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<noinclude>&larr; <small>[[Backstories]]</small></noinclude>
&larr; <small>[[Backstories]]</small>
{| {{STDT| sortable c_17}}
{| {{STDT| sortable c_17}}
! Title<br />(Short Title) !! Description !! Skill Modifications !! Incapable of !! Civil !! Raider !! Slave !! Trader !! Traveler !! Tribal
! Title<br/>(Short Title) !! Description !! Skill Modifications !! Work types !! Traits !! Tribal !! Outlander !! Pirate !! Offworld !! Outsider !! Imperial<br>Common !! Imperial<br>Fighter !! Imperial<br>Royal !! Bodytype
! Acolyte of stars (Priest)
{{:Backstories/ImperialCommon Adult}}
| Ever the dreamer, NAME traveled across the universe to find the thing HE felt was calling to HIM.{{br}}{{br}}HECAP became poorer and poorer, but used every means possible to carry on.
{{:Backstories/ImperialFighter Adult}}
| Social {{--|3}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|4}}{{br}}Artistic {{+|7}}{{br}}Intellectual {{--|3}}
{{:Backstories/ImperialRoyal Adult}}
| Dumb labor{{br}}Violent
{{:Backstories/Offworld Glitterworld Adult}}
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
{{:Backstories/Offworld Medieval Adult}}
{{:Backstories/Offworld Nonspecific Adult}}
! Adventurer
{{:Backstories/Offworld Specific Adult}}
| NAME's thirst for adventure took her to many planets. HECAP visited the brightest glitterworlds and the darkest war-torn toxic planets in HIS quest to find novelty.{{br}}{{br}}HECAP worked as little as possible, often skirting ethical boundaries to make a quick buck. Among all jobs, HE hated cooking the most.
{{:Backstories/Outsider Adult}}
| Shooting {{+|3}}{{br}}Melee {{+|3}}{{br}}Social {{+|3}}{{br}}Animals {{+|2}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|3}}{{br}}Crafting {{+|3}}
{{:Backstories/Pirate Adult}}
| Cooking
{{:Backstories/Tribal Adult}}
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Aromatherapist{{br}}(Therapist)
| NAME practiced aromatherapy, using essences extracted from home-grown plants.
| Shooting {{--|3}}{{br}}Melee {{--|3}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|4}}{{br}}Cooking {{+|4}}{{br}}Growing {{+|6}}
| ? || {{check}} || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Behaviour research{{br}}(Scientist)
| Captured as a feral child, NAME was forced into the ways of modern society. She quickly adapted and became a bevaioural researcher, eventually owning a private facility. She specialized in canines, but learnt a great deal about all animals. She never had interest in plants, however.
| Melee {{+|1}}{{br}}Social {{+|2}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|6}}{{br}}Cooking {{--|2}}{{br}}Growing {{--|3}}{{br}}Intellectual {{+|8}}
| Artistic{{br}}Firefighting
| ? || {{check}} || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Blacksmith
| As a smith on a medieval world, NAME gained a reputation for the high quality of HIS work. HECAP wasn't bad at using the swords HE forged either.
| Shooting {{--|5}}{{br}}Melee {{+|4}}{{br}}Crafting {{+|6}}
| Intellectual
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Defector
| Early in HIS adulthood, NAME decided to leave the oppressive dictatorship where HE lived. HISCAP defection was not well-received, and agents were sent out after HIM.{{br}}{{br}}HECAP spent years on the run, treating HIS own wounds so no doctor could betray HIM. The ordeal made HIM bitter and untrusting.
| Shooting {{+|5}}{{br}}Social {{--|4}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|3}}
| Artistic
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Digger
| NAME and HIS tribe carved their home deep into the side of a mountain. NAME feels most at home picking through rock and shoring up cave walls.
| Mining {{+|5}}{{br}}Construction {{+|2}}
| N/A
| {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{check}}
! Gatherer
| NAME is a master gatherer. HECAP can find food in the most barren of places using HIS deep knowledge of plants, roots, and berries.
| Growing {{+|4}}
| N/A
| {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{check}}
! Glitterworld surgeon{{br}}(Surgeon)
| NAME worked as a surgeon on a world mostly free of disease and human suffering.{{br}}{{br}}HISCAP job mostly involved elaborate and creative cosmetic surgeries. HECAP has a good understanding of human biology, but never had to remove a cancer -- or a bullet.
| Social {{+|1}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|3}}{{br}}Artistic {{+|5}}
| N/A
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Illegal shipwright{{br}}(Shipwright)
| There is a law that say that you're not allowed to put terawatt-range grasers on a cargo scow. Especially if you hide them under what looks like a communications dish for better ambush potential. NAME discovered that there is great profit to be made, however, from those who are uninterested in these laws.
| Construction {{+|7}}
| N/A
| {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Unethical doctor (Doctor)
| NAME became a doctor to save lives and research medicine. She soon realized the only way to make progress on her research was to perform experiments on human patients. She often used patients for her experiments - whether they were willing or not.
