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defName RewardStandardMidFreq RewardStandardCore RewardStandardLowFreq RewardStandardQualitySuper RewardStandardHighFreq
Hyperweave - - - -
MedicineUltratech - - - -
VoidsightSerum - - - -
NerveSpiker - - - -
Bow_Recurve - - - -
Luciferium - - - -
MindNumbSerum - - - -
Genepack - - - -
Bow_Great - - - -
VoidSculpture - - - -
MeleeWeapon_Gladius - - - -
Schematic - - - -
TextBook - - - -
Novel - - - -
SculptureSmall - - - -
MeleeWeapon_Spear - - - -
ComponentSpacer - - - -
MetalbloodSerum - - - -
JuggernautSerum - - - -
Mindscrew - - - -
Joywire - - - -
Painstopper - - - -
Harp - - - -
Tome - - - -
Psytrainer_Painblock - - - -
Psytrainer_Stun - - - -
Psytrainer_Burden - - - -
Psytrainer_SolarPinhole - - - -
Psytrainer_WordOfTrust - - - -
Psytrainer_Chunkskip - - - -
MeleeWeapon_LongSword - - - -
Throne - - - -
SculptureLarge - - - -
SculptureTerror - - - -
Apparel_Gunlink - - - -
Telescope - - - -
Gun_HeavySMG - - - -
HandTalon - - - -
ElbowBlade - - - -
KneeSpike - - - -
VenomFangs - - - -
VenomTalon - - - -
MeleeWeapon_Warhammer - - - -
PowerClaw - - - -
Apparel_ShieldBelt - - - -
Apparel_PsyfocusShirt - - - -
Psytrainer_BlindingPulse - - - -
Psytrainer_EntropyDump - - - -
Psytrainer_Waterskip - - - -
Psytrainer_WordOfJoy - - - -
Gun_ChainShotgun - - - -
Harpsichord - - - -
Gun_LMG - - - -
DrillArm - - - -
FieldHand - - - -
Apparel_PackBroadshield - - - -
Apparel_DeadlifePack - - - -
Apparel_PlateArmor - - - -
Gun_AssaultRifle - - - -
Gun_HellcatRifle - - - -
Apparel_PsyfocusHelmet - - - -
Apparel_EltexSkullcap - - - -
Apparel_PsyfocusVest - - - -
Apparel_ShardPsychicShockLance - - - -
Apparel_ArmorHelmetRecon - - - -
ShardAnimalPulser - - - -
Gun_SniperRifle - - - -
Apparel_ShardPsychicInsanityLance - - - -
Gun_Incinerator - - - -
Apparel_PsychicShockLance - - - -
Psytrainer_Beckon - - - -
Psytrainer_VertigoPulse - - - -
Psytrainer_ChaosSkip - - - -
Psytrainer_WordOfLove - - - -
AestheticNose - - - -
PsychicSoothePulser - - - -
ReinforcedBarrel - - - -
Apparel_PsyfocusRobe - - - -
Apparel_PowerArmorHelmet - - - -
Apparel_PackJump - - - -
Apparel_PsychicInsanityLance - - - -
Piano - - - -
PsychicAnimalPulser - - - -
ArchiteCapsule - - - -
Psytrainer_Skip - - - -
Psytrainer_Wallraise - - - -
Psytrainer_Smokepop - - - -
Psytrainer_Focus - - - -
Psytrainer_WordOfSerenity - - - -
Apparel_ArmorHelmetReconPrestige - - - -
Apparel_ArmorHelmetCataphract - - - -
Neurotrainer_Shooting - - - -
Neurotrainer_Melee - - - -
Neurotrainer_Construction - - - -
Neurotrainer_Mining - - - -
Neurotrainer_Cooking - - - -
Neurotrainer_Plants - - - -
Neurotrainer_Animals - - - -
Neurotrainer_Crafting - - - -
Neurotrainer_Artistic - - - -
Neurotrainer_Medicine - - - -
Neurotrainer_Social - - - -
Neurotrainer_Intellectual - - - -
TornadoGenerator - - - -
BiomutationPulser - - - -
GastroAnalyzer - - - -
AestheticShaper - - - -
Apparel_ArmorMarineHelmetPrestige - - - -
Apparel_BiomutationLance - - - -
Psytrainer_Berserk - - - -
Psytrainer_Invisibility - - - -
Psytrainer_Flashstorm - - - -
Psytrainer_WordOfInspiration - - - -
Psytrainer_Farskip - - - -
RoyalBed - - - -
FlatscreenTelevision - - - -
TechprofSubpersonaCore - - - -
Gun_TripleRocket - - - -
Gun_DoomsdayRocket - - - -
