Revision as of 06:02, 16 August 2024 by Arcangelus (talk | contribs)
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Thought/doc
local p = {} local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs -- "stack, "duration", "multi", "label", "desc", "label" valores_ingresados={"value", "value2", "value3", "value4", "value5", "value6", "value7", "value8", "value9" } function p.Main(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) -- Los valores están en args en la forma { "value" = A, "value2"= B....} -- There must be a better way... desc = tostring(args["desc"]) label = tostring(args["label"]) duration = tostring(args["duration"]) stack = tostring(args["stack"]) multi = tostring(args["multi"]) value = tostring(args["value"]) value2 = tostring(args["value2"]) value3 = tostring(args["value3"]) value4 = tostring(args["value4"]) value5 = tostring(args["value5"]) value6 = tostring(args["value6"]) value7 = tostring(args["value7"]) value8 = tostring(args["value8"]) value9 = tostring(args["value9"]) return p._main(args) end function p._main(desc, label, duration, stack, multi, value, value2, value3, value4, value5, value6) if args(value) then if args[value2] then return p.Thought(args)..'<abbr title="'..desc..'">'..label..gsub("^%l", string.upper)..'</abbr>'.." [[mood]]" else return '<abbr title="'..p.stacks(args)..'"> '..'<abbr title="'..desc..'">'..label..gsub("^%l", string.upper)..'</abbr>'.." [[mood]]" end else return args.." T_T " end end function p.Thought(args)--This is just the value section. local valores_buscados={} for i, j in ipairs(valores_ingresados) do local vx = valores_ingresados[i] local vy = "" if vx then -- Not a nil if tonumber(vx) then --A number if tonumber(vx)<0 then vy='<b><font color="firebrick">'..vx.."</font></b>" else vy='<b><font color="forestgreen">'..vx.."</font></b>" end else vy='<b>'..vx.."</b>" --The idea is to prevent a hard to track error end valores_buscados[#valores_buscados+1]=vx end end return "<b>"..table.concat(valores_buscados,"<b>/</b>").."</b>" end function p.stacks(args)--This is just the stacking section. if stack then local va= "Stacking "..stack.."times " if multi == 1 then text= "for a maximum of "..tostring(value*stack) else text= "with a "..multi.." multiplier for maximum of"..tostring(value*( 1 - multi^stack)/(1 - multi)) end return va..text else if multi == 1 then --What about a mult above 1? text = "Stacking infinitely" else text = "Stacking with a "..multi.." multiplier for maximum of "..tostring(value*( 1 - multi^100)/(1 - multi) ) end return text end end return p