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Revision as of 17:55, 26 February 2015 by Crystalline Cat (talk | contribs)
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{{{Accuracy (Close) base}}} {{{Accuracy (Long) base}}} {{{Accuracy (Medium) base}}} {{{Accuracy (Short) base}}} {{{Accuracy Factor (Close) base}}} {{{Accuracy Factor (Long) base}}} {{{Accuracy Factor (Medium) base}}} {{{Accuracy Factor (Short) base}}} {{{Activity Suppression Speed base}}} {{{Addictiveness base}}} {{{Aiming Time base}}} {{{Property:Always Hide base}}} {{{Animal Gather Speed base}}} {{{Animal Gather Yield base}}} {{{Animal Products Price Improvement base}}} {{{Animals Learning Factor base}}} {{{Property:Anomaly Knowledge base}}} {{{Armor - Blunt base}}} {{{Armor - Blunt (Material Factor) base}}} {{{Armor - Electric base}}} {{{Armor - Heat base}}} {{{Armor - Heat (Material Factor) base}}} {{{Armor - Material Effect Multiplier base}}} {{{Armor - Sharp base}}} {{{Armor - Sharp (Material Factor) base}}} {{{Arrest Success Chance base}}} {{{Assembly Speed Factor base}}} {{{Baby Play Power base}}} {{{Bandwidth Cost base}}} {{{Property:Base Escape Interval Mtb Days base}}} {{{Base Healing Quality base}}} {{{Beauty (Pawn) base}}} {{{Beauty (Stat) base}}} {{{Bed Hunger Rate Multiplier base}}} {{{Property:Bioferrite Density base}}} {{{Biosculpter Occupant Speed base}}} {{{Biosculpter Pod Speed Factor base}}} {{{Birth Quality Offset base}}} {{{Blunt Damage base}}} {{{Body Size base}}} {{{Bond Chance Factor base}}} {{{Brewing Speed base}}} {{{Property:Building Size Category base}}} {{{Butchery Efficiency base}}} {{{Butchery Speed base}}} {{{Property:Cacheable base}}} {{{Cancer Rate Factor base}}} {{{Property:Capacity Factors base}}} {{{Property:Capacity Offsets base}}} {{{Caravan Riding Speed base}}} {{{Carrying Capacity base}}} {{{Casting Time base}}} {{{Cleaning Speed Multiplier base}}} {{{Cleaning Time Multiplier base}}} {{{Cleanliness (Stat) base}}} {{{Cold Containment Bonus base}}} {{{Comfort (Stat) base}}} {{{Construct Success Chance base}}} {{{Construction Speed base}}} {{{Construction Speed (Material Factor) base}}} {{{Property:Containment Factor base}}} {{{Property:Containment Strength base}}} {{{Containment Strength base}}} {{{Control Taking Time base}}} {{{Conversion Power base}}} {{{Cooking Speed base}}} {{{Crawl Speed base}}} {{{Days To Start Rot base}}} {{{Deep Drilling Speed base}}} {{{Property:Default Base Value base}}} {{{Detection Chance base}}} {{{Deterioration Rate base}}} {{{Diplomatic Power base}}} {{{Property:Disable If Skill Disabled base}}} {{{Property:Display Max When Above Or Equal base}}} {{{Property:Display Priority In Category base}}} {{{Door Opening Speed base}}} {{{Drug Cooking Speed base}}} {{{Drug Crop Harvest Yield base}}} {{{Drug Sell Price Improvement base}}} {{{Drug Synthesis Speed base}}} {{{Duration base}}} {{{EMP Resistance base}}} {{{Eating Speed base}}} {{{Effect Radius base}}} {{{Energy Usage Multiplier base}}} {{{Entity Study Rate base}}} {{{Equip Delay base}}} {{{Fertility base}}} {{{Filth Multiplier base}}} {{{Filth Rate base}}} {{{Property:Finalize Equipped Stat Offset base}}} {{{Flammability base}}} {{{Food Poison Chance base}}} {{{Food Poison Chance (Food Stat) base}}} {{{Property:For Information Only base}}} {{{Foraged Food Amount base}}} {{{Property:Format String base}}} {{{Property:Format String Unfinalized base}}} {{{Property:From DLC base}}} {{{General Labor Speed base}}} {{{Genetic Complexity Increase base}}} {{{Property:Gets Cold Containment Bonus base}}} {{{Global Certainty Loss Factor base}}} {{{Global Learning Factor base}}} {{{Global Work Speed base}}} {{{Goodwill Impact base}}} {{{Growth Vat Occupant Speed base}}} {{{Hacking Speed base}}} {{{Harvest Yield base}}} {{{Healing Speed base}}} {{{Hemogen Gain Multiplier base}}} {{{Property:Hide At Value base}}} {{{Property:Hide In Classic Mode base}}} {{{Honor Value base}}} {{{Hunger base}}} {{{Hunting Stealth base}}} {{{Ideoligion Spread Chance base}}} {{{Immunity Gain Speed base}}} {{{Immunity Gain Speed Factor base}}} {{{Property:Immutable base}}} {{{Incoming Damage Multiplier base}}} {{{Injury Healing Factor base}}} {{{Insulation - Cold base}}} {{{Insulation - Cold (Material Factor) base}}} {{{Insulation - Cold - Material Effect Multiplier base}}} {{{Insulation - Heat base}}} {{{Insulation - Heat (Material Factor) base}}} {{{Insulation - Heat - Material Effect Multiplier base}}} {{{Jump Range base}}} {{{Property:Knowledge Category base}}} {{{Property:Label For Full Stat List base}}} {{{Learning Rate Factor base}}} {{{Leather Amount base}}} {{{Lifespan Factor base}}} {{{Market Value base}}} {{{Market Value Ignoring Hitpoints base}}} {{{Mass base}}} {{{Max Hit Points base}}} {{{Max Install Count base}}} {{{Max Nutrition base}}} {{{Max Power Output base}}} {{{Maximum Comfortable Temperature base}}} {{{Meat Amount base}}} {{{Mech Bandwidth base}}} {{{Mech Control Groups base}}} {{{Mech Gestation Speed base}}} {{{Mech Remote Repair Distance base}}} {{{Mech Remote Shield Distance base}}} {{{Mech Remote Shield Energy base}}} {{{Mech Repair Speed base}}} {{{Mech Work Speed Offset base}}} {{{Mechanoid Shredding Efficiency base}}} {{{Mechanoid Shredding Speed base}}} {{{Medical Operation Speed base}}} {{{Medical Potency base}}} {{{Medical Surgery Success Chance base}}} {{{Medical Tend Quality base}}} {{{Medical Tend Quality Maximum base}}} {{{Medical Tend Quality Offset base}}} {{{Medical Tend Speed base}}} {{{Meditation Plant Growth Offset base}}} {{{Meditation Psyfocus Bonus base}}} {{{Meditation Psyfocus Gain base}}} {{{Melee Armor Penetration base}}} {{{Melee Cooldown base}}} {{{Melee DPS base}}} {{{Melee Damage base}}} {{{Melee Damage Factor base}}} {{{Melee Damage Multiplier base}}} {{{Melee Dodge Chance base}}} {{{Melee Dodge Chance Indoors Dark base}}} {{{Melee Dodge Chance Indoors Lit base}}} {{{Melee Dodge Chance Outdoors Day base}}} {{{Melee Dodge Chance Outdoors Night base}}} {{{Melee Door Damage Factor base}}} {{{Melee Hit Chance base}}} {{{Melee Hit Chance Indoors Dark base}}} {{{Melee Hit Chance Indoors Lit base}}} {{{Melee Hit Chance Outdoors Dark base}}} {{{Melee Hit Chance Outdoors Lit base}}} {{{Mental Break Threshold base}}} {{{Property:Minified Thing Inherits base}}} {{{Minimum Comfortable Temperature base}}} {{{Minimum Containment Strength base}}} {{{Property:Minimum Containment Strength base}}} {{{Minimum Handling Skill base}}} {{{Property:Minimum Monolith Level For Study base}}} {{{Mining Speed base}}} {{{Mining Yield base}}} {{{Mortar Miss Radius Multiplier base}}} {{{Move Speed base}}} {{{Property:Mutable Stats base}}} {{{Negotiation Ability base}}} {{{Neural Heat Gain base}}} {{{Neural Heat Gain (Factor) base}}} {{{Neural Heat Limit base}}} {{{Neural Heat Limit Offset base}}} {{{Neural Heat Recovery Rate base}}} {{{Neural Heat Recovery Rate Offset base}}} {{{Property:Never Disabled base}}} {{{Property:No Skill Factor base}}} {{{Property:No Skill Offset base}}} {{{Nutrition (Stat) base}}} {{{Property:Offset Label base}}} {{{Outdoor Beauty base}}} {{{Property:Overrides Hide Stats base}}} {{{Pack Radius base}}} {{{Pain Shock Threshold base}}} {{{Property:Parts base}}} {{{Pawn Trap Spring Chance base}}} {{{Plant Harvest Yield base}}} {{{Plant Work Speed base}}} {{{Property:Post Process Curve base}}} {{{Property:Post Process Stat Factors base}}} {{{Pruning Speed base}}} {{{Psychic Ritual Quality base}}} {{{Psychic Ritual Quality Offset base}}} {{{Psychic Sensitivity base}}} {{{Psychic Sensitivity Factor base}}} {{{Psychic Sensitivity Offset base}}} {{{Psyfocus Cost base}}} {{{Psylink Level base}}} {{{Quality base}}} {{{Range (Ability) base}}} {{{Ranged Cooldown base}}} {{{Ranged Cooldown Multiplier base}}} {{{Ranged Damage Multiplier base}}} {{{Raw Nutrition Multiplier base}}} {{{Reading Bonus base}}} {{{Reading Speed base}}} {{{Recreation base}}} {{{Recreation Fall Rate base}}} {{{Recreation Power base}}} {{{Recruit Prisoner Chance base}}} {{{Repair Energy Cost base}}} {{{Repair Success Chance base}}} {{{Property:Requires Holding Platform base}}} {{{Property:Requires Imprisonment base}}} {{{Research Speed base}}} {{{Research Speed Factor base}}} {{{Rest Effectiveness base}}} {{{Rest Rate Multiplier base}}} {{{Property:Round To Five Over base}}} {{{Property:Round Value base}}} {{{Property:Scenario Randomizable base}}} {{{Sculpting Speed base}}} {{{Sell Price Multiplier base}}} {{{Sharp Damage base}}} {{{Shield Max Energy base}}}... further results




The Material Itself


Things Made from the Material

