Revision as of 09:30, 25 September 2016 by (talk) (Added a small, but important note about Wake-up.)
<ul><li>"hard" is not in the list (None, Medical, Social, Hard, Any) of allowed values for the "Drug Category" property.</li> <!--br--><li>"chemical" is not in the list (Chemical, Gluttonous, Meditative, Social, Gaming_Dexterity, Gaming_Cerebral, Television, Telescope, Reading, HighCulture) of allowed values for the "Joy Kind" property.</li> <!--br--><li>"industrial" is not in the list (Neolithic, Medieval, Industrial, Archotech, Spacer, Ultra) of allowed values for the "Tech Level" property.</li></ul>Template:Pleasurable Drug
An addictive stimulant. Fills the need for rest, and allows users to work for extended periods without getting tired. Addiction causes reduced mental performance and, sometimes, psychotic breaks with reality.