| Medicine {{+|6}}{{br}} Intellectual {{+|6}}
| Wardening{{br}} Plant cutting{{br}} Hauling{{br}} Cleaning
| ? || {{check}} || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Chief engineer{{br}}(Engineer)
| As chief engineer on board a large spaceship, NAME was an expert in all things fiddly and complex.{{br}}{{br}}HECAP relied on other members of the crew for some of the basic necessities of life. HECAP and HIS ship eventually disappeared into a longsleep voyage of exploration.
| Social {{--|2}}{{br}}Construction {{+|3}}{{br}}Mining {{+|2}}{{br}}Crafting {{+|3}}{{br}}Research {{+|3}}
| Animals
| {{check}} || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Herbalist
| NAME lived in the forest near a village. Though many of the villagers feared HIM, sick villagers would come to HIM to purchase salves and poultices made from the herbs HE grew in HIS garden. HECAP was happy to help them -- for a price.
| Social {{--|2}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|4}}{{br}}Growing {{+|4}}
| N/A
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Medieval doctor{{br}}(Quack)
| NAME worked as a doctor on a medieval planet. HECAP firmly believes that most ailments can be cured with a little bloodletting.{{br}}{{br}}HECAP was also a master anaesthetist, developing a specialty technique that involved a heavy blow to the head.
| Melee {{+|6}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|1}}
| N/A
| {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Mercenary leader (Mercenary)
| Alone, NAME set out to rebuild her father's life's work. She challenged the leader of a small band of mercenaries and took control, then led the pandas they hijacked trade ships and stole valuable cargo. Her men mutinied. She was abandoned, arrested, and sentenced to death.
| Shooting {{+|4}}{{br}}Melee {{+|4}}{{br}}Social {{+|4}}
| N/A
| ? || {{check}} || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Runaway dancer{{br}}(Dancer)
| Grown by and for science, NAME gave it up. Instead, she wanted to dance for crowds across many worlds, from the glamor of the glitter worlds to the dangers of the rim. Such work required wearing a smile on her face and a pistol under her costume.
| Shooting {{+|2}}{{br}}Social {{+|6}}{{br}}Artistic {{+|4}}
| N/A
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Scout
| Since HIS tribe has made contact with local outlanders, NAME has contracted HIS services out as a guide to the local area. Frequent contact with ancient relics has made HIM fairly comfortable with the old technology.
| Shooting {{+|2}}{{br}}Social {{+|2}}{{br}}Intellectual {{+|2}}
| N/A
| {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{check}}
! Smuggler
| As a contract pilot, NAME had a knack for stealing goods and trafficking contraband without getting caught. She eventually saved up enough to buy her own ship, and used it to travel from world to world dealing her goods in person.
| Shooting {{+|2}}{{br}}Melee {{+|2}}{{br}}Social {{+|5}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|2}}{{br}}Intellectual {{--|2}}
| Art
| ? || {{check}} || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Space pirate{{br}}(Pirate)
| Piracy appears everywhere that governments are weak and society spread thin. NAME was part of this age-old part of human existence, extorting and smashing peaceful trade ships for profit.
| Melee {{+|4}}{{br}}Shooting {{+|4}}
| N/A
| {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Fervent researcher (Researcher)
| As a young adult, NAME was sure that HIS planet and its people were nearing their time of transcendence.{{br}}{{br}}A firm belief that HIS research would be the catalyst drove HIM to increasingly alarming acts as bureaucrats and bioethics committees worked to stall HIS progress.
| Shooting {{+|2}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|8}}{{br}}Research {{+|6}}
| Dumb labor{{br}}Skilled labor{{br}}Artistic
| ? || {{check}} || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Slave chemist
| NAME became a gifted pharmaceutical scientist, but was captured by slavers. HECAP was sold to a warlord and forced to create drugs to test on other slaves. This left HIM with deep and troubling questions on the ethics of scientific research and medicine.
| Melee {{--|1}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|5}}{{br}}Construction {{--|1}}{{br}}Mining {{--|2}}{{br}}Research {{+|4}}
| Firefighting
| ? || ? || ? || ? || {{check}} || ?