DeathrestCapacitySerum - - - -
Psytrainer_BerserkPulse - - - -
Psytrainer_ManhunterPulse - - - -
Psytrainer_MassChaosSkip - - - -
Psytrainer_BulletShield - - - -
Psytrainer_Neuroquake - - - -
Gun_ChargeRifle - - - -
BionicEye - - - -
BionicArm - - - -
BionicLeg - - - -
Neurocalculator - - - -
LearningAssistant - - - -
Immunoenhancer - - - -
Coagulator - - - -
HealingEnhancer - - - -
ToughskinGland - - - -
LoveEnhancer - - - -
DetoxifierStomach - - - -
ReprocessorStomach - - - -
NuclearStomach - - - -
CircadianAssistant - - - -
CircadianHalfCycler - - - -
Apparel_ArmorHelmetCataphractPrestige - - - -
Gun_Minigun - - - -
SculptureGrand - - - -
VanometricPowerCell - - - -
Shell_AntigrainWarhead - - - -
OrbitalTargeterBombardment - - - -
OrbitalTargeterPowerBeam - - - -
Apparel_ArmorHelmetMechCommander - - - -
PsychicEmanator - - - -
MechSerumHealer - - - -
Gun_ChargeLance - - - -
ArmorskinGland - - - -
MegascreenTelevision - - - -
GrandThrone - - - -
InfiniteChemreactor - - - -
Apparel_ArmorRecon - - - -
MechSerumResurrector - - - -
StoneskinGland - - - -
Apparel_ArmorReconPrestige - - - -
MeleeWeapon_MonoSword - - - -
MeleeWeapon_Zeushammer - - - -
MeleeWeapon_PlasmaSword - - - -
MeleeWeapon_PsyfocusStaff - - - -
Apparel_PowerArmor - - - -
Apparel_ArmorLocust - - - -
Apparel_ArmorMarineGrenadier - - - -
Apparel_IntegratorHeadset - - - -
Apparel_ArmorMarinePrestige - - - -
ArchotechEye - - - -
ArchotechArm - - - -
ArchotechLeg - - - -
Apparel_ArmorCataphract - - - -
Apparel_ArmorCataphractPhoenix - - - -
Apparel_ArmorCataphractPrestige - - - -
Apparel_ArmorHelmetMechlordHelmet - - - -
Apparel_MechlordSuit - - - -
defName weightClass ingredients ingredients market value forming cycles total forming time (game days)" produced at research required bandwidth cost repair energy cost base health scale move speed average armor melee DPS weapon weapon range weapon DPS weapon accuracy short weapon accuracy medium weapon accuracy long shooter accuracy short shooter accuracy medium shooter accuracy long total accuracy short total accuracy medium total accuracy long special abilities combat power body size
Mech_Lifter Light 50x steel 1x basic subcore $202 1 2 mech gestator basic mechtech 1 0.66 1 2.8 15% 1.4 - "-" 0 0% 0% 0% 61% 36% 20% 0% 0% 0% none 10 0.70
Mech_Constructoid Light 50x steel 1x basic subcore $202 1 2 mech gestator basic mechtech 1 0.66 1 3.4 15% 2.0 - "-" 0 0% 0% 0% 61% 36% 20% 0% 0% 0% none 10 0.70
Mech_Fabricor Light 100x steel 1x high subcore $1002 1 2 mech gestator high mechtech 1 0.66 1 3.4 15% 1.4 - "-" 0 0% 0% 0% 61% 36% 20% 0% 0% 0% none 10 0.70
Mech_Agrihand Light 50x steel 1x basic subcore $202 1 2 mech gestator basic mechtech 1 0.66 1 3.4 15% 2.2 - "-" 0 0% 0% 0% 61% 36% 20% 0% 0% 0% none 10 0.70
Mech_Cleansweeper Light 50x steel 1x basic subcore $202 1 2 mech gestator basic mechtech 1 0.66 1 3.4 15% 1.4 - "-" 0 0% 0% 0% 61% 36% 20% 0% 0% 0% none 10 0.30
Mech_WarUrchin Light "-" "-" "-" 0 "-" "-" 1 0.66 1.3 4.2 15% 2.0 spiner 6.9 40 30% 40% 95% 61% 36% 20% 18% 14% 19% none 10 0.70
Mech_Paramedic Light 100x steel 1x high subcore $1002 1 2 mech gestator high mechtech 1 0.66 1 3.8 15% 1.4 - "-" 0 0% 0% 0% 61% 36% 20% 0% 0% 0% none 10 0.70
