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Revision as of 12:09, 10 January 2020 by Lbmaian (talk | contribs) (Update to 1.0 values, normalize on rest % and 150 ticks, add pawn rest rate multiplier, add bed quality rest effectiveness, add time b/w previous & next thresholds for negative rest changes)
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Rest is the game mechanic that controls Characters' needs for sleep. A character with a higher rest value has slept recently, and is less tired than another character with a low rest level.

Levels of Rest

Characters' rest level is grouped into four thresholds: Rested, Tired, Very Tired, and Exhausted. Each threshold exhibits different effects on a character, especially their Thoughts. When a character's rest level is zero they may collapse from exhaustion; they will immediately begin sleeping on the ground wherever they are.

The rest levels are as follows:

Label Rest
Rested >= 28%
Tired >=14% and <28%
Very Tired >=1% and <14%
Exhausted <=1%

Rest caps at 0% and 100%.

Rest Changes


When awake, rest goes down every 150 ticks (1/400 of a game day) depending on the character's current rest.

Rest threshold Rest change per 150 ticks Rest change per game day Time between previous and next thresholds
Rested -0.2375% -95% ~0.758 game days (100 => 28)
Tired -0.16625% -66.5% ~0.211 game days (28 => 14)
Very Tired -0.07125% -28.5% ~0.456 game days (14 => 1)
Exhausted -0.1425% -57% ~0.018 game days (1 => 0)


When a character rests in a bed, their Rest value increases over time.

 Each 150 ticks, rest increases by 150 * 100% / Full Sleep Hours Per Day (10.5 / 24) / Ticks Per Game Day (60000) * Rest Effectiveness * Rest Rate Multiplier
 = ~0.57143% * Rest Effectiveness * Rest Rate Multiplier

Rest Rate Multiplier is a character (pawn) stat that defaults at 1.0 and is based off blood pumping, metabolism, and breathing capacities (and thus is affected by relevant injuries, bionics, etc.)

Rest Effectiveness depends on the object the character is sleeping on:

Object Rest Effectiveness at Normal quality Rest increase per 150 ticks Rest increase per "full sleep game hours" (10.5) Rest increase per game day
Sleeping Spot or Ground 0.8 ~0.45714% 80% ~182.857%
Bedroll 0.95 ~0.54286% 95% ~217.143%
Bed 1.0 ~0.57143% 100% ~228.571%
Royal Bed 1.05 0.6% 105% 240%

and the quality of that object:

Quality Rest Effectiveness Multiplier
Awful 0.86
Poor 0.92
Normal 1.0
Good 1.08
Excellent 1.14
Masterwork 1.25
Legendary 1.6

Therefore, when a character reaches the Tired threshold (28%), it takes them this long to return to full (100%) rest:

Object Time from Tired to Full Rest
Sleeping Spot or Ground ‭0.39375‬ game days
Normal Bed ‭0.315‬ game days
Legendary Royal Bed ‭0.1875‬ game days