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{{Biotech}}{{move | destination = Friendly Mechanoids | reason = Since this article is currently more of an overview of friendly mechs and not just their gestation, the page should be renamed}}
#REDIRECT [[Mechanitor]]
''For the enemy structure that creates mechanoids in the [[Royalty DLC]], see [[Mech assembler]].''
With the release of the [[Biotech DLC]], '''mechanoids''' may be built, gestated, and controlled by a colony - specifically, by a [[mechanitor]].
[[Mechanitor]]s are required to build, gestate, and control your own mechanoids. [[Research]] must be done with a valid mechaniator in the colony, and only the mechanitor may initiate any of the mech creation processes. First, creating your own mechs requires the [[Research#Basic Mechtech|Basic Mechtech]] research, which in turn requires the [[Research#Electricity|Electricity]] research to be completed first.
#Mechanitors must have enough [[bandwidth]] for the mechanoid in question. The larger and more complex the mechanoid is, the more bandwidth is required.
#All mechanoids require a subcore to create, along with other materials like [[steel]]. Simple mechs use a [[basic subcore]] (from a [[subcore encoder]]), while more complex ones require a [[standard subcore]] (from a [[subcore softscanner]]) or [[high subcore]] (from a [[subcore ripscanner]]). The ripscanner in particular requires killing a human pawn to create.
#After being "built" for a tiny amount of a mechanitor's work, mechs must gestate at a [[mech gestator]] or [[large mech gestator]]. Gestation types are measured in cycles, where larger mechs require more cycles. A [[mech gestation processor]] can be installed into a mechanitor to increase the speed. When cycling is done, the mechanitor must take the mech out.
More complex mechanoids require more research. Mechanoid research in particular requires killing one of three mechanoid commanders - the [[Diabolus]], [[War queen]], and [[Apocriton]], in order of progression - and studying their specific item before it is possible.
Hostile mechanoids cannot be tamed or converted in any way, even if once part of your colony. You can create every mechanoid in the game, except for the [[Termite]] and [[Apocriton]].
[[Mechanitor]]s are required to control mechanoids. A mechanitor has a limited amount of [[bandwidth]], which limits the number of mechanoids they can command. Larger and more complex mechanoids require more bandwidth.
In general, [[mechanoid]]s are immune to [[fire]], toxicity, and [[temperature]] extremes, despite having a Comfortable Temperature. They are vulnerable to [[EMP]] attacks, being stunned by them. Mechanoids do not need to eat, sleep, and have no mood. However, they require [[power]], and cause [[pollution]] in the process. The market value of mechs, and of any weapons they carry, do count as wealth for [[raid points|raid point calculations]]. Mechs also contribute towards "pawn points" as if they were a partial colonist.{{Check Tag|How much?|Relative to colonists; exact numbers in raid point page}}
Mechs considered "light" use a regular [[mech recharger]] and [[mech gestator]]. Mechs considered "medium" or heavier use the [[large mech recharger]] and [[large mech gestator]].
Player mechanoids use a variable amount of power, depending on their state.
*They use 10% power / day when active: labor mechs doing work, or combat mechs being awake at all.
*Labor mechs use 3% power / day while idle, or not doing work.
*Mechanoids can be commanded to enter a state of dormancy, preventing power drain, instead recharging at a very slow rate of 1% power / day. Mechs that run out of power will also enter this state.
*When [[downed]], or in the world map on a [[caravan]], they use 0% power.
They can instead be recharged at a [[mech recharger]] or [[large mech recharger]], which quickly recharges them - +50% power / day. This leads to a theoretical uptime of 83.3% - 5 days working, 1 day charging. The mech recharger itself creates waster. Once its waste meter is filled, [[toxic wastepack]]s are created. The amount of waste is directly correlated to the mech's bandwidth, where 1 bandwidth = 5 wastepacks.
Mechanoids can be repaired at the cost of their power, the rate dependent on which mech it is. This will restore otherwise permanent injuries. If killed, mechanoids can be ressurected at the cost of some size-dependent [[steel]] and 1 gestation cycle, so long as some part of their corpse is intact
Mech are fully autonomous. Mechanoids assigned to work tasks have an effective [[Skill]] of 10, though most have a 50% [[Global Work Speed]], and some of them work even slower. You cannot order mechanoid work in any direct way, though you can indirectly control it through setting [[zone]]s. Specifically, mechs are put into '''control groups''', which can then be assigned to one of four orders:
*'''Work''': Do available work tasks. Start charging after reaching a configurable % of power left.
*'''Escort''': Follow the mechanitor around and fight enemies. Start charging after reaching a configurable % of power left.
*'''Recharge''': Look for available recharging stations and use them. Enter dormant self-charging if full or no available charging stations.
*'''Dormant self-charging''': Turns off the mechs. While dormant, mechs recharge a very small amount of power (+1% power / day) without a charger or any pollution.