! Urbworld sex slave
| NAME was sold into sexual slavery. Having been designed to be inhumanly attractive and too weak to rebel against HIS masters, HE was passed between dozens of owners and knew nothing of freedom.{{br}}''Note: Automatically grants the beautiful [[Traits | trait]]
| Social {{+|6}}{{br}}Cooking {{+|2}}{{br}}Artistic {{--|2}}
| Hunting{{br}}Researching
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Villain
|After rising to the top of his criminal band, NAME was taught the arts of villainy, from handling firearms to developing new weapon technologies. He excelled at bending others to his will.
| Shooting {{+|4}}{{br}}Social {{+|6}}{{br}}Mining {{--|2}}{{br}}Intellectual {{+|2}}
| Hauling
| ? || {{check}} || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Ace Fighter Pilot{{br}}(Ace)
| NAME graduated from the Star Academy with honors and distinguished HIMself as an ace fighter pilot in three campaigns against more advanced aggressor cultures. However, after one vicious battle, HE found HIMself stranded and HIS carrier ship destroyed. With nowhere to go, HE entered HIS escape pod and prayed.
|Shooting {{+|3}}{{br}}Melee {{+|2}}{{br}}Social {{+|3}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|3}}{{br}}Mining {{--|3}}{{br}}Research {{+|2}}
| N/A
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || {{cross}}
! Explorer
| NAME traveled from planet to planet, gathering samples, stories, and research. HECAP hoped one day to compile a record of every animal, plant, mineral, and machine and device in known space: The Complete Traveler's Guide to the RimWorlds.
| Shooting {{+|2}}{{br}}Melee {{+|2}}{{br}}Mining {{+|3}}{{br}}Crafting {{+|2}}{{br}}Research {{+|3}}
| N/A
| ? || ? || ? || ? || {{check}} || ?
! Loner
| NAME never much liked the tribal council or the yearly festivals. HECAP prefers the open plain and the lonely whistle of wind through the rocks.<br/ ><br />HE visits HIS tribe from time to time, but for the most part HE takes care of HIMself using HIS own survival skills.
| Shooting {{+|3}}{{br}}Melee {{+|2}}{{br}}Growing {{+|5}}{{br}}Construction {{+|1}}
| Social
| {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{check}}
! Nurse
| NAME worked in an industrial-era hospital, doing routine work such as changing bandages and taking temperatures.{{br}}{{br}}It was a busy job, but HE could always find time for a chat with a patient.
| Social {{+|4}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|5}}
| Violent{{br}}Hunting
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
!Addiction Counsel
|After recovering from a joywire addiction, NAME adopted a non-violent way of life and vowed to help others. Traveling between communities, HE used medicine, arts, and crafts to aid others who struggled with their own addictions.
| Social {{+|8}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|3}}{{br}}Artistic {{+|3}}{{br}}Crafting {{+|3}}{{br}}
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! House servant{{br}}(Servant)
| Early in HIS adulthood, NAME was kidnapped and sold to wealthy aristocrats as a domestic servant.{{br}}{{br}}HECAP got to know the kitchens and basements of HIS master's mansion well, but never did any work outside.
| Cooking {{+|4}}{{br}}Growing {{--|3}}{{br}}Mining {{--|3}}
| Intellectual
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Bodyguard
| NAME found work on a midworld, protecting whoever paid HIM from harm. HECAP gained proficiency in many different combat forms, and was known for HIS ruthlessness against those who crossed HIM.
| Shooting {{+|4}}{{br}}Melee {{+|4}}{{br}}Social {{--|3}}
| Social
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Novelist
| NAME lived on a glitterworld, penning wildly successful novels. HECAP lived a carefree lifestyle, spending HIS days writing and HIS nights partying...and never did a day's manual labour in HIS life.
| Construction {{--|5}}{{br}}Mining {{--|5}}{{br}}Artistic {{+|8}}
| Dumb labor{{br}}Social
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Mathematician{{br}}(Math prof)
| NAME did mathematical research at a university.{{br}}{{br}}HECAP spent much of HIS spare time immersed in shooting simulations, though HE was frequently ridiculed by other players for HIS terrible aim.
| Shooting {{--|3}}{{br}}Research {{+|8}}
| Dumb labor
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Paramedic
| NAME's job was to respond rapidly to medical emergencies. HECAP is used to dealing with severe injuries with only limited medical supplies.{{br}}{{br}}HECAP treated so many gunshot wounds over the years that even seeing a gun made HIM uncomfortable.
| Shooting {{--|5}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|6}}
| N/A
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Castaway
| NAME was the only survivor of a ship crash on an unhabited animal world. For many years until HIS rescue HE scrounged an existence out of whatever HE could find.{{br}}{{br}}HISCAP survival skills became razor-sharp, but spending so long alone severely dampened HIS conversational abilities.
| Melee {{+|5}}{{br}}Social {{--|3}}{{br}}Animals {{+|3}}{{br}}Construction {{+|4}}
| Intellectual{{br}}Social{{br}}Artistic
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Gardener
| On industrial worlds, wealth concentrates in the hands of those who own the factories and sell the goods. NAME worked at the mansion of one such rich family, tending the lavish gardens as part of a team of servants.
| Growing {{+|8}}
| Intellectual{{br}}Crafting
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Mafia Boss{{br}}(Boss)
| NAME was a high-ranking member of an urbworld crime syndicate.{{br}}{{br}}HECAP bribed officials, maintained the loyalty of HIS subordinates, and extracted overdue payments - by any means necessary.
