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< User:TheDelver
Revision as of 02:25, 14 July 2014 by TheDelver (talk | contribs) (Test: def tags compilation)
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Tag biome/ concept/ damageType/ designation/ designationCategory/ effecter/ faction/ hair/ historyAutoRecorder/ historyAutoRecorderGroup/ incident/ job/ mapCondition/ mapGenerator/ nameMaker/ pawnKind/ pawnOutfit/ recipe/ researchProject/ roof/ scatterable/ skill/ skillNeed/ sound/ specialThingFilter/ storyteller/ terrain/ thing/Attachment thing/Building thing/Ethereal thing/Filth thing/Item thing/Pawn thing/Plant thing/Projectile thingCategory/ thinkTree/ thought/ traderKind/ trait/ weather/ workGiver/ workType/
acceptTerrainSourceFilth X
accuracyLong X
accuracyMedium X
accuracyMultiplier X
accuracyShort X
accuracyTouch X
activePredicate X
aiAvoidCover X
ai_IsBuildingDestroyer X
ai_IsIncendiary X
airTicks X
allowances X
altitude X
altitudeLayer X X X X X X X X
alwaysHaulable X
alwaysShowCount X
alwaysShowWeapon X
alwaysStartActive X
ambientSoundNames X
amountMax X
amountMin X
ampHigh X
ampLow X
ampMid X
animalDensity X
apparel X
apparelTags X
averageInterval X
backstoryCategory X X
baseFactor X
baseFearEffect X
baseHeight X X X X
baseMaterialType X X X X X X
baseMoodEffect X
basePowerConsumption X
basePrice X
baseSetup X
baseWidth X X X X
basewidth X
battleWound X
beauty X X X X X X X
bed_HealTickInterval X
bed_RestEffectiveness X
bed_ShowSleeperBody X
bed_graphicPath_forPrisoner X
biome X X
biomeDef X
blockLight X
blueprintClass X
blueprintTexturePath X
bodySize X
bonusFactor X
building X
buildingTags X
burstCount X
burstShotCount X
canBeSpawningInventory X
canFilthAttach X
canFlee X
canInterruptOnDamage X
canMakeRandomly X
canMiss X
canPlaceOverImpassablePlant X
canSiege X
canStageAttacks X
canTargetBuildings X
canTargetLocations X
canTargetPawns X
castEdgeShadows X
categories X X
category X X X X X X X X
challengeScale X
chance X
chancePerTick X
children X
choiceChance X
chunkSize X
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clearSpaceSize X
clipFolderPath X
clipPath X
collapseLeavingThingDef X
colorGenerator X
combatTargetBuilding X
commodityDefs X
commonalities X
commonality X X X
compClass X X
comps X X
conceptDef X
constructionAnimation X X
constructionEffect X X
cooldownTicks X
costList X X
count X X X X X
countPer10kCellsRange X
countRange X
coversFloor X
curve X
cutoffFrequency X
damageAbsorption X
damageAmountBase X
damageDef X
damageTypeDef X
deathActionType X
deathMessage X
decayHFRatio X
decayTime X
def X
defName X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
defaultFactionType X
defaultIngredientFilter X
defaultPlantToGrow X
defaultStorageSettings X
defaultValue X
density X
description X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
designateHaulable X
designationCategory X X
designationCategoryDef X
designationDef X
designationHotKey X
desiredPopulationCritical X
desiredPopulationMax X
desiredPopulationMin X
destroyOnDrop X
destroyable X
diet X
diffusion X
distRange X
drawGUIOverlay X X X
drawMat X
drawerType X X X X X
driverClass X
dropPriceModifier X
dryLevel X
duration X
durationRange X
dutyNodes X
eType X X X X X X X X X
eatEffect X
eatenDirectThought X
edgeType X
effect X
effecterDef X
efficiency X
efficiencySkillNeed X
emergency X
equipmentType X
eventClass X
eventMakers X
eventNames X
exceptedCategories X
exceptedThingDefs X X
explosionDelay X
explosionRadius X
explosionSpawnChance X
explosiveDamageType X X
explosiveRadius X X
externalViolence X
extraNoBuildEdgeDist X
factionDef X
factionNameMaker X
factorsPerLevel X
favorability X X
fertility X X
fertilityFactorGrowthRate X
fertilityFactorPlantChance X
fertilityMin X
fillInFiles X
fillPercent X X X
filter X