Mech_Militor Light 50x steel 1x basic subcore $202 1 2 mech gestator basic mechtech 1 0.66 1 3.8 15% 2.0 mini-shotgun 12.9 8.3 87% 70% 55% 61% 36% 20% 53% 25% 11% none 45 0.70
Mech_Scorcher Medium 80x steel 32x plasteel 3x component 1x standard subcore $343 2 4 large mech gestator standard mechtech 1 0.33 0.7 4.5 30% 3.2 mini-flameblaster 4.9 0 48% 35% 26% 61% 36% 20% 29% 13% 5.1% none 75 1.00
Mech_Termite_Breach Medium "-" "-" "-" 0 "-" "-" 1 0.33 2.16 2.1 39% 3.6 thump cannon 24.9 9 87% 77% 64% 61% 36% 20% 53% 28% 13% none 110 1.60
Mech_Pikeman Medium 100x steel 40x plasteel 4x component 1x standard subcore $343 2 4 large mech gestator standard mechtech 2 0.33 0.85 2.5 30% 3.2 needle gun 44.9 6 80% 90% 85% 61% 36% 20% 49% 32% 17% none 110 1.00
Mech_Scyther Medium 75x steel 75x plasteel 4x component 1x standard subcore $343 2 4 large mech gestator standard mechtech 2 0.33 1.32 4.7 30% 6.2 - "-" 0 0% 0% 0% 61% 36% 20% 0% 0% 0% none 150 1.00
Mech_Legionary Medium 100x plasteel 6x component 1x high subcore $1041 4 8 large mech gestator ultra mechtech 2 0.33 0.72 4.3 30% 3.2 needle launcher 24.9 6 80% 90% 85% 61% 36% 20% 49% 32% 17% none 150 1.00
Mech_Tesseron Medium 110x plasteel 7x component 1x high subcore $1041 4 8 large mech gestator ultra mechtech 3 0.33 0.72 4.7 30% 3.5 beam graser 24.9 0 70% 65% 55% 61% 36% 20% 43% 23% 11% none 150 1.00
Mech_Lancer Medium 75x steel 75x plasteel 4x component 1x standard subcore $343 2 4 large mech gestator high mechtech 3 0.33 0.72 4.7 30% 3.5 charge lance 29.9 17.6 85% 85% 75% 61% 36% 20% 52% 31% 15% none 180 1.00
Mech_Tunneler Heavy 150x steel 75x plasteel 4x component 1x standard subcore $343 4 8 large mech gestator standard mechtech 3 0.2 1.5 1.9 60% 4.7 - "-" 0 0% 0% 0% 61% 36% 20% 0% 0% 0% has shield 250 3.50
Mech_Centurion UltraHeavy 300x steel 200x plasteel 2x advanced component 1x powerfocus chip 1x high subcore $2211 12 24 large mech gestator ultra mechtech 5 0.15 3 1.6 50% 3.7 - "-" 0 0% 0% 0% 61% 36% 20% 0% 0% 0% none 250 3.60
Mech_CentipedeBlaster Heavy 255x steel 355x plasteel 8x component 1x high subcore $1043 6 12 large mech gestator ultra mechtech 4 0.2 4.32 1.9 47% 3.7 heavy charge blaster 26.9 113.7 26% 26% 18% 61% 36% 20% 16% 9.4% 3.5% none 400 3.00
Mech_CentipedeGunner Heavy 255x steel 255x plasteel 8x component 1x high subcore $1043 6 12 large mech gestator high mechtech 4 0.2 4.32 1.9 47% 3.7 minigun 30.9 55.6 25% 25% 18% 61% 36% 20% 15% 9% 3.5% none 400 3.00
Mech_CentipedeBurner Heavy 255x steel 255x plasteel 8x component 1x high subcore $1043 6 12 large mech gestator high mechtech 4 0.2 4.32 1.9 47% 3.7 inferno cannon 26.9 8 100% 100% 100% 61% 36% 20% 61% 36% 20% none 400 3.00
Mech_Diabolus UltraHeavy 300x steel 300x plasteel 2x signal chip 1x high subcore $1511 12 24 large mech gestator high mechtech 5 0.15 4.5 2.4 50% 3.8 hellsphere cannon 18.9 106.7 100% 100% 100% 61% 36% 20% 61% 36% 20% none 500 4.00
Mech_Apocriton UltraHeavy "-" "-" "-" 0 "-" "-" 2 0.33 5.2 3.2 58% 2.1 toxic needle gun 44.9 10.6 80% 90% 92% 61% 36% 20% 49% 32% 18% none 600 1.00
Mech_Warqueen UltraHeavy 600x steel 300x plasteel 3x advanced component 1x nano structuring chip 1x high subcore $2711 12 24 large mech gestator ultra mechtech 5 0.15 5.2 1.6 50% 1.2 - "-" 0 0% 0% 0% 61% 36% 20% 0% 0% 0% produces war urchins 600 4.00

