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Naturally generated surfaces

Type Move Speed
Fertility Terrain
Bridgeable Diggable[1] Terrain
Beauty Cleanliness Filth
Dries To[3] Others Path
Broken asphalt 100% 0% Heavy Ex.png Ex.png - -1 2 Check.png - Road 0
Packed dirt 100% 0% Heavy Ex.png Check.png Soil -1 -1 Check.png - Road 1 Filth_Dirt
Chest-deep moving water 22% 0% - Check.png Ex.png - 0 0 Ex.png - water[4] 42
Deep ocean water 0% 0% - Ex.png Ex.png - 0 0 Ex.png - water
300 Impassable
Deep water 0% 0% - Ex.png Ex.png - 0 0 Ex.png - water 300 Impassable
Shallow ocean water 30% 0% ShallowWater Check.png Ex.png - 0 0 Ex.png Stony soil water
Shallow moving water 30% 0% ShallowWater
Check.png Ex.png - 0 0 Ex.png - water
Shallow water 30% 0% ShallowWater Check.png Ex.png - 0 0 Ex.png Stony soil water 30
Marsh 30% 0% ShallowWater Check.png Ex.png - -3/0 -2 Ex.png Soil 30 Filth_Dirt extinguishes Fire
Soil 87% 100% Heavy
Ex.png Check.png Soil -3/0 -1 Check.png - Soil 2 Filth_Dirt DirtInEyes
Lichen-covered soil 81% 100% Heavy
Ex.png Check.png Soil -3/0 -1 Check.png - Soil 3 Filth_Dirt DirtInEyes
Marshy soil 46% 100% Light
Check.png Check.png Soil -3/0 -2 Check.png Soil Soil 2 Filth_Dirt DirtInEyes
Rich soil 87% 140% Heavy
Check.png Check.png Soil -3/0 -1 Check.png Soil Soil 2 Filth_Dirt DirtInEyes
Stony soil 87% 70% Heavy
Check.png Check.png - -3/0 -1 Check.png - Soil 2 Filth_Dirt GravelInEyes
Sand 76% 10% Heavy Ex.png Check.png Sand -3/0 -1 Check.png - Sand 4 Filth_Sand SandInEyes
Soft sand 52% 0% Light Ex.png Check.png Sand -3/0 -1 Check.png Sand Sand 14 Filth_Sand SandInEyes
Mud 52% 0% - Check.png Ex.png Soil -3/0 -2 Check.png Soil - 14 Filth_Dirt MudInEyes
Ice 52% 0% Heavy Ex.png Check.png - -3/0 0 Check.png - - 14 Filth_Dirt
Polluted soil 87% 50% Heavy Ex.png Soil
Rough stonestone 87% 0% Heavy Ex.png Stone
Rough-hewn stone 93% 0% Heavy Ex.png Stone
Smooth stone 100% 0% Heavy Ex.png Stone

Light: Supports light structure
Medium: Supports medium structures
Heavy: Supports heavy structures
ShallowWater: Can be built on with things that are waterproof
MovingFluid/moving water: Contains power usable for hydroelectrics
Bridgeable: Bridge can be built here
GrowSoil/growable: Things can grow here. Unsure if is does anything or if merely indicative.
Diggable: For graves
SmoothableStone/smoothable: Can be ground and smoothed into smooth stone

  1. Mod-development
say, it seems like the Wiki may be wrong about smoothed floors being worth 8 wealth? Unless "5f" translates to 8
I see the terraindef for Stone is set to 5f here, in TerrainDefGenerator_Stone.cs:
StatUtility.SetStatValueInList(ref smooth.statBases, StatDefOf.Beauty, 2f);
StatUtility.SetStatValueInList(ref smooth.statBases, StatDefOf.MarketValue, 5f);
(this is in 1.5, haven't checked the source for 1.4 or before. Trying to make a mod to set smoothed floor wealth as nothing)
  1. Able to dig graves
  2. All Natural Terrains that accept filth only accept Unnatural filth.
  3. As Stony soil doesn't exist in Sea ice nor Ice sheet, it dries to Ice instead.
  4. All water tiles triple the deterioration rate and extinguishes Fire. Also allows the WaterInEyes attack.