filterProperty X
filters X
filth X
filthLeavings X X
fireSound X
fixedIngredientFilter X
fixedName X
fixedScale X
fixedStorageSettings X
flammability X X X X
flyOverhead X
food X X
foodCostPerDispense X
forcedMissRadius X
forcedPlaceOffsets X
friendly_BigThreatChance X
friendly_MinTicksBetweenBigThreats X
friendly_UnfavorableEventSkipChance X
genstep X
gensteps X
gerund X
gerundLabel X
giverClass X
glowColor X
glowRadius X
grains X
graphColor X
graphLabelY X
graphicPath X X X
gridName X
groupSizeRange X
growMinGlow X
growthPer20kTicks X
hairDef X
hairGender X
hairTags X X
harmsHealth X
harvestDestroys X
harvestFinishSound X
harvestMinGrowth X
harvestTag X
harvestWork X
harvestYieldRange X
harvestedThingDef X
harvestingSound X
hasForcefulImpact X
hasInteractionSquare X
hasStandardCommand X
hasStory X
hasTooltip X
helpTextKeys X
hfReference X
hidden X
highlightTag X
highpassResonaceQ X
historyAutoRecorderDef X
historyAutoRecorderDefs X
historyAutoRecorderGroupDef X
holdsRoof X
humanoid X
humanoidFaction X
hungerThreshold X
ignoreNeedsPower X
inParam X
inParamName X
incapChanceMultiplier X
incidentDef X
incidentMakerClass X
ingredients X
insertTag X
inspectorTabs X X
interactionSquareOffset X
interruptJobs X
inventoryOptions X
isAutoAttackableWorldObject X
isFighter X
isFlesh X
isGun X
isThickRoof X
itemDef X
itemSurface X
jobDef X
jobMaxDuration X
jobString X
key X
keyString X
killedLeavings X X
kinds X
label X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
layers X
leaveResourcesWhenKilled X
leaveTerrain X
lfReference X
li X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
lifeSpan X
linkDrawerType X
linkFlags X
listOrder X
loc X
lowpassResonaceQ X
makesBlood X
mapConditionDef X
mapGeneratorDef X
max X X X X X X X X X
maxDistFromPoint X
maxDistToSquadFlag X
maxGridVal X
maxHealth X X X X
maxMeshCount X
maxSimultaneous X
maxSize X
maxVoices X
meatAmountMultiplier X
meleeDamage X
meleeMode X
menuHidden X
min X X X X X X X X X
minDistToPlayerStart X
minFoodQuality X
minIntervalBigThreats X
minLevel X
minRange X
minRefireDays X
minSize X
minSpacing X
minThreatPoints X
mineable X
mineableDropChance X
mineableNonMinedEfficiency X
mineableSoundMined X
mineableThing X
mineableYield X
moneyForWeapons X
moveDirection X
moveSpeed X
moveTicksAddonPct X
muteWhenPaused X
name X
nameCategory X
nameMakerDef X
naturalBuilding X
naturalColonyGoodwill X
naturalPriority X
needsOpportunity X
neverMultiSelect X X X X
neverOverlapFloors X
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nextThought X
noiseRadius X
noteTeaches X
nutrition X X
offset X
onCamera X
only X
onlyEmergencyWork X
opportunityDecays X
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order X
outParam X
outfits X
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overdraw X X X X X
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parentCategory X
passability X X X
patchSizeRange X
patchesPer10kCellsRange X
pathCost X X X X
patternFillers X
patterns X
pawnKindDef X
pawnLabel X X
pawnNameMaker X
pawnOutfitDef X
pawnsPlural X
perlinConfig X
pitchRange X
pitchType X
placementRestricters X
placingDraggableDimensions X
plant X
plantDensity X
plantsDestroyWithMe X
points X
pointsCost X
pointsScaleable X
populationEffect X
portraitLarge X
portraitTiny X
positionLerpFactor X
positionRadius X
possibleFadeSpans X
postExplosionSpawnThingDef X
prerequisites X
priority X X
priorityInType X
priorityMode X
products X
projectile X
projectileDef X
quality X X
quotation X
race X X
radiusInner X
radiusOuter X
raidCommonality X
rainRate X
random_AverageIncidentsPerDay X
random_LargeThreatWeight X
random_MaxBigThreatIntervalDays X
random_NoThreatWeight X
random_SmallThreatWeight X
randomizeRotationOnSpawn X
range X
recipeDef X
recipes X
recordTicksFrequency X
recruitDifficulty X
