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Hater of empty info boxes

Verbosity, odd grammar, supposition & a lack of correct spelling are tools of my trade

To Do:

  • Body Modification: For Fun & Profits Guide.
  • Body Modification: A Cruel Tyrant Slaver's Guide.
  • Slave "Care & Feeding" Optimization (Done, Polishing & Double checking before submitting).
  • Prisoner "Care & Feeding" Optimization (Done, Polishing & Double checking before submitting).
  • A Guide To War Crimes, On The Rim, OR "How I Cured Cancer" (Excerpts, "Letters; From The Rim" - Aazard, Rouge Scholar).
  • Optimized Progression; Lost Tribe (Done, Polishing & Double checking before submitting).
  • Min/Max Ideology Customizations (Done, Polishing & Double checking before submitting).
  • Max Difficulty Scenario/Ideology Possible (Blind + Guilty + Cannibal + Raider's or Proselytizer's?).
  • No Research Lost Tribe Guide. Plus Lost Tribe + Cannibal + Tree Connection/Desire + Animal personhood + Rancher + No Research + Sea Ice: Guide (How to fail the "best"?).
  • Optimized selections of gear by "pawn role": Clothing, Armor, Utility and Weapon.
  • Oddities, Stuff with no "practical" use. An example would be the "Crown" headgear.
  • Oddities, Stuff that "doesn't exist". An example would be a sharp classed slave "safe" weapon.

Maker Of:

Oddity Related To My Mod; Note on "Slave Suppression" and "Weapons":

Weapons in proximity (0.25 modifier ??) triggers when a weapon is equipped (even beer/wood ?? DEEP DRIVE in defs shows nothing of use towards this) or within 6 tiles in the same room as the slave. If you want to make sure weapons are out of range you can test it with a column.

  • Weapons outdoors are ignored entirely (IS THE SAME TRUE FOR WEAPONS STORED ON SHLEVES ??).
  • Beer and Wood (??yes/no??) are also considered weapons.
  • The easiest way to handle weapons is to make a stockpile for them in a separate, SLAVE FORBIDDEN room.

Possible Solution: Slave Weapon Have Terror Causing "Art Motif", if so crafter skill of 6 should be required, work doubled to 1200 ticks, beauty to -1.0, Causes equal "felling terror" modifier that wielding a weapon causes(of 0.25 ??), making the effect of "slave safe".

  • Would require "copying" wood, used as a weapon, various details and RENAMING making a "Wooden Rod". Effectively wood, useable as a 1200 ticks, crafted at crafting spot, blunt melee weapon. But it would also have quality levels and a single "stuff" option, that being 1x wood.
File:RimPy Slav Shiv.png
NEWEST version of mod info pane

Slave Shiv:

Unpublished Mod, in testing, but appears finished. I am not an owner of Rimworld via Steam, so I have no Workshop access to upload (looking for an "above board" workaround).

What is a "Shiv"?

  • "Chive" is an "1500CE Era English Cant Word" (A word used as slang by a "trades-people" in a profession, so often it enters common speech. In this case "thieves cant") for "cutting another person", normally in a violent manner, but without "deadly intent".
  • "Shiv" evolved from this term to mean BOTH, "an improvised knife" and "to stab another". The term is employed by criminals & prison inmates, actors & authors, and even news anchors, in the modern English speaking world.


  • Appears in game as "Wooden Shiv" A "slave safe" sharp weapon (equal to using wood): 1x wood, 600 tick to make, Craft skill 0, Made at Crafting Spot (or better).
  • 5 DPS/7.5% AP (normal quality), 3 attacks: 2x sharp "blade/power 12/stab & cut" and 1x blunt "handle/power 6/bash" (oddities of rounding, the closest average to 5.0DPS is 5.03DPS).
  • FAST LOOK: Cuts, Fast (1sec), Has blunt attack option with LOW AP, Higher AP on the "blade" (counterintuitive: simulating a thrush, not a slash...its wood), Single Stuff as "wooden", Has Quality Levels.
  • Has quality levels, Awful to Legendary. Even a Legendary Wooden Shiv pales in comparison to a steel knife (or wooden ikwa), although is competitive with the DPS of the non-jade stone & wooden clubs, but only at higher quality levels of "Excellent" (rough par) and above (fractions of a single DPS more).
  • Dismemberment Capable?: Maybe a toe or a finger, It COULD also remove an eye or nose if lucky, but past that....its not going to remove a hand or decapitate someone in "one shot".
  • Hold on! Doesnt thos screw up the "Wooden Ikwa"?: NO. there is a clear 1.25x DPS increase, to the "Sharp" attacks, with an equal quality wooden Ikwa, which is capable of a deadly strike to an unarmored pawns skull or vital organs (which the Shiv cant do). Also the cooldown may be faster, the AP is also FAR lower.

Crafting Process:

Lignin is removed from the wood by soaking it in a solution containing sodium hydroxide (also known as lye) and sodium sulphite (occurs naturally during organic fermentation), before boiling the solution at 100°C for a few hours. They then squished the remaining cellulose fibers together at a pressure of 20 megapascals (2900.75psi, or equal to a 50kg woman in high heel shoes, who produces 3000psi standing still) for 6 hours before drying them at around 100°C to produce hardened wood.

Lye + Fermented grass (or wine/vingar/beer, even some barks or mosses), & A Weighted pressing (less than that generated by the mass of the crafter standing on it)....All beside a Camp fire (for boiling and drying), Plus a "rubbing stone" to fashion the edge, are all that are needed (including IRL).

The resulting wood can be fashioned into an edge capable of slicing though an aluminum can, producing a "clean edged" (smooth, not jagged) cut on the can, nearly as easily as one could with a steel bush knife.

The entire process, including the fashioning of the edge, can take place inside as little as 8 hours (depending on the skill and experience of the crafter).

Minus this "hardening process", a sharpened 10 inch length of wood IS DEADLY, and is often the killing implement employed by "Dead Fall" and/or "Spring Armed Swing" hunting traps.

File:Rimworld Slave Shive NEW2.png
Rimworld Slave Shive NEWEST Version Info
Shiv and Knives side by side

Note: IRL, as a youth, I was involved in paramilitary training, I have produced such a tool (locally referred to as a "Wooden Reed'ing Knife"), in the bush, with access to only "natural tools" & apple cider vinegar. These are a common "survivalist" tool also, and are often cited as a "primary asset".