Category:Stats - Drug Addiction

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Revision as of 04:19, 25 September 2024 by JuliaCat (talk | contribs) (DrugStatsUtility of Drug Addiction Category)
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DrugAddiction drug addiction 110 false

Label Value String Report Text Display Priority In Category
Addiction recovery time {num3.ToString("F1")} days How long it takes to recover from an initial addiction to this drug.\n\nThis is be calculated from the new addiction severity divided by the rate of addiction recovery. An addiction which has been fed will take longer. 2395
Addiction initial severity addictionHediff.initialSeverity.ToStringPercent() New addictions caused by this drug begin at this severity level.\n\nTaking more of the drug will increase addiction severity, while time will reduce it. 2427
Addiction need fall rate {DrugStatsUtility.GetNeed(def).fallPerDay.ToStringPercent()} / day How quickly an addict's need for the chemical will fall. 2410
Addiction cost {DrugStatsUtility.GetAddictionNeedCostPerDay(def).ToStringMoney(null)} / day The market value of drugs that must be consumed per day to support an addiction to this drug without going into withdrawal.\n\nThis value is calculated from the addict's chemical need per dose, the need fall rate, and the market value of this drug.\n\nNote that there may be other ways to get the same chemical with different costs. 2390
Addiction need dose interval {(drugComp.needLevelOffset / DrugStatsUtility.GetNeed(def).fallPerDay).ToString("F1")} days How often an addict needs to take a dose of this drug to feed the addiction and prevent withdrawal.\n\nThis is calculated from the addiction need fall rate and the need fill per dose. 2400
New addiction chance drugComp.addictiveness.ToStringPercent() The chance of addiction per dose of this drug.\n\nIf the drug has a minimum tolerance to addict, the tolerance must be above that level for this to apply. If there is no minimum tolerance, any dose can cause an addiction. 2428
Addiction need fill per dose drugComp.needLevelOffset.ToStringPercent() How much each dose of this drug fills an addict's need for the chemical. 2420
New addiction min tolerance drugComp.minToleranceToAddict.ToStringPercent() The minimum tolerance required to become newly addicted to this drug.\n\nIf a user is below this tolerance level, they can't become newly addicted from taking a dose. 2437
Addiction severity per dose drugComp.existingAddictionSeverityOffset.ToStringPercent() How much severity is added to an existing addiction for each dose of this drug.\n\nAddiction severity cannot go above 100%. 2424

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