Body Parts

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Revision as of 17:21, 22 October 2016 by PieTau (talk | contribs) (comes from page human)
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Body Part Groups

Each bodypart is part of a bodypartgroup. Armor and Clothing can go over one or more of these bodypartgroups, but they can't go over individual bodyparts.

  • Body Part Group Name Contents
    Torso clavicles, sternum, ribs, pelvis, spine, stomach, heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, neck
    UpperHead head, skull, brain, ears
    FullHead head, skull, brain, eyes, ears, nose, jaw
    Shoulders shoulders
    Arms arms, hands, humeri, radii
    Hands hands, fingers.
    LeftHand left hand, left hand fingers
    RightHand right hand, right hand fingers
    Legs legs, feet, femurs, tibiae
    Feet feet, toes

  • Body Parts (Summary)

    Being biological creatures, humans have a lot of body parts that work together to make them tick.

    Special Notes:

    • Brain injuries instantly scar and never heal.[1]
    • Heart injuries instantly scar and never heal.[1]

    Table HumanBodyParts

    Body Parts (Detailed)

    All the body parts are listed below in more detail. This includes some things to note, some quirks or special things about body parts, and the full names/descriptions of body parts that have multiples of them in the same body (eg. right lung and left lung).