| Shooting {{+|4}}{{br}}Melee {{+|3}}{{br}}Social {{+|4}}
| Dumb labor{{br}}Caring{{br}}Cooking
| {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Torturer
| Working for a tyrannical monarch on a medieval world, NAME earned a reputation as an expert in 'persuasion.' Any prisoner who went down into the dungeons left with no secrets - and with NAME's smile scarred permanently into their nightmares.{{br}}''Note: Prevents Psychopath [[Traits|trait]].''
| Melee {{+|6}}
| Social{{br}}Caring
| {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Construction engineer{{br}}(Builder)
| NAME was a construction worker on a midworld. HECAP lead a team which built everything from office blocks to cathedrals.{{br}}{{br}}HISCAP busy job and numerous nearby fast-food outlets meant HE never cooked for HIMself.
| Construction {{+|8}}{{br}}Growing {{--|3}}
| Intellectual{{br}}Cooking
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Charity worker{{br}}(Altruist)
| Glitterworlds are havens of safety and comfort for those lucky enough to live there, but NAME could not ignore nearby planets where people suffered in poverty. HECAP spent HIS working life appealing for donations and supporting those in need.{{br}}''Note: Prevents Psychopath [[Traits|trait]].''
| Social {{+|6}}{{br}}Mining {{--|3}}
| Violent
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Factory worker{{br}}(Worker)
| NAME did menial, unskilled work in an industrial-era factory. HISCAP job also included caring for the mules and horses which transported goods around the city.
| Animals {{+|3}}{{br}}Construction {{+|3}}{{br}}Crafting {{+|2}}
| Intellectual{{br}}Artistic{{br}}Cooking
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Ranch owner{{br}}(Rancher)
| NAME owned and operated a successful ranch where HE raised animals for meat and wool.{{br}}{{br}}HECAP refused to do any dumb labour HE could pay someone else to do for HIM.
| Animals {{+|8}}{{br}}Cooking {{--|4}}{{br}}Mining {{--|4}}
| Dumb labor
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Low-wage worker{{br}}(Grunt)
| NAME worked a variety of casual jobs to support HIS family, gaining a set of basic hands-on skills.
| Cooking {{+|4}}{{br}}Growing {{+|3}}{{br}}Crafting {{+|3}}
| N/A
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Model{{br}}(Model)
| NAME modelled clothes and jewellery for advertisers, and was also used as a physical blueprint for characters in virtual reality simulations.{{br}}''Note: Automatically grants the beautiful [[Traits | trait]]''
| Social {{+|5}}{{br}}Artistic {{+|6}}
| Dumb labor{{br}}Intellectual{{br}}Skilled labor{{br}}Caring{{br}}Crafting
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Taxonomist
| NAME travelled between star systems, studying and classifying the plant and animal life HE found in the hopes of creating a complete catalogue.
| Animals {{+|5}}{{br}}Growing {{+|5}}
| Violent
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Geologist
| NAME worked with miners and cave-diggers, identifying rock types and natural formations.{{br}}{{br}}During HIS years underground HE also gained experience repairing drilling machines and other technical equipment.
| Mining {{+|8}}{{br}}Crafting {{+|3}}
| N/A
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Pit brawler
| NAME was nine years old when HE got in HIS first fight. HECAP won, but more important was the enjoyment of HIS audience. Pit fighting turned out to be a lucrative career for those who could survive it. And it was even mostly legal.{{br}}''Note: Prevents Brawler [[Traits|trait]].''
| Melee {{+|8}}
| Intellectual{{br}}Caring
| {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Courtesean
| NAME was used for HIS body by hundreds of customers in brothels on several planets. HECAP gained some mental marks and a special kind of street smarts.{{br}}''Note: Automatically grants the beautiful [[Traits | trait]]''
| Social {{+|8}}{{br}}Melee {{+|3}}
| Dumb labor{{br}}Skilled labor
| {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Space marine{{br}}(Marine)
| NAME was a warrior in an Imperial navy. HISCAP job was to punch into enemy starships, gun down the crew, and capture the ship intact. And HE was good at it.
| Melee {{+|5}}{{br}}Shooting {{+|7}}
| N/A
| {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Assassin
| NAME was a professional assassin. HECAP was cold, calculating, and made a good profit. In this business, an utter lack of empathy was an asset.
| Melee {{+|10}}{{br}}Shooting {{+|10}}{{br}}Mining {{--|2}}{{br}}Growing {{--|2}}{{br}}Construction {{--|2}}
| Intellectual{{br}}Dumb labor{{br}}Skilled labor{{br}}Social{{br}}Caring
| {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Sailor
| NAME traversed the oceans on journeys of exploration, seeking out plant and animal specimens from exotic places, and occasionally fending off pirates. HECAP loved the sea so much HE refused to do all but the barest minimum of work on land, except to sell the treasures HE collected.
