Difference between revisions of "Module:Stat Factors Table"

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m (Added back the 100s. I forgot my test case was using whole numbers. The issue with the the arguments was that their default type is string and my "prevent errors" method was discarding said values for not being "numbers". Adjusted formula a couple of edits back to load as numbers in for this particular function.)
(3 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 26: Line 26:
for i = 1,8 do --This should prevent errors if a number is not defined.
for i = 1,8 do --This should prevent errors if a number is not defined.
if type(argumentos[i])~='number' then
if type(argumentos[i])~='number' then
if argumentos[6] then -- In case capLimit is not correctly set.
if i == 6 then -- In case capLimit is not correctly set.
skillBase,skillBonus,statMin,statMax,capImportance,capLimit,resultCols,LV,Ln = argumentos[1],argumentos[2],argumentos[3],argumentos[4],argumentos[5],argumentos[6],argumentos[7],argumentos[8]
-- This was giving issues. This also means that the list "argumentos" may be redundant now. Adress later, as I don't undertand on a first pass what was failing.
-- skillBase,skillBonus,statMin,statMax,capImportance,capLimit,resultCols,LV,Ln = argumentos[1],argumentos[2],argumentos[3],argumentos[4],argumentos[5],argumentos[6],argumentos[7],argumentos[8]
-- Do note that statMin, statMax are handled by "Template:Stat Factors Table" (including defaults)
-- Do note that statMin, statMax are handled by "Template:Stat Factors Table" (including defaults)
if tonumber(Ln)==nil then --Sanitizes input and allows for Ln=0.
if tonumber(Ln)==nil then --Sanitizes input and allows for Ln=0.
factor = skillBase + (tonumber(skillBonus) or 0 ) * LV
factor = skillBase + (tonumber(skillBonus) or 0) * LV
factor = Ln
factor = tonumber(Ln)

Latest revision as of 20:34, 6 March 2025

This module is meant to be used by Template:Stat Factors Table Row, which in turn is meant to be used alogside Template:Stat Factors Table.

This module returns the rows used in said table. It accept 8 inputs: skillBase, skillBonus, statMin, statMax, capImportance, capLimit, resultCols, LV, Ln

Any value not given is assumed 0. There are exceptions for the default values of Stat Maximum (99999999) and statMin (0), both of which are defined on Template:Stat Factors Table.

This can probably be further improved. Regardless, this represents a 71% improvement over the ParserFunctions method.


{{Stat Factors Table}}

on the Butchery Efficiency page would produce:

Cooking Skill Level CollapseButchery Efficiency
100% Manipulation 125% Manipulation 150% Manipulation
0 75%91.88% 108.75%
1 77.5%94.94% 112.38%
2 80%98% 116%
3 82.5%101.06% 119.62%
4 85%104.13% 123.25%
5 87.5%107.19% 126.88%
6 90%110.25% 130.5%
7 92.5%113.31% 134.13%
8 95%116.38% 137.75%
9 97.5%119.44% 141.37%
10 100%122.5% 145%
11 102.5%125.56% 148.62%
12 105%128.63% 150%
13 107.5%131.69% 150%
14 110%134.75% 150%
15 112.5%137.81% 150%
16 115%140.88% 150%
17 117.5%143.94% 150%
18 120%147% 150%
19 122.5%150% 150%
20 125%150% 150%
{{Stat Factors Table|Foraged Food Amount}}

on any page would produce:

Plants Skill Level CollapseForaged Food Amount
100% Sight 125% Sight 150% Sight
0 0%0% 0%
1 9%11.03% 13.05%
2 18%22.05% 26.1%
3 27%33.08% 39.15%
4 36%44.1% 52.2%
5 45%55.13% 65.25%
6 54%66.15% 78.3%
7 63%77.18% 91.35%
8 72%88.2% 104.4%
9 81%99.23% 117.45%
10 90%110.25% 130.5%
11 99%121.28% 143.55%
12 108%132.3% 156.6%
13 117%143.33% 169.65%
14 126%154.35% 182.7%
15 135%165.38% 195.75%
16 144%176.4% 208.8%
17 153%187.43% 221.85%
18 162%198.45% 234.9%
19 171%209.48% 247.95%
20 180%220.5% 261%

Example when limit is 100%:

{{Stat Factors Table|Arrest Success Chance}}

it produces:

Social Skill Level CollapseArrest Success Chance
0 60%
1 67.5%
2 75%
3 82.5%
4 90%
5 97.5%
6 100%
7 100%
8 100%
9 100%
10 100%
11 100%
12 100%
13 100%
14 100%
15 100%
16 100%
17 100%
18 100%
19 100%
20 100%

