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Revision as of 01:06, 26 November 2021 by Aazard (talk | contribs) (→‎Maker Of:)
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Hater of empty info boxes

Verbosity, odd grammar, supposition & a lack of correct spelling are tools of my trade

To Do:

  • Body Modification: For Fun & Profits Guide
  • Body Modification: A Cruel Tyrant Slaver's Guide
  • Slave "Care & Feeding" Optimization (Done, Polishing & Double checking before submitting)
  • Prisoner "Care & Feeding" Optimization (Done, Polishing & Double checking before submitting)
  • A Guide To War Crimes, On The Rim, OR "How I got new lungs" (Excerpts, "Letters; From The Rim" - Aazard, Rouge Scholar)
  • Optimized Progression; Lost Tribe (Done, Polishing & Double checking before submitting)
  • Min/Max Ideology Customizations (Done, Polishing & Double checking before submitting)
  • Max Difficulty Scenario/Ideology Possible (Blind + Guilty + Cannibal + Raider's or Proselytizer's?)
  • No Research Lost Tribe Guide. Plus Lost Tribe + Cannibal + Tree Connection/Desire + Animal personhood + Rancher + No Research + Sea Ice: Guide (How to fail the "best"?)
  • Oddities, Stuff with no "practical" use. An example would be the "Crown" headgear.
  • Optimized selections of gear by "pawn role": Clothing, Armor, Utility and Weapon

Maker Of:

File:RimPy OLGqJEVU9s.png
RimPy Mod Info Window Capture, for "Slave Shiv"
File:Slave Shiv Blerb.png
Slave Shiv Blerb
  • Slave Shiv - Appears in game as "Wooden Shiv" A "slave safe" sharp weapon (equal to using wood): 1x wood, 500 tick to make, Craft skill 0, Made at Crafting Spot (or better)
  • Has quality levels, Awful to Legendary. Even a Legendary Wooden Shiv pales in comparison to a steel knife (or wooden ikwa).

Lignin is removed from the wood by soaking it in a solution containing sodium hydroxide (also known as lye) and sodium sulphite (occurs naturally during organic fermentation), before boiling the solution at 100°C for a few hours. They then squished the remaining cellulose fibers together at a pressure of 20 megapascals (2900.75psi, or equal to a 50kg woman in high heel shoes, who produces 3000psi standing still) for 6 hours before drying them at around 100°C to produce hardened wood.

Lye + Fermented grass, & A Weighted pressing....All beside a Camp fire, Plus a "rubbing stone" to fashion the edge, are all that are needed (including IRL).

The resulting wood can be fashioned into an edge capable of slicing though an aluminum can.

The entire process, including the fashioning of the edge, can take place inside as little as 8 hours (depending on the skill and experience of the crafter).

File:Notepad++ Slave Shive View.png
notepad++ Slave Shiv Code
File:RimWorld New Shiv.png
Rimworld New Shiv Gfx Clean Up