| Melee {{+|4}}{{br}}Social {{+|4}}{{br}}Animals {{+|4}}
| Skilled labor
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Jailbird
| NAME spent most of HIS life in prisons, where HE was put to work in the kitchens. HECAP had a habit of getting into fights, and developed an aggressive way of speaking.
| Melee {{+|5}}{{br}}Social {{--|3}}{{br}}Cooking {{+|3}}
| Social{{br}}Caring
| {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Actor
| NAME travelled HIS homeworld with a company of actors, playing to packed theatres and loving audiences everywhere. HECAP was a perfectionist, and made HIS own props and costumes rather than use the ones HE was given.
| Social {{+|8}}{{br}}Crafting {{+|3}}
| Dumb labor
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Tactician
| NAME joined the space navy in an unstable system, fraught with large-scale interplanetary wars. they turned out to have a sharp mind for battle, and became adept at commanding large armies to great effect.
| Shooting {{+|4}}{{br}}Research {{+|4}}
| Social{{br}}Artistic
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Glitterworld officer{{br}}(Officer)
| Though glitterworlds are peaceful places, they often remain prepared for war. NAME's unit rarely saw any real action.{{br}}{{br}}Though HE pursued HIS artistic hobbies, HIS subordinates preferred to entertain themselves by brawling, so NAME got good at breaking up fights.
| Melee {{+|6}}{{br}}Artistic{{+|4}}
| Dumb labor
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Taster
| As the taster for a medieval king, any dish served at the royal table had to be sampled first by NAME. HECAP lived a decadent lifestyle at court, getting fat and doing very little work.
| Cooking {{+|7}}{{br}}Construction {{--|4}}{{br}}Crafting {{--|4}}
| Dumb labor
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Biosphere manager{{br}}(Botanist)
| NAME lived on a peaceful glitterworld where all menial work was done by robots and people devoted themselves to leisure. HECAP managed the plant and animal life of a sprawling park, where citizens came to admire the natural beauty.
| Shooting {{--|4}}{{br}}Animals {{+|6}}{{br}}Growing {{+|6}}
| Dumb labor{{br}}Crafting{{br}}Cooking
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Veterinarian{{br}}(Vet)
| NAME treated sick and injured animals for a living. Seeing their suffering affected HIS stance on the practice of eating meat, and for many years HE lived as a vegetarian, rejecting the meat-loving culinary tradition of HIS homeworld.
| Animals {{+|4}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|4}}{{br}}Cooking {{--|4}}
| N/A
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Explosives expert{{br}}(Blaster)
| NAME was an explosive engineer employed in mines. HECAP took HIS job very seriously and was well-versed in the technicalities - so much so that HE refused to demean HIMself by helping with the clean-up once HIS carefully-calculated explosion was complete.
| Mining {{+|5}}{{br}}Research {{+|5}}
| Dumb labor
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Counsellor{{br}}(Counsellor)
| A terrifying trauma when NAME was a young adult caused HIM to develop a serious eating disorder. With counselling HE learned to have a healthier relationship with food, and decided to put HIS new skills to use helping others overcome their emotional problems.
| Social {{+|9}}
| Scary{{br}}Cooking
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Recruiter
| NAME was part of an revered order of martial artists, infamous both for their skill in combat and for their practice of refusing to treat their wounded.{{br}}{{br}}HECAP travelled HIS homeworld, judging the young people HE met to determine if they might be suitable for training.
| Melee {{+|5}}{{br}}Social {{+|5}}
| Caring
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Psychiatric patient{{br}}(Patient)
| NAME spent most of HIS adult life in an insane asylum. HISCAP industrial homeworld had a poor understanding of mental illness, and HE was treated more like an animal than a person.{{br}}{{br}}Though HE eventually recovered and was released, HIS experience dampened many of HIS basic life skills.
| Cooking {{--|2}}{{br}}Crafting {{--|2}}
| Social{{br}}Caring{{br}}Scary{{br}}Cooking
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Drifter{{br}}(Drifter)
| NAME never figured out what to do with HIS life. HECAP travelled often, taking up casual work wherever HE found it.{{br}}{{br}}HECAP also occasionally worked on a novel that HE knew would be a bestseller - just as soon as HE could find a publisher who was interested.
| Cooking {{+|3}}{{br}}Construction {{+|3}}{{br}}Artistic {{--|4}}
| N/A
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! VR designer{{br}}(Game dev)
| NAME designed virtual reality simulations for glitterworld citizens. HECAP paid great attention to the details of HIS worlds, including learning all HE could about plant life to make HIS landscapes more realistic.
| Construction {{+|3}}{{br}}Growing {{+|4}}{{br}}Artistic {{+|5}}
| Dumb labor
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Human computer{{br}}(Computer)
| NAME turned out to have an excellent memory and a gift for performing complex calculations in HIS head. A midworld dictator decided to employ NAME to keep track of HIS state's finances and expenditure, since electrical computers were too susceptible to hacking.
