User:Pangaea/Notes on infoboxes

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< User:Pangaea
Revision as of 11:42, 27 July 2019 by Pangaea (talk | contribs) (Biome)
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  <!-- Intro -->
| name               = String
| image              = File
| description        = Text    <!-- Plain, from XML files -->
| description_markup = Wikitext   <!-- With markup, for use in the article intro -->
| type               = Page    <!-- Animal? Mech? -->
| subtype            = Page    <!-- Domesticated? -->
<!--   General   -->
| basebodysize       = Float
| basehealthscale    = Float
| basehungerrate     = Float
| comfytemp_max      = Integer
| comfytemp_min      = Integer
| foodtype/diet      = Page
| flammability       = Float
| has_gender         = Boolean
| marketvalue        = Integer
| movespeed          = Float
<!--   Combat   -->
| armorrating_blunt  = Float
| armorrating_heat   = Float
| armorrating_sharp  = Float
| combatpower        = Integer
<!-- Life phases -->
| life_expectancy    = Integer
| mass_adult         = Float
| mass_baby          = Float
| mass_juvenile      = Float
| maturity_age       = Float
| minage_adult       = Float
| minage_baby        = Float
| minage_juvenile    = Float
| gestation_period   = Integer
| offspring_low      = Integer
| offspring_high     = Integer
<!--   Taming/hunting   -->
| handleskill        = Integer
| manhunter_damage   = Float
| manhunter_tamefail = Float
| nameontamechance   = Float
| nuzzlehours        = Integer
| petness            = Float
| predator           = Boolean
| maxpreybodysize    = Float
| trainability       = String     <!-- or Page? -->
| train_haul         = Boolean
| train_obedience    = Boolean
| train_release      = Boolean
| train_rescue       = Boolean
| wildness           = Float
<!--   Product   -->
| egg_amountlow      = Integer
| egg_amounthigh     = Integer
| egg_type           = Integer
| egg_time           = Integer
| leather_amount     = Integer
| leather_type       = Page     <!-- or Page? -->
| meat_amount        = Integer
| meat_type          = Page
| milk_amount        = Integer
| milk_time          = Integer
| shear_time         = Integer
| wool_amount        = Integer
| wool_type          = Page     <!-- or Page? -->
<!--   Other      -->
| ecosystemweight    = Float
| recipes_operation  = List (,) of String
| tradetags          = List (,) of String
<!--| butcherproducts?? (mechs) = Integer-->

Attack data: In Attack table
Lives in data: In Biome table


May need several child-tables to easier deal with querying on the data. Possibly relevant for:

  • diseases
  • wildplants
  • wildanimals
image (example)

animaldensity 1.8
plantdensity 0.24
settlementselectionweight 0.95
movementdifficulty 1
foragedfood RawAgave
  diseases (list/new table)

  sand, min, max
  soil, min, max etc

  clear 18, fog 1, rain 2, etc

  plantgrass 7.0
  plantdandelion 0.8 etc

  rat 1.3
  hare 1.3 etc

  muffalo, dromedary etc