Example when limit is >100% but <125%: Note: Research Speed is not an appropriate use of the template, as it relies equally on two different capacities, however, at the time of writing no compatible example of an inter-column limit exists:

{{Stat Factors Table|Research Speed }}

on any page would produce:

Intellectual Skill Level CollapseResearch Speed
100% Manipulation 110%+ Manipulation
0 8%8.4%
1 19.5%20.48%
2 31%32.55%
3 42.5%44.63%
4 54%56.7%
5 65.5%68.78%
6 77%80.85%
7 88.5%92.93%
8 100%105%
9 111.5%117.08%
10 123%129.15%
11 134.5%141.23%
12 146%153.3%
13 157.5%165.38%
14 169%177.45%
15 180.5%189.53%
16 192%201.6%
17 203.5%213.68%
18 215%225.75%
19 226.5%237.83%
20 238%249.9%

Example when skills have to be specifically defined:

{{Stat Factors Table|Plant Harvest Yield|l0=0.60|l1=0.70|l2=0.75|l3=0.80|l4=0.85|l5=0.90|l6=0.95|l7=0.98|l8=1.00|l9=1.01|l10=1.02|l11=1.03|l12=1.04|l13=1.05|l14=1.06|l15=1.07|l16=1.08|l17=1.09|l18=1.10|l19=1.12|l20=1.13}}

it produces:

Plants Skill Level CollapsePlant Harvest Yield
100% Manipulation 125% Manipulation 150% Manipulation
0 60%64.5% 69%
1 70%75.25% 80.5%
2 75%80.62% 86.25%
3 80%86% 92%
4 85%91.38% 97.75%
5 90%96.75% 103.5%
6 95%102.13% 109.25%
7 98%105.35% 112.7%
8 100%107.5% 115%
9 101%108.58% 116.15%
10 102%109.65% 117.3%
11 103%110.73% 118.45%
12 104%111.8% 119.6%
13 105%112.88% 120.75%
14 106%113.95% 121.9%
15 107%115.03% 123.05%
16 108%116.1% 124.2%
17 109%117.18% 125.35%
18 110%118.25% 126.5%
19 112%120.4% 128.8%
20 113%121.47% 129.95%

Medical Skill Level CollapseMedical Surgery Success Chance
100% Manipulation 125% Manipulation 150% Manipulation
0 10%12.5% 15%
1 20%25% 30%
2 30%37.5% 45%
3 40%50% 60%
4 50%62.5% 75%
5 60%75% 90%
6 70%87.5% 105%
7 75%93.75% 112.5%
8 80%100% 120%
9 85%106.25% 127.5%
10 90%112.5% 135%
11 92%115% 138%
12 94%117.5% 141%
13 96%120% 144%
14 98%122.5% 147%
15 100%125% 150%
16 102%127.5% 153%
17 104%130% 156%
18 106%132.5% 159%
19 108%135% 162%
20 110%137.5% 165%

--local getArgs -- lazily initialized
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local p = {}
local wrap = {} -- Holds wrapper functions that process arguments from #invoke. These act as intemediary between functions meant for #invoke and functions meant for Lua.

local function unpackNumberArgs(args)
	-- Returns an unpacked list of arguments specified with numerical keys.
	local ret = {}
	for k, v in pairs(args) do
		if type(k) == 'number' then
			table.insert(ret, v)
	return unpack(ret)

--Stat Factors Table Row

function wrap.TableRow(args)
	return p._TableRow(unpackNumberArgs(args))
function p._TableRow(skillBase, skillBonus, statMin, statMax, capImportance, capLimit, resultCols, LV, Ln)
	--Remove local if these variables are to be used somewhere else. 
	local argumentos={skillBase,skillBonus,statMin,statMax,capImportance,capLimit,resultCols,LV,Ln}
	for i = 1,8 do --This should prevent errors if a number is not defined.
		if type(argumentos[i])~='number' then
			if i == 6 then -- In case capLimit is not correctly set.
-- This was giving issues. This also means that the list "argumentos" may be redundant now. Adress later, as I don't undertand on a first pass what was failing.
--	skillBase,skillBonus,statMin,statMax,capImportance,capLimit,resultCols,LV,Ln = argumentos[1],argumentos[2],argumentos[3],argumentos[4],argumentos[5],argumentos[6],argumentos[7],argumentos[8]
	-- Do note that statMin, statMax are handled by "Template:Stat Factors Table" (including defaults)