| Shooting {{+|3}}{{br}}Research {{+|7}}
| Artistic
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Architect
| NAME designed and constructed buildings. On HIS glitterworld home, most of the technical aspects of architecture were handled by an AI. This enabled HIM to push the artistic limits of the craft, but also meant HE never had to get HIS hands dirty at building sites.
| Construction {{+|5}}{{br}}Artistic {{+|7}}{{br}}Crafting {{--|3}}
| Dumb labor
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Message carrier (Messenger)
| On a medieval world, the fastest way to send a message is to give it to somebody on a horse and hope they survive the journey. NAME was that somebody.
| Melee {{+|3}}{{br}}Animals {{+|4}}
| Intellectual
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Sculptor
| NAME started off sculpting person-sized chunks of stone, but HE soon began to think bigger. With the help of mining robots, HE learned how to carve huge monuments out of cliffsides. Soon the nature parks of the glitterworld where HE lived were full of giant rock figures.
| Growing {{--|4}}{{br}}Mining {{+|4}}{{br}}Artistic {{+|8}}
| Dumb labor{{br}}Crafting{{br}}Cooking
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Machine collector{{br}}(Collector)
| NAME was obsessed with old machines and arcane pieces of technology. HECAP obtained them wherever HE could, and loved taking them apart to see how they worked.{{br}}{{br}}HECAP had a habit of talking about HIS collection long after people around HIM had stopped listening.
| Social {{--|3}}{{br}}Crafting {{+|6}}{{br}}Research {{+|6}}
| N/A
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Sheriff
| NAME was the law enforcer in an isolated industrial town. HECAP was known for having an arrogant attitude and a mean streak. HECAP refused to lift so much as a finger unless it was for money, alcohol, or revenge.
| Shooting {{+|8}}{{br}}Melee {{+|5}}{{br}}Social {{--|3}}
| Dumb labor{{br}}Skilled labor{{br}}Social{{br}}Caring
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Colony settler{{br}}(Settler)
| NAME was a settler on a new colony world.{{br}}{{br}}Such a life requires a jack-of-all trades at basic hands-on tasks.
| Construction {{+|4}}{{br}}Growing {{+|4}}{{br}}Mining {{+|4}}
| N/A
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Medieval farm oaf{{br}}(Oaf)
| Tilling, hoeing, guiding ox carts, pushing wheelbarrows. Digging ditches, planting seeds, predicting the harvest.{{br}}{{br}}Medieval-level farmers aren't educated in the usual sense, but they know a lot about growing plants without technology. That said, such a life leaves one essentially incapable of participating in intellectual, technology-driven activities.
| Growing {{+|8}}{{br}}Mining {{+|3}}
| Intellectual
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Medieval lord{{br}}(Noble)
| NAME was a lord on a preindustrial planet. HECAP went to parties, managed the underlings, and even learned some swordplay.{{br}}{{br}}HISCAP soft hands did not hold a work tool during that entire time. HECAP considers manual labor to be beneath HIM.
| Social {{+|7}}{{br}}Melee {{+|5}}{{br}}Shooting {{+|5}}{{br}}Construction {{--|5}}{{br}}Growing {{--|5}}{{br}}Mining {{--|5}}
| Dumb labor{{br}}Skilled labor
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Urbworld entrepreneur{{br}}(Entrepreneur)
| In the urbworlds, most suffer. But someone has to run the corporations.{{br}}{{br}}NAME learned the skills of the trade - greasing palms and technical analysis. HECAP is a sociointellectual machine.
| Social {{+|6}}{{br}}Research {{+|3}}
| N/A
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Deep space miner{{br}}(Miner)
| NAME did the sweaty, grimy work of pulling metal out of asteroids on a deep space rig. HECAP used HIS hands-on industrial skills daily - and wasn't bad in a bar fight either.
| Mining {{+|7}}{{br}}Construction {{+|3}}{{br}}Melee {{+|2}}
| N/A
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Navy scientist{{br}}(Scientist)
| Interstellar warfare is won by technology, so imperial navies are always on the peak of modern research. Even better, they have first access to Transcendent artifacts because they find them in space.{{br}}{{br}}NAME worked in a navy lab.
| Research {{+|8}}
| N/A
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Military commissar{{br}}(Commissar)
| NAME was an internal spymaster in an Imperial army battalion. HECAP made sure that the men were loyal, and did not fall back unless ordered. This made HIM unpopular, but HE gained great skill at detecting the slightest dishonesty.
| Shooting {{+|3}}
| N/A
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Healer
| After HIS tribe's elder healer was killed in a raid, NAME took on the role. HECAP spent HIS days scrounging up herbs and mineral compounds from the nearby area to use in surprisingly effective remedies.
| Medicine {{+|4}}{{br}}Growing {{+|3}}
| N/A
| {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{check}}
! Muffalo shaman{{br}}(Shaman)
| Because of HIS quiet wisdom and great strength, NAME became the spiritual leader for a nomadic tribe that followed the herds of roaming muffalo.
