Template:Str rightc/doc

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< Template:Str rightc
Revision as of 02:16, 6 July 2024 by Arcangelus (talk | contribs) (Blatantly taken from wikipedia. I'll have to edit this several times, unfortunately.)
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Taken from here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Str_rightc/doc


{{str rightc|<string>|<count>}}
{{str rightc|<string>|<count>|<result if empty>}}

Gives a substring of length <count> characters from the right-side end of the string, or, if provided, returns <result if empty> when string is empty.


  • {{str rightc |Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |10}} → r sit amet
  • {{str rightc |Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |1}} → t
  • {{str rightc |Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |0}}
  • {{str rightc | |1 |string is empty}} → string is empty
  • {{str rightc |123456789-123456789-123456789-123456789-123456789-123456789-123456789-123456789-123456789-123456789-1 |99}} → 3456789-123456789-123456789-123456789-123456789-123456789-123456789-123456789-123456789-123456789-1


Template:TemplateDataHeader <templatedata> {

       "description": "Gives the right most <count> characters of a string.",
       "params": {
               "1": {
                       "label": "String",
                       "description": "The string to be trimmed",
                       "type": "string",
                       "required": true
               "2": {
                       "label": "Count",
                       "description": "The number of characters from the right to return",
                       "type": "number",
                       "required": true
               "3": {
                       "label": "result if empty",
                       "description": "The result if the string is empty",
                       "type": "string",
                       "required": false

} </templatedata>