Pigskin (Xenotype)

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Human-pig hybrids, Pigskins were initially created for organ-harvesting operations by a long-gone government that was uncomfortable with the thought of exploiting baseliners. However, they found success in their attempt to merge human DNA with that of a pig - to make easier transplantable organs such as hearts and lungs - creating a more humanlike being than anticipated.

They retain similar characteristics to baseliners; capable of speech, tool usage and bipedal movement. However, they do maintain piglike elements. Pigskins have a robust digestive system and can eat almost anything without getting sick, however, a notable drawback of the xenotype is their trotter-shaped hands that make it more difficult to manipulate tools and objects and their nearsightedness results in their preference for close-range - or explosive - weaponry.


  • Appearance

Pigskins have a snout.

They also have trotter-shaped hands.

Human ears are instead replaced by piglike ears.

Their bodies are rather bulky, where Pigskins are generally either Hulking or Fat.

  • Anatomy

Pigskins have bad vision and are nearsighted.

They have a robust digestive system and can eat almost anything.

They squeal and oink, replacing humanlike voices with those of a pig.

They have reduced pain, by half as much as a baseline human.

Pigskins have an incredibly hardy immune system and recover easier from illnesses and diseases.

Rough Pig Unions

Pigskins congregate and usually form factions known as the rough pig union. Essentially, a loose alliance of rugged pigskin townships that prefer to interact with their own kind - but, have been known to make friends with 'thinsnouts'. However, they're far more ready to toss a bomb and gnaw human gristle when it suits them, which is their general approach unless one cosies up to them. Earn their respect, and they'd be a worthwhile ally, reading to offer a trotter to those they think of as friends.