Public version 0.0.250 was released on November 3, 2013 - Pre-alpha backer release 1
Bug Fixes
- Many bugfixes in prep for public alpha
- Reorganized enemy attack AI to acquire turret targets even without line of sight.
- Totally refactored how equipment and verbs are managed under the hood.
- Split repair from construction
- Beating the fire on a burning pawn stuns them.
- Firefighters will extinguish nearby friendly pawns even outside home zones.
- Melee attacks incap more than guns and explosives.
- Cannot speed up time while a colonist is on fire
- Short throws will no longer have large inaccuracies
- Redid how the game uncovers fog at map start.
- T and G are now zoom keys
- Traders now stay around for two days, not a half day.
- Reorganized options menu.
- Added video quality levels. Mostly it just turns off AA.