User talk:Crystalline Cat/Some things/reply

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Revision as of 15:25, 2 March 2015 by Crystalline Cat (talk | contribs) (Reply to Some things)
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I'm trying to make an automated way to update the values from the XML-files for ThingDefs, and a way to use those values to calculate more complicated objects, e.g. the market value of a piece of apparel depends on quality and stuff it is made from, so if I want to calculate a range or table of market values for apparel, I would need to be able to access those values. So right now I'm trying to get all resources to have their values stored.

I admit that some of the templates are complicated, especially since they are currently a mix between the old templates they are based on, my first try at this which didn't work out, and my second try. I'll hopefully manage to simplify some of them. I'm however not sure how you arrive at it being impossible for non-wiki-savy people to do anything. The templates on the pages themselves are just simple lists of values, and the main text of the pages isn't templated at all.

I guess the biggest problem is that the overview pages automatically include the contents of the individual resource pages and don't actually have the text that they show, which can be confusing. I'm not sure what to do about that yet. I'd welcome suggestions. :)

Apart from that, it would be helpful if you could be more specific about what exactly will become harder for people to do, as well as which templates you think are too complicated.

Regarding the infoboxes, I'd like to make it clear that I'm not an authority on anything. Putting them on individual pages and then listing the contents on the overview pages is just how I currently do things (mostly due to technical limitations of the SMW extension I'm using). Plenty of other parts of the wiki do it differently, such as floors or your plants, or the weapon pages, which have them both on individual pages and then again on overview pages. So I don't think we've yet established a preferred way to do things.