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Revision as of 14:32, 3 January 2014 by AcDie (talk | contribs)
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<translate> Characters can have variable proficiency in the following skills:

  • Construction
  • Growing
  • Research
  • Mining
  • Shooting
  • Melee
  • Social


Un-implemented skills 
  • Cooking
  • Medicine
  • Artistic
  • Crafting

The base score in each skill is 3 with a minimum of 0 and no upper limit. Each point grants different bonuses to skills:

  • Working skills get a 10% increased speed
  • Shooting gives a 0.20% reduced chance to miss per meter
  • Hand to Hand gives a ~2.1% improved chances to hit
  • Social gives 10% more impact on relations, 25% better probability of recruiting, and a ~0.5% bonus on selling and buying commodities through negotiation.

A character can have a usable skill with a score of 0 or a unusable skill (because of his backstory) with a score greater than 0.</translate>



Code Specifics:</translate>

ConstructionSpeedBase = 0.5
ConstructionSpeedPctPerLevel = 0.15
GrowingSpeedBase = 0.2
GrowingSpeedPctBonusPerLevel = 0.12
LearnRateGlobalMultiplier = 1.1
MiningSpeedBase = 0.5
MiningSpeedPctPerLevel = 0.15
RecruitChancePerLevel = 0.05
ResearchSpeedBase = 0.1
ResearchSpeedPctPerLevel = 0.15
SocialEffectBonusPctPerLevel = 0.1
TradeablePriceImprovementPerLevel = 0.005
XpPerBurstFiredInAnger = 200
XpPerBurstFiredNeutralPawn = 50
XpPerBurstFiredPractice = 10
XpPerHarvestGrowing = 50
XpPerIncidentalSocialInteraction = 4
XpPerMeleeHit = 100
XpPerPickHitMining = 13
XpPerPlanting = 25
XpPerPrisonerChat = 50
XpPerResearchTick = 0.22
XpPerSowGrowing = 25
XpPerTickConstruction = 0.7