  • Thing
    Breach axe
    Knife (Jade)
    Eltex staff
    Monosword (Persona)
    Plasmasword (Persona)
    Zeushammer (Persona)
    Elephant tusk
    Thrumbo horn
    Recurve bow
    Short bow
    Nerve spiker
    Assault rifle
    Bolt-action rifle
    Chain shotgun
    Heavy SMG
    Launcher (EMP, Incendiary, Smoke, Toxbomb)
    Machine pistol
    Pump shotgun
    Sniper rifle
    Hellcat rifle
    Charge lance
    Charge rifle
    Doomsday rocket launcher
    Triple rocket launcher
    EMP grenades
    Frag grenades
    Molotov cocktails
    Tox grenades
    Heavy charge blaster
    Inferno cannon
    Needle gun
    Thump cannon
    Beam graser
    Charge blaster turret
    Hellsphere cannon
    Toxic needle gun
    Mini-turret gun
    Mortar (Weapon)
    Uranium slug cannon
    Inferno cannon (Turret)
    Light charge blaster
    Tactical turret gun
  • weaponTags Artillery Artillery_BaseDestroyer AssaultRifle Autopistol Axe BeamGraserGun Bladelink ChargeBlasterHeavyGun EltexStaff EmpireGrenadeDestructive Flamethrower GrenadeDestructive GrenadeEMP GrenadeFlame GrenadeSmoke GrenadeTox Gun GunHeavy GunSingleUse HeavyTox HellsphereCannonGun IndustrialGunAdvanced InfernoCannonGun LongSword MechanoidGunBreach MechanoidGunHeavy MechanoidGunLongRange MechanoidGunMedium MechanoidGunMiniFlameblaster MechanoidGunNeedleLauncher MechanoidGunShortRange MechanoidGunSlugthrower MechanoidGunSpiner MechanoidGunToxicNeedle MedievalMeleeAdvanced MedievalMeleeBasic MedievalMeleeDecent Minigun Neolithic NeolithicMeleeAdvanced NeolithicMeleeBasic NeolithicMeleeDecent NeolithicMeleeDestructive NeolithicRangedFlame NerveSpiker PumpShotgun Revolver ShortShots SimpleGun SniperRifle SpacerGun Spear TurretGun UltratechMelee