	if tonumber(Ln)==nil then --Sanitizes input and allows for Ln=0.
		factor = skillBase + (tonumber(skillBonus) or 0) * LV
		factor = tonumber(Ln)

	local Pval = math.min(math.max(factor,statMin),statMax)
	R_Pval = tostring(math.floor(Pval*10000+0.5)/100).."%" -- This formats the number as a 2 digit percent value, rounded up.
--	R_Pval = string.format("%.2f", Pval*100).."%" -- While Easier to parse, this has the issue of forcing 2 decimals for all numbers.
	if tonumber(resultCols)>1 then
		Pval = factor * ( 1 + capImportance * math.min(capLimit-1, 0.25))
		Pval = math.min(math.max(Pval,statMin),statMax)
		R_Sval="<td>"..tostring(math.floor(Pval*10000+0.5)/100).."% </td>"

	if tonumber(resultCols)>2 then
		Pval = factor * ( 1 + capImportance * math.min(capLimit-1, 0.5))
		Pval = math.min(math.max(Pval,statMin),statMax)
		R_Tval="<td>"..tostring(math.floor(Pval*10000+0.5)/100).."% </td>"
	return "|-\r\n!"..LV.."\r\n|"..R_Pval..R_Sval..R_Tval
	-- There are more efficient ways, but this works.

-- Deep Drill Speed custom version. Includes Time in minutes (at x1 speed)
function wrap.Table_DDS(frame) --The normal unpacking is giving me issues, so this is a potential if ugly work around.
--	return p._Table_DDS(unpackNumberArgs(args))
	local args = getArgs(frame)
	return p._Table_DDS(tonumber(args[1]),tonumber(args[2]),tonumber(args[3]))
function p._Table_DDS(skillBase, skillBonus, capImportance)
	--statMin=0 so omitted, skill uncapped so statMax omitted.
	local argumentos={skillBase, skillBonus, capImportance}

	for i = 1,3 do --This should prevent errors if a number is not defined.
		if type(argumentos[i])~='number' then
	skillBase,skillBonus,capImportance = argumentos[1],argumentos[2],argumentos[3]

	-- If needed, the Header can be moved outside
	local Header = '{| class = "mw-collapsible wikitable" width="180" style="text-align: center;"\r\n' -- May just call it from outside.
	Header = Header..'! rowspan=2 | Mining Skill Level'..'\r\n'
	Header = Header..'! colspan=3 | Deep Drilling Speed<br/>(Real time at 1x speed)'..'\r\n'
	Header = Header..'|-\r\n'
	Header = Header..'! 100% Manipulation !! 125% Manipulation !! 150% Manipulation'..'\r\n'
	local line, cuerpo = "", ""
	local factor = 0
	local val1, val2, val3 = 0,0,0
	local time1, time2, time3 = 0,0,0
	for i = 0, 20 do --This creates the table itself.
		line = "|-\r\n!"..i.."\r\n|" --Just for order
		factor = skillBase + tonumber(skillBonus) * i
		val1 = math.max(factor, 0)
		time1 = 14000/(val1*3600) -- This is time in minutes. Because factor is a percentage, I need to multiply this by 100 to compensate.
		-- This formats the number as a percent value with X decimals, rounded up. Change to %.0f for no decimals.
		R_Pval= string.format("%.0f", val1*100).."% <br/>"..string.format("(%.2f min)", time1)

		val2 = factor * ( 1 + capImportance * 0.25)
		val2 = math.max(val2, 0)
		time2 = 14000/(val2*3600)
		R_Sval= string.format("<td>%.0f", val2*100).."% <br/>"..string.format("(%.2f min)", time2).."</td>"

		val3 = factor * ( 1 + capImportance * 0.5)
		val3 = math.max(val3, 0)
		time3 = 14000/(val3*3600)
		R_Tval= string.format("<td>%.0f", val3*100).."% <br/>"..string.format("(%.2f min)", time3).."</td>"
		cuerpo = cuerpo..line..R_Pval..R_Sval..R_Tval.."\r\n"

	return Header..cuerpo.."|}" --This should be the entire table. I may be a space short.

Wrapper function that does basic argument processing. This ensures that all functions from #invoke can use either the current
frame or the parent frame, and it also trims whitespace for all arguments and removes blank arguments.

local mt = { __index = function(t, k)
	return function(frame)
		if not getArgs then
			getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
		return wrap[k](getArgs(frame))  -- Argument processing is left to Module:Arguments. Whitespace is trimmed and blank arguments are removed.
end }

return setmetatable(p, mt)