Property:Image Wanted Reason

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Section:Positioning  +
Bases of each faction type, map icons etc.  +
Image of AoE in a style similar to [[:File:Skip shield radius.jpg]].  +
Metalic fences have a different sprite  +
Cleaner replacement  +
Illustrative examples of spreading, dissipation, and other mechanics.  +
Images on ghouls  +
Images on ghouls  +
Images of obelisk room and side rooms containing boxes.  +
Section:Control gizmos  +
images are from 2017. also some images of the baby pods would be good  +
Section:Add pictures of trees in their various stages of growth, trees consuming corpses, etc. Maybe an image of the UI element for creating a corpse stockpile.  +
Section:Colored versions  +
Section:Standard lighting image - see [[:Category: Images - Light radii]] for examples  +
Updated images of NPD  +
Updated anatomy with new positions  +
Clavicle is part of shoulder (alongside arm and hand). Waist is missing. Head is part of neck. Full-, Upper- and Lower-Head missing.  +
Section:Prisone control example, might be a good use case for a video. Consider constructing a prison barracks such that the AOE hits every tile  +
Images of damage AoE with damage drop off indicated in a style similar to [[:File:Skip shield radius.jpg]].  +
Images of AoE in a style similar to [[:File:Skip shield radius.jpg]] - Note: displayed AoE IS NOT the AoE of the final gas cloud, but also cloud densities may be relevant  +