    weaponClasses LongShots Melee MeleeBlunt MeleePiercer Neolithic Ranged RangedHeavy RangedLight ShortShots Ultratech

    apparelTags BeltDefensePop BeltDefenseTox Firefighting Horaxian IndustrialAdvanced IndustrialBasic IndustrialMilitaryAdvanced IndustrialMilitaryBasic Neolithic Outlander Royal SpacerMilitary Western

    tags Bald NoBeard

    techHediffsTags Advanced AdvancedWeapon Anomaly Ghoul ImplantEmpireCommon Poor Simple PainCauser SubcoreBasic ImplantEmpireRoyal DrillArm FieldHand

    apparelRequired Apparel_AirwireHeadset Apparel_ArmorCataphract Apparel_ArmorCataphractPrestige Apparel_ArmorHelmetCataphract Apparel_ArmorHelmetCataphractPrestige Apparel_ArmorHelmetRecon Apparel_ArmorRecon Apparel_Bandolier Apparel_BasicShirt Apparel_BowlerHat Apparel_CollarShirt Apparel_CowboyHat Apparel_Duster Apparel_FlakJacket Apparel_FlakPants Apparel_FlakVest Apparel_HatTop Apparel_Jacket Apparel_LabCoat Apparel_PackTox Apparel_Pants Apparel_PlateArmor Apparel_PowerArmor Apparel_PowerArmorHelmet Apparel_Robe Apparel_Sash Apparel_Shadecone Apparel_ShieldBelt Apparel_Tailcap Apparel_TribalHeaddress Apparel_WarMask Apparel_WarVeil

    styleTags Bald Balding BeardBushy BeardLong BeardPunk BeardRural BeardShort BeardTribal BeardUrban Bushy Cultist Furskin Ghoul HairLong HairShort MoustacheOnly NoTattoo Punk Royalty Rural Shaved Soldier TattoBodyBuddhist TattooBodyCannibal TattooBodyInsect TattooBodyPunk TattooBodyTribal TattooFaceCannibal TattooFacePunk TattooFaceTribal Tribal Urban Wild

    styleItemTags BeardTribal Cultist NoBeard Punk Royalty Rural Soldier TattooBodyInsect TattooFaceCannibal TattooFaceTribal Tribal Urban Wild

    disabledWorkTags AllWork Caring Cleaning Commoner Firefighting Intellectual ManualDumb ManualSkilled PlantWork Social Violent

    targetTags Caravan Map_Misc Map_PlayerHome Map_RaidBeacon Map_TempIncident

    buildingTags Anomaly Artillery Artillery_BaseDestroyer Bed Biotech MechClusterActivator MechClusterCombatThreat MechClusterMember MechClusterMemberGood MechClusterMemberLamp MechClusterProblemCauser Production RitualFocus RitualSeat


    tradeTags Armor Art Artifact BasicClothing Bionic Clothing Drugs ExoticBuilding ExoticMisc HiTechArmor HoraxArmor HoraxWeapon MortarShell MusicalInstrument PsylinkNeuroformer Serum TechHediff Television UtilitySpecial WeaponMelee WeaponRanged

    thingSetMakerTags (thingSetMakerTagsToAllow + thingSetMakerTagsToDisallow) AnimalPart ImplantEmpireRoyal RewardNonEmpireFactionsOnly RewardStandardCore RewardStandardHighFreq RewardStandardLowFreq RewardStandardMidFreq RewardStandardQualitySuper SingleUseWeapon SkillNeurotrainer Techprint WeaponBladelink