh
    • StatPart_IsCorpseFresh
  • defName: FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman
  • label: food poison chance
  • labelForFullStatList: food poison chance (food stat)
The chance this food will cause food poisoning. Basics-Non-Pawn
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_MaxChanceIfRotting
  • defName: ShootingAccuracyTurret
  • label: shooting accuracy
  • labelForFullStatList: shooting accuracy (turrets)
Base chance to not miss per cell of shot distance.

Chance to hit is also affected by many other factors. A hit chance explanation for any shot can be seen by selecting a shooter and mousing over a target.
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_ShootingAccuracy
  • Default Base Value: 96%
  • To String Style: PercentOne
  • To String Style Unfinalized: FloatOne
  • Show If Undefined: false
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