User talk:Mehni/Quality level/reply (4)

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Revision as of 02:25, 1 October 2016 by PieTau (talk | contribs) (Reply to Quality level)
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well placing stack of 75 would give 75/click placing metal floor: cost is 5*3/4=3*75, you can place 51*51 max =>51*51*3.75=9.754 it is done in 4 clicks =>2438/click even if you dont do max and you drag slow and pc has to render the metal falling, it is a lot faster lvl naturaly decasy from 20 to 10 so half is 'easly' done. for the rest it would have to hand pick them My scenario is well tailored:

  • global learning speed 0
  • work-, eat-, move-, smithing-speed 1000%
  • item decay 0 + health 1000%
  • NO negative events
  • psychic sooth every day + psychic multiplier 1000%
  • selected traits
  • more

the combat trader that counts the shivs takes them and clears the old results
The map is cleared (devtool) and surrounded with rock (dev tool) except 1 tiny opening for trader
and i start with 10000 pakagd survival meals so food is also rather good

colony manager is not nesecery i have not yet used it, but it is lazyness to not change the skill slider for 15 banks

if have made ~40000 LVL20 and 1 test of LVL19 with 10000 my result are a bit different that yours, i cant expext to get an exact replica. But there are some very big differents awful result is 200% different, shoddy29% different and the rest is below 7% good and excelent are below 1% so that is very much the same The original sample of 500 is used to make all the others, it is not perfect and a small deviation could stack with lvl far from it.

I am not saying to change anything or that your method is bad, even if i did it my way i would still use normal distribution so than the sample size could than be virtualy 200000 for every lvl.
I have not yet thanked you for doing it! i have spend a lot of time on it because it bugged the hell out of me. i am happy that it is finally in proper shape. oh, yeah you had to deal with that table with the squares, i took a look at it when i had a sample of 1000 but it looked complicated so i thought i do the rest with bigger size and then table. I hope it wasn't to frustrating. If it ever needs another update you can be the bitch   the maid of honor to do it.