
From RimWorld Wiki
Revision as of 07:18, 3 September 2016 by Min (talk | contribs) (Added value tables for impressiveness, wealth, beauty and cleanliness, and did some other minor editing for consistency)
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Room stats are automatically calculated values of a room that passively affects thoughts about and events in the room. Room stats can be inspected with the Room inspection tool. Room roles, which also can be inspected with the Room inspection tool, may be effected by all, some or none of the room stats.

Room stats are:

  • Impressiveness (an aggregate of other stats)
  • Wealth
  • Space
  • Beauty
  • Cleanliness

Room stats affect things like:

  • Immunity Gain Speed
  • Medical treatment quality
  • Room stats create many variants on thoughts like:
    • Ate in impressive dining room
    • Own impressive bedroom
    • Own bed in impressive barracks
    • Did joy activity in impressive rec room

Related traits:

  • Greedy: Unhappy without sufficiently impressive room.
  • Jealous: Unhappy if anyone has a noticeably better room.
  • Ascetic: Unhappy if room is too impressive.


The value of the impressiveness stat is calculated by the following formula using the other four room stats:

  • w = Wealth/3500
  • b = Beauty/6
  • s = Space/125
  • c = (1+Cleanliness)/2.5

Impressiveness=((w+b+s+c)/4 + min(w,b,s,c))/2 * 100

Value Description
< -150 awful
>= -150 and < -40 repulsive
>= -40 and < 30 dull
>= 30 and < 60 mediocre
>= 60 and < 80 interesting
>= 80 and < 95 little bit impressive
>= 95 and < 115 impressive
>= 115 and < 130 very impressive
>= 130 and < 160 extremely impressive
>= 160 and < 180 unbelievably impressive
>= 180 and < 215 miraculously wonderful
> 215 wonder of the World


This is the sum of the market value of all items in the room and all walls (but not doors) surrounding the room.

Value Description
< 500 impoverished
>= 500 and < 700 somewhat poor
>= 700 and < 2000 mediocre
>= 2000 and < 4000 somewhat rich
>= 4000 and < 10000 rich
>= 10000 and < 40000 luxurious
>= 40000 and < 100000 very luxurious
>= 100000 and < 1000000 extremely luxurious
>= 1000000 unbelievably luxurious


Value Description
< -3.5 hideous
>= -3.5 and < 0 ugly
>= 0 and < 2.4 neutral
>= 2.4 and < 5 rather nice
>= 5 and < 15 beautiful
>= 15 and < 50 very beautiful
>= 50 and < 100 extremely beautiful
>= 100 unbelievably beautiful


Indicates how much free space is available in the room. Objects that prevent a pawn from entering a space will decrease the available space in the room. Thus, objects like beds, tables, workbenches, lamps, heaters, etc will reduce the space in the room. Stools and chairs do not reduce the space in the room.

Value Description
< 12.5 cramped
>= 12.5 and < 29 rather tight
>= 29 and < 55 average-sized
>= 55 and < 70 rather spacious
>= 70 and < 130 spacious
>= 130 and < 349.5 very spacious
>= 349.5 extremely spacious


This stat affects medical outcomes. It is determined by factors such as whether a floor has been constructed, and whether there is dirt, blood, animal filth or vomit present.

Value Description
< -1.1 very dirty
>= -1.1 and < -0.4 dirty
>= -0.4 and < -0.05 a little bit dirty
>= -0.05 and < 0.4 clean
>= 0.4 sterile