| Melee {{+|5}}{{br}}Social {{+|2}}
| N/A
| {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{check}}
! Lore keeper{{br}}(Keeper)
| NAME was one of a long line of lore keepers in HIS tribe. Every night around the fire, HE would pass on ancient knowledge and helpful wisdom through stories.
| Research {{+|2}}{{br}}Social {{+|3}}{{br}}Artistic {{+|2}}
| N/A
| {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{check}}
! Cave tender{{br}}(Tender)
| While the others were out hunting and foraging, NAME would stay at home to cook and take care of the young and sick.
| Cooking {{+|4}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|3}}{{br}}Crafting {{+|2}}
| N/A
| {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{check}}
! Warrior
| NAME was a fearsome warrior, proficient with many weapons. HECAP participated in many battles.
| Melee {{+|6}}{{br}}Shooting {{+|2}}{{br}}Social {{--|2}}
| N/A
| {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{check}}
! Hiveworld drone{{br}}(drone)
| NAME worked as a mindless construction drone in a massive hiveworld civilization. Though HE is now freed from the brutal social experiments to which HE was subjected, HE remains incapable of creative thought and leadership.
| Construction {{+|5}}{{br}}Mining {{+|4}}{{br}}Social {{--|2}}
| Artistic{{br}}Intellectual
| {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Evangelist
| On HIS 21st birthday, NAME experienced a religious awakening. HECAP decided to spend the rest of HIS life spreading the word of HIS deity, the beauty of its culture, and its unusual medical tradition.
| Social {{+|4}}{{br}}Artistic {{+|4}}{{br}}Medicine {{--|3}}
| N/A
| {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Tunnelworld illuminator{{br}}(Illuminator)
| Among tunnel-dwellers, those with vision as strong as NAME's are revered as sages. HECAP would lead the way, marking spots to dig with bioluminescent fungus and warning others of impending danger.
| Mining {{+|3}}{{br}}Social {{+|2}}
| N/A
| {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Civil servant{{br}}(Clerk)
| NAME worked as a low-ranking administrator for a moribund government bureaucracy. HECAP is most at home filling out complicated paperwork and playing office politics.
| Social {{+|3}}{{br}}Construction {{--|2}}{{br}}Research {{+|3}}
| N/A
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Ascetic priest{{br}}(Priest)
| After taking a vow of silence, NAME joined a monastery on a peaceful backwater planet to spend HIS days in quiet contemplation.{{br}}{{br}}HECAP found happiness growing vegetables in the garden and making cheese in the monastery cellars.
| Growing {{+|3}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|2}}{{br}}Cooking {{+|2}}
| Violent{{br}}Social
| {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Escaped convict{{br}}(Escapee)
| NAME denies involvement in the crimes that brought about HIS incarceration in a brutal penal colony. HECAP escaped by tunnelling beneath the perimeter using modified cutlery.
| Mining {{+|4}}{{br}}Crafting {{+|2}}
| Caring
| {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Starship janitor{{br}}(Janitor)
| While other passengers pass the years between star systems in cryptosleep sarcophagi, NAME had to wake up at periodic intervals to perform inspections, check the navigation systems, and to oil the mechanoids.
| Construction {{+|2}}{{br}}Crafting {{+|3}}
| N/A
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Con artist
| NAME never created anything in HIS life. HECAP did, however, prove to be a natural at getting others to give HIM what they had created.
| Social {{+|10}}
| Violent
| {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Hermit
| Worn out by the pressures of social interaction, NAME left HIS crowded midworld city to live a simple life in the wilderness. There, HE spent HIS days alone, tending HIS garden and crafting the simple tools HE needed to survive.
| Growing {{+|4}}{{br}}Crafting {{+|3}}{{br}}Construction {{+|1}}
| Social
| {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Midworld chef{{br}}(Chef)
| NAME ran a high-class midworld restaurant. HECAP was famous among patrons for HIS creative culinary specialties, and infamous among kitchen workers for HIS casual disdain for grunt work.
| Social {{+|2}}{{br}}Cooking {{+|6}}
| Dumb labor{{br}}Cleaning
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Medieval minstrel{{br}}(Minstrel)
| NAME was a traveling entertainer on a medieval world.{{br}}{{br}}HECAP could always be found telling stories or singing songs, and is capable of protecting HIMself from the dangers of the road. However, HE was always conspicuously absent whenever there was hard labour to be done.
| Melee {{+|2}}{{br}}Social {{+|4}}{{br}}Artistic {{+|3}}
| Skilled labor{{br}}Hauling
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Housemate{{br}}(Housemate)
| As an adult, NAME kept house and cared for children while HIS spouse worked.
| Medicine {{+|3}}{{br}}Cooking {{+|3}}{{br}}Crafting {{+|2}}
| N/A
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Glitterworld empath{{br}}(Empath)
| NAME had an amazing ability to relate to others and mediate conflict. HECAP was selected to train as an empath. The training intensified HIS natural abilities, but HE became unable to harm others.
