Color produces a small colored square using a provided set of RGB or optional RGBA values.
255, 255, 255: #FFFFFF; White
255, 0, 0: #FF0000; Red
(255, 0, 0)0, 255, 0: #00FF00; Green
(0, 255, 0)0, 0, 255: #0000FF; Blue
(0, 0, 255)255, 255, 0: #FFFF00; Yellow
(255, 255, 0)0, 255, 255: #00FFFF; Cyan
(0, 255, 255)255, 0, 255: #FF00FF; Magenta
(255, 0, 255)0, 0, 0: #000000; Black
(0, 0, 0)Alpha
The alpha channel can be appended as a 4th value to control opacity. This can be represented as a percentage (0% - 100%), or value ranging from 0 - 1. If no alpha is provided, it defaults to 100%.
160, 178, 181, 25%
{{Color|rgba=160, 178, 181, 25%}}
(160, 178, 181, 75%)
{{Color|rgba=(160, 178, 181, 75%)}}
( 160, 178, 181, 100% )
{{Color|rgba=( 160, 178, 181, 100% )}}
( 160, 178, 181, 0.5 )
{{Color|rgba=( 160, 178, 181, 0.5 )}}
( 160, 178, 181, 0.75 )
{{Color|rgba=( 160, 178, 181, 0.75 )}}
Optional parameters
Optional parameters include toggling the text color code, border, and resizing the square.
{{Color|rgb=160,178,181|text=false}}(160, 178, 181)
Alternate usage
The format in which these values can be inputted is quite flexible:
- Individual parameters:
- Comma separated list of values assigned to value rgb:
- Comma and space separated list:
{{Color|rgb=r, g, b}}
- Comma and space separated list inside of parentheses:
{{Color|rgb=(r, g, b)}}
Here is some text. It is in English.
Things made of plasteel will use the color
. This color is blue.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
160, 178, 181
(160, 178, 181)
( 160, 178, 181 )
Invalid Inputs
Not within 0-255 rgb range:
{{Color|text=false|256,256,256}}(256,256,256, 255, 255)
Color name: red
Hexidecimal color code: #ffeeaa