Difference between revisions of "User:Harakoni/List of known bugs"

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Once passions are suppressed by Awful:X genes that passion is hidden from the player until the gene is removed.
Once passions are suppressed by Awful:X genes that passion is hidden from the player until the gene is removed.
== Gas masks ==
== Minified Recreation items are missorted in stockpiles ==
Gas masks have the wrong type of insulation and armor values set in their .xml def. They're set as if the gas mask was stuffable, but it is not, and thus the gas mask has no insulation or armor at all.
Half are in furniture instead of recreation.
== Spike trap lying infobox ==
Per page: "Note that both the damage and AP of the attack in the info screen are misleading. The damage listed is the average sum of the damage inflicted, the AP is incorrectly calculated as if this damage is all dealt at once. "
Verify still true.
==Inconisstent shield behaviour on the edges ==
Literal edge case

Latest revision as of 11:38, 1 July 2024

These are bugs that

  1. Have been reported.
  2. Had a significant amount of time since that report.
  3. Have not been actioned or confirmed as intended.

Static APs not scaling with damage[edit]

Melee Verbs with non-standard AP ratios do not have their AP adjusted by damage modifiers such as Age or Genes, this includes but is not limited to Spears, Monoswords, Knee Spikes, Hand Talons, Venom Talons.

Prison break interval multipliers[edit]

Prison Break Interval UI doesn't accurately communicate which modifiers are increases and which are decreases to the frequency of prison breaks. Ideally it should be converted to using the same UI as Slave Rebellion Frequency.

Ranged Stab transmits damage through skin[edit]

The Ranged Stab damage type (used by Sanguophage's Piercing Spines and Pila) has anomalous interactions with armor - When targeting Internal Parts it does no damage to the external parent part dealing full damage to the internal part. However when mitigated by armor it splits the damage evenly between the Internal and External parts. This results in identical overall damage, just spread out.

Inconsistent display of healing factors[edit]

The Healing Enhancer implant lists a bonus to "Natural Healing Factor", a stat that is not listed in a pawn's information panel. The Fast/Superfast wound healing genes and the Preach Health ability of the Moral Guide are listed as "Injury Healing Factor", which are correctly displayed in the UI. To the best of my knowledge these stats are mechanically identical.

Conversion jump-to targets wrong pawn[edit]

The Conversion Notification's "Jump To Location" button takes the player to the pawn that did the converting, not the pawn that was CONVERTED. This is the opposite behavior of the Recruit notification and is extremely useless.

Inconsistent Slave Suppression Offsets[edit]

Cataphract, Recon, Locust, and all prestige variants, Capes, are all missing Slave Suppression Offset penalties, while comparable items (Duster and Marine armor) do have the offset

Beer counts as weapons for Slave rebellions[edit]

While a pass was done previously changing lowthreat weapons such as EMP, and most comparably Wood, to not affect Slave Rebellion chance, beer still counts as a weapon for Slave Rebellion Intervals (I will fight anyone who says this isn't a bug)

Dark vision move speed tooltip[edit]

Dark Vision gene doesn't explicitly say that it removes the Move Speed penalty for darkness (It does mechanically do this, just the tooltip is incomplete)

Darklight Preferred work and move speed tooltip[edit]

Lighting: Darklight Preferred precept does not indicate that it removes the Work and Move Speed penalties for darkness.

Precepts lacking mechanical description tooltips[edit]

Rough Living: Welcomed precept has no mechanical details of its effects

Temperature: Tough precept has no mechanical details of its effects

Blind Psysense: Strong precept has no mechanical details of its effects

Small Spaces: Don't Care precept has no mechanical details of its effects. Notably this precept is responsible for inverting the Outdoor need into the Indoor need.

Comfort: Ignored precept has no mechanical details of its effects, least-egregious example.

Pollution Retaliation raid Strategies not displayed[edit]

Pollution Retaliation raid notifications do not include a description of the raid type (Siege, breacher, ect)

Cumulative overdoes not explained anywhere[edit]

Total absence of UI detailing how Cumulative Overdoses work

Damage types not explained anywhere[edit]

they make a huge difference and make comparing DPS barely possible, but are complete black boxes to the player

Drug Dependency overdose protection not explained[edit]

Drug Dependency genes do not explicitly tell the player which kind of overdoses they prevent. (They prevent random overdoses, not cumulative overdoses)

Drug Dependency overdose protection not explained[edit]

Drug Impervious genes are listed as "Overdose chance factor 0x%" which can be interpreted as only preventing Random overdoses, however they also prevent Cumulative overdoses

Drug Impervious genes prevent ALL overdoses from ALL drugs, both random and cumulative.

No way for player to tell base passions once awful gene[edit]

Once passions are suppressed by Awful:X genes that passion is hidden from the player until the gene is removed.

Minified Recreation items are missorted in stockpiles[edit]

Half are in furniture instead of recreation.

Spike trap lying infobox[edit]

Per page: "Note that both the damage and AP of the attack in the info screen are misleading. The damage listed is the average sum of the damage inflicted, the AP is incorrectly calculated as if this damage is all dealt at once. " Verify still true.

Inconisstent shield behaviour on the edges[edit]

Literal edge case