reflectionsDelay X
reflectionsLevel X
relevantSkills X
renderPrecedence X
repairEffect X
repeatMode X
repeatable X
reportInverse X
reportString X
requiredCountAtGameStart X
researchMods X
researchPrerequisite X X
researchProjectDef X
resourceCountPriority X
reverbDelay X
reverbLevel X
roofDef X X
room X
roomHF X
roomLF X
rotatable X X
rotationRate X
sanityState X
saveCompressible X X
saveKey X
scanCells X
scanThings X
scatterType X X
scatterableDef X
screenSaturation X
seedShootRadius X
selectable X X X X X
selectionWeight X X
sellsSlaves X
sellsWeapons X
shadow X
shedSizeRange X
shipPart X
shootsSeeds X
size X X
skill X X
skillDef X
skillGains X
skillLabel X
skillNeedDef X
skillRequirements X
skipChance X
sky X
skyColorsDay X
skyColorsDusk X
skyColorsNightEdge X
skyColorsNightMid X
slot X
soundAmbient X X
soundAngry X
soundBulletHit X X X
soundCall X
soundCallIntervalRange X
soundDeath X
soundDef X X
soundDispense X
soundDoorCloseManual X
soundDoorClosePowered X
soundDoorOpenManual X
soundDoorOpenPowered X
soundDrop X
soundEat X
soundExplode X
soundHitThickRoof X
soundImpactAnticipate X
soundInteract X
soundMeleeHitBuilding X
soundMeleeHitPawn X
soundMeleeMiss X
soundPowerOff X
soundPowerOn X
soundWounded X
sowRequireWalkableAdjacent X
sowWork X
sowableGround X
sowableHydroponic X
spawnGroups X
spawnLocType X
spawnedConceptLearnOpportunity X
specialAction X
specialDesignatorClasses X
specialDisplayRadius X
specialFiltersToAllow X X
specialFiltersToDisallow X
specialProducts X
specialThingFilterDef X
speechToGive X
speed X
spotMustBeStandable X
stackCountRange X
stackLimit X X
stackedEffectMultiplier X
standardBodyGraphicPath X
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startVelocity X
startingGoodwill X
startingItems X
staticSunShadowHeight X
storeCategories X
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storytellerDef X
subEffecterClass X
subNodes X
subOptionsChooseOne X
subSounds X
sunShadowInfo X X X X
supportsPlants X
surfaceNeeded X X
surfacesSupported X
sustain X
sustainAttack X
sustainIntervalRange X
sustainLoop X
sustainLoopDurationRange X
sustainRelease X
sustainStartSound X
sustainStopSound X
sustainerSoundDef X
tagToGive X
tags X
takeFootprints X
tallness X X X X
targetAcquireRadius X
targetDefName X
targetDefTypeName X
targetFieldName X
targetHitChanceFactor X
targetKeepRadius X
targetParams X
targetSetup X
targetType X
targetValInt X
techLevel X X
terrainDef X X
terrainFilthDef X
terrainSourced X
texName X
textureFolderPath X X X X
texturePath X X X X X X X
thingCategoryDef X
thingClass X X X X X X X X
thingDef X X X X X X X X X X X X X
thingDefs X X
thinkRoot X
thinkTree X
thinkTreeDef X
thoughtDef X
thoughtToGive X
threatCycleLength X
threatLevel X
thresholds X
tickerType X X X X X X X
ticksBeforeSpoil X
ticksBeforeSustainerStart X
ticksBetweenBurstShots X
ticksBetweenMotes X
timeType X
tooltipDesc X
topWindExposure X
totalCost X
traderKindDef X
tradersCarry X
tradesSlaves X
tradesWeapons X
traitDef X
transmitsPower X
treeDef X
turretBurstWarmupTicks X
turretGunDef X
turretTopTexturePath X
turretburstCooldownTicks X
uiIconPath X
useFixedScale X
useStandardHealth X X X X X X X X
value X
velocity X
verb X X X
verbClass X
visualSizeRange X
volumeRange X
walkSpeed X
wallLengthRange X
wanderRadius X
wantsHopperAdjacent X
warmupTicks X
warnOnFail X
weaponTags X X
weatherDef X
weight X X
wildBiomes X X
wildClusterSizeRange X
wildCommonality X
wildCommonalityMaxFraction X
wildSpawn_EcoSystemWeight X
wildSpawn_GroupSizeRange X
wildSpawn_SelectionWeight X
wildSpawn_spawnWild X
windIntensity X
workAmount X
workEffect X
workGiverDef X
workTableDef X
workTags X
workTimeSkillNeed X
workToBuild X X
workType X
workTypeDef X
workerClass X X X
worldObjectTargetsMustBeAutoAttackable X
x X
xp X
y X