AI Storytellers

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Revision as of 17:12, 14 August 2014 by HatesYourFace (talk | contribs)
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The AI storyteller creates events like pirate raids, resource drops, or animal attacks. Their choices will affect the story of your colony.

The gameplay of RimWorld is driven by AI (Artificial Intelligence) Storytellers. The AI Storyteller that you choose will make decisions about what events it wants you to encounter and when, based on the situation you are currently in and on the biases of that particular AI.

Choosing an AI is the first decision you make in RimWorld, and will have a great influence on the narrative that is formed as you play. Difficulty is now selected separately from Storyteller.

Current AI Storytellers

The storytellers that currently exist in the game are as follows.

Cassandra Classic

Cassandra creates story events on a steadily-increasing curve of challenge and tension.

Phoebe Basebuilder

Phoebe gives lots of time between disasters to relax and build your colony. But beware - if she's set at a high challenge scale, she'll hit as hard as anyone.

Randy Random

Randy doesn't follow rules. He'll generate random events, and he doesn't care if they make a story of triumph or utter hopelessness. It's all drama to him.

Challenge Scale

When the story teller sends threats after you, they will be a set percentage as large as in Challenge mode(The default difficulty).

Builder mode: 5%

Casual: 25%

Rough: 60%

Challenge: 100% (Default difficulty)

Serious challenge: 130%

Extreme challenge: 160%