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#REDIRECT [[Drugs]]
| always haulable = true
| def name =
| description =
| draw gui overlay = true
| graphic class = Graphic_StackCount
| graphic path = Things/Thing/Drug/Luciferium
| label = {{{Name|{{PAGENAME}}}}}
| parent name =
| path cost = 15
| resource readout priority = Last
| rotatable = false
| selectable = true
| social properness matters = true
| stack limit = 400
| thing class = Drugs
| ticker type =
| food preference = NeverForFood
| is pleasure drug =
| max num to ingest at once =
| nutrition base = 0
| sound eat =
| taste =
| preferability = 
| tech level = 
| work to make base = 10
| use hit points = true
| max hit points base = 50
| joy base = 0.40
| joy kind = Chemical
| deterioration rate base = 2
| flammability base = 1.0
| market value base = 100
| addictiviness base = 1.0
| Hunger  factor =
| Hunger offset =
| Rest factor = 0.4
| Rest offset =
| Global work speed offset =
| Pain factor =  0.8
| Pain offset =
| Consciousness factor = 
| Consciousness offset = .25
| Sight factor = 
| Sight offset = 0.2
| Hearing factor = 
| Hearing offset = 0.2
| Moving factor = 
| Moving offset = .25
| Manipulation factor = 
| Manipulation offset =
| Talking factor = 
| Talking offset =
| Breathing factor = 
| Breathing offset = 0.1
| Blood Filtration factor = 
| Blood Filtration offset = 0.7
| Blood Pumping factor = 
| Blood Pumping offset = 0.15
| Metabolism factor = 
| Metabolism offset = 0.2
{{Info|A concoction of advanced glitterworld mechanites that dramatically improve the body's functioning in all respects. Unfortunately, without the moderating effects of regular doses every five or six days, the mechanites lose cohesion, causing continuous berserk rages and, eventually, death.
After the first dose, there is no way to get the mechanites out, ever.
On the urbworlds, they call Luciferium the 'Devil's Bargain'. Many have been forced to kill friends when no more of the seductive red pills could be found.

Revision as of 00:21, 3 September 2016


Luciferium a.png

A concoction of mechanites that dramatically improve the body's functioning in all respects. Over time, it can even heal old scarred-over wounds or brain damage, though it cannot regenerate lost limbs. Unfortunately, without the moderating effects of regular doses every five or six days, the mechanites lose cohesion, causing continuous berserk rages and, eventually, death.
After the first dose, there is no way to get the mechanites out, ever.
On the urbworlds, they call Luciferium the 'Devil's Bargain'. Many have been forced to kill friends when no more of the seductive red pills could be found.

DrugMedical Drug
Stack Limit

Base Stats

Deterioration Rate
Market Value
Max Hit Points
... further results

Stat Modifiers

... further results

A concoction of advanced glitterworld mechanites that dramatically improve the body's functioning in all respects. Unfortunately, without the moderating effects of regular doses every five or six days, the mechanites lose cohesion, causing continuous berserk rages and, eventually, death.

After the first dose, there is no way to get the mechanites out, ever.

On the urbworlds, they call Luciferium the 'Devil's Bargain'. Many have been forced to kill friends when no more of the seductive red pills could be found.