Control groups and orders may be changed, though the mechanitor must be controllable (not [[downed]] and not under a [[mental break]]), and their mechs must be in the same map. If they are separated, mechs will continue to do their tasks without a problem, and won't become hostile. However, control groups and their orders cannot be changed.
Mechs can also be drafted for combat, where they are controlled like any colonist. However, the mechanoid can only be ordered to move ''to'' spaces within a 25-tile radius from their master, and they can only be ordered to do other commands while ''in'' said radius. Mechs can be drafted outside of this range (but not if the mechanitor is downed), where they can defend themselves, carry out previous combat commands, or be commanded to go near the mechanitor.
Mechanoids in a [[caravan]] contribute towards its carrying capacity. They do not use power as long as they are on the world map.
If the mechanitor dies or runs out of [[bandwidth]], mechanoids will go into the Uncontrolled state. They will not be uncontrolled if the mechanitor is downed, in a caravan, etc. After 1 game-day, or {{ticks|60000}} uncontrolled, they may go feral, joining the enemy [[mech hive]]. There is a {{MTB}} of 10 in-game [[time|days]], with a cascade radius of 25 tiles.{{Check Tag|Verify|Based on data from files, verify accuracy in-game and delete this check tag}}
===Work Speed===
{{stub|section=1|reason=Update table, verify numbers/mechanics for mech labor precept}}
Most mechanoids have a natural [[Global Work Speed]] of 50%. [[Tunneler (Mechanoid)|Tunnelers]] have a Global Work Speed of 150%, and the [[agrihand]] and [[constructoid]] have special modifiers to work speed.
Being in range of a [[mech booster]] boosts workspeed by 50%, multiplicative. Each [[control sublink (standard)|control sublink]] installed into the [[mechanitor]] increases work speed by +6%, after the mech booster. Up to 3 standard and 3 high control sublinks can be installed at a time, for a +36% boost. An [[ideoligion]]{{IdeologyIcon}} with the Mechanoid Labor: Enhanced [[precept]] will make mechanoids work 20% faster, at the cost of colonist work speed.{{Check Tag|How is boost applied?|Is it added or multiplied? Who needs to have the ideoligion?}}
For example, with a work speed of 50%:
{| class="wikitable"
! Control Sublinks !! Work Speed !! Mech Boosted
| 0 || 50% || 75%
| 1 || 56%  || 81%
| 2 || 62%  || 87%
| 3 || 68%  || 93%
| 4 || 74% || 99%
| 5 || 80% || 105%
| 6 || 86% || 111%
Work speed can be further modified by regular factors, such as [[light]] and the [[Manipulation]] stat.
{{Mech Bandwidth}}
==Controllable mechanoids==
<div><li style="display: inline-table;">
Click to <div class="mw-collapsible">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| {{STDT|sortable c_06 text-center}}
! style="vertical-align: top;" colspan="2" | Mechanoid
! style="vertical-align: top;"| Class
! style="vertical-align: top;"| Armor<br>(S/B/H)
! style="vertical-align: top;"| Body<br>Size
! style="vertical-align: top;"| Health<br>Scale
! style="vertical-align: top;"| Move<br>Speed
! style="vertical-align: top;" data-sort-type="number"| Melee DPS<ref name="Actual">Note: This is the actual base average derived from the [[Weapons#Listed_DPS_on_pawns|melee verb system]] updated in [[Version/1.1.2610|1.1.2610]], it may sometimes disagree with the listed value in the in-game infobox. It may also change depending on the stats and the melee verbs available to the wielder</ref><br>([[Melee Hit Chance|Post Hit Chance]])
! style="vertical-align: top;"| Ranged weapon
! style="vertical-align: top;"| Bandwidth
! style="vertical-align: top;"| Research
! style="vertical-align: top;"| Cost
! style="vertical-align: top;"| Market Value<ref name="Weapon value">Note: This value includes that of the weapon it spawns with.</ref>
{{#ask: [[Type::Mechanoid]] [[Resource 1::+]]
| named args=yes
| ? # - = ?Pagename
| ?Name=?Name
| ?Armor - Sharp = ?Armor - Sharp
| ?Armor - Blunt = ?Armor - Blunt
| ?Armor - Heat = ?Armor - Heat
| ?Body Size = ?Body Size
| ?Bandwidth = ?Bandwidth
| ?Health Scale = ?Health Scale
| ?Move Speed Base = ?Move Speed Base
| ?Required Research = ?Required Research
| ?Market Value Base # = ?Market Value Base
| ?weaponTags = ?weaponTags
| format=template
| template=Mechanoid Table Row
| sort = Required Research, name
==Version history==
*[[Biotech DLC]] release - Introduced.
*[[Version/1.4.3555|1.4.3555]] - Mechs now count as partial pawns for determining [[raid points]]. Added [[precept]]{{IdeologyIcon}} for Mechanoid Labor. Combat mechs now count towards Autonomous Weapons for that respective precept.
[[Category:Game mechanics]]

Latest revision as of 13:29, 12 March 2025

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