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Naturally generated surfaces

Type Move Speed
Fertility Terrain
Diggable Terrain
Beauty Cleanliness Filth masks Dries To Others Path cost perceived path costs vs path costs
Broken asphalt 100% 0% Heavy Ex.png - -1 2 Unnatural - Road 0
Packed dirt 100% 0% Heavy Check.png Soil -1 -1 Unnatural - Road 1 Generates Filth_Dirt
Chest-deep moving water 22% 0% Bridgeable Ex.png - 0 0 None - water[1] 0
Deep ocean water 0% 0% None Ex.png - 0 0 None - water, ocean 300 Impassable
Deep water 0% 0% None Ex.png - 0 0 None - water 300 Impassable
Shallow ocean water 30% 0% ShallowWater, Bridgeable Ex.png - 0 0 None Gravel water, ocean 30
Shallow moving water 30% 0% ShallowWater, Bridgeable, MovingFluid Ex.png - 0 0 None - water, River 30
Shallow water 30% 0% ShallowWater, Bridgeable Ex.png - 0 0 None Gravel water 30
Marsh 30% 0% ShallowWater, Bridgeable Ex.png - -3/0 -2 None Soil 30 Generates Filth_Dirt, extinguishes Fire, MudInEyes.
Soil 87% 100% Heavy, GrowSoil Check.png Soil -3/0 -1 Unnatural - Soil 2 Generates Filth_Dirt, DirtInEyes, Soil
Lichen-covered soil 81% 100% Heavy, GrowSoil Check.png Soil -3/0 -1 Unnatural - Soil 3 Generates Filth_Dirt, DirtInEyes, Soil
Marshy soil 46% 100% Light, GrowSoil, Bridgeable Check.png Soil -3/0 -2 Unnatural Soil Soil 2 Generates Filth_Dirt, DirtInEyes, Soil
Rich soil 87% 140% Heavy, GrowSoil, Bridgeable Check.png Soil -3/0 -1 Unnatural Soil Soil 2 Generates Filth_Dirt, DirtInEyes, Soil
Stony soil 87% 70% Heavy, GrowSoil, Bridgeable Check.png ? -3/0 -1 Unnatural - Soil 2 Generates Filth_Dirt, GravelInEyes, Soil
Sand 76% 10% Heavy Check.png Sand -3/0 -1 Unnatural Sand - 4 Generates Filth_Sand, SandInEyes
Soft sand 52% 0% Light Check.png Sand -3/0 -1 Unnatural Sand Sand 14 Generates Filth_Sand, SandInEyes
Mud 52% 0% Bridgeable Ex.png Soil -3/0 -2 Unnatural Soil - 14 Generates Filth_Dirt, MudInEyes
Ice 52% 0% Heavy Check.png - -3/0 0 Unnatural - - 14 Generates Filth_Dirt
Polluted soil 87% 50% Heavy Soil
Rough stone 87% 0% Heavy Stone
Rough-hewn stone 93% 0% Heavy Stone
Smooth stone 100% 0% Heavy Stone
  1. All water tiles triple the deterioration rate and extinguishes Fire. WaterInEyes