![]() | The content of this page has been deprecated or removed completely; it is no longer applicable to current versions. |
Updating Instructions
Version Syntax Reminder
Versions are labeled in Major.Minor.Revision:
0.5.496 (Alpha 5C)
Major: 0 (Alpha)
Minor: 5 (5)
Revision: 496 (C)
Only Include in this Template
- Versions, not Internal Versions
- All the Revisions of the current Minor version
- The earliest Revision of each previous Minor in the current Major
- The earliest Revision of the earliest Minor in each previous Major
Follow the above by Label, primarily... For example:
The Alpha major for RimWorld is "0", but Pre-Alpha 1 is 0.0.232. Even though Pre-Alpha 1 is the earliest Revision of the earliest Minor in the "0" Major, the label changed, so Alpha 1 (0.1.334) should also be included. Use your best judgement here.
- 2.4.3 (Release 4C)
- 2.4.2 (Release 4B)
- 2.4.1 (Release 4)
- 2.3.1 (Release 3)
- 2.2.1 (Release 2)
- 2.1.1 (Release 1)
- 1.1.1 (Beta 1)
- 0.1.1 (Alpha 1)
- 0.0.1 (Pre-Alpha 1)
aka: "Include all the Release 4's, the premier of all the Release's, and the premier of the Beta, Alpha, and Pre-Alpha"