| Social {{+|8}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|2}}
| Violent
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Inventor{{br}}(Inventor)
| On HIS homeworld, NAME worked as a moderately successful inventor. HECAP developed several minor technologies.
| Crafting {{+|5}}{{br}}Research {{+|2}}
| N/A
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Teacher
| NAME was educated in the liberal arts and taught at a public school. HECAP was widely knowledgeable and well-liked by HIS students.
| Research {{+|3}}{{br}}Social {{+|4}}
| N/A
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Joywire artist{{br}}(Joywirer)
| NAME worked in an urbworld lab developing cutting-edge joywire software to maximize user pleasure.{{br}}{{br}}When the local government imposed harsh restrictions on joywire manufacturing, HE began selling HIS products on the black market.
| Artistic {{+|3}}{{br}}Research {{+|2}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|2}}
| Dumb labor
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Conceptual artist{{br}}(Artist)
| NAME was well-known in art circles on HIS home world for HIS unique and creative conceptual artworks.{{br}}{{br}}Nobody was sure exactly what HE was trying to communicate, but HIS pieces were highly valued by collectors.
| Artistic {{+|8}}{{br}}Crafting {{+|1}}
| Social{{br}}Caring{{br}}Hauling
| {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Luddite rebel{{br}}(Luddite)
| When the majority of people on HIS world chose to give up their individuality and biological humanity to join together in an online hivemind, NAME joined a rebel faction that chose to forsake most technology.
| Melee {{+|3}}{{br}}Construction {{+|3}}{{br}}Mining {{+|2}}
| Intellectual{{br}}Crafting
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}}
! Bartender{{br}}(Barkeep)
| NAME worked as a bartender on a seedy space station. The job entailed one part drink mixing, one part diplomacy, and one part head-bashing.
| Melee {{+|2}}{{br}}Social {{+|4}}{{br}}Cooking {{+|2}}
| N/A
| {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{check}} || {{cross}}
! Genetic engineer
| NAME carried out HIS first genetic experiments on farm animals. HECAP soon grew to become quite skilled in all forms of genetic engineering. A horrifying lab accident left HIM with a mortal fear of rodents.
| Medicine {{+|2}}{{br}}Growing {{+|1}}{{br}}Research {{+|6}}
| Hunting
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Shaman of Shadows{{br}}(Shaman)
| When the monsters of fire came from the sky, NAME was called upon by HIS tribe to guide them into battle.{{br}}{{br}}NAME made use of medicine and rituals to inspire and lead the warriors of many tribes against the invaders. The pirates were forced to retreat without capturing a single slave.{{br}}''Note: comes with "accursed child" as [[List of childhood backstories|childhood backstory]].''
| Social {{+|6}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|4}}{{br}}Construction {{--|2}}{{br}}Growing {{+|2}}{{br}}Research {{+|2}}
| Hunting
| {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{check}}
! Serial murderer
| NAME started to enjoy killing people, so HE did more often and perfected HIS methods. HECAP lurked in the darkest streets, stalking prey for hours.{{br}}{{br}}HECAP enjoyed making artworks of HIS victims, and was known for leaving HIS signature on the bodies of those HE killed.
| Shooting {{+|4}}{{br}}Melee {{+|4}}{{br}}Artistic {{+|4}}
| Animals
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Galactic sightseer{{br}}(Sightseer)
| NAME traveled the stars. HECAP could barely scrape together travel costs doing odd-jobs on stations, but it was all worth it. Seeing the wonders of the galaxy was where HE found HIS calling.{{br}}{{br}}HECAP loved camping on exotic worlds and learning the patterns of strange wildlife. The wonders of the universe inspired HIM like nothing else could.
| Shooting {{+|2}}{{br}}Melee {{+|2}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|2}}{{br}}Growing {{+|2}}{{br}}Artistic {{+|2}}
| N/A
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Alcoholic trucker{{br}}(Alcoholic)
| NAME was a space trucker working for Arcknight Industries when HE killed HIS wife and daughter in a crash.{{br}}{{br}}HISCAP body was repaired with an experimental nano-genetic therapy. Now HIS muscles continually regenerate and harden, and every movement tears the tissue anew. HECAP bears the pain in silence.
| Shooting {{+|2}}{{br}}Melee {{+|2}}{{br}}Mining {{+|4}}
| Intellectual{{br}}Caring{{br}}Artistic{{br}}Cleaning
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Core world jeweler{{br}}(Jeweler)
| After NAME had completed all of HIS surgeries, HE found that HE had a lot of time and energy to dedicate to HIS passion: trinket crafting. HECAP spent years perfecting HIS art as a jeweler, then left HIS home world to sell HIS wares across the galaxy.
| Shooting {{--|1}}{{br}}Cooking {{--|3}}{{br}}Construction {{+|3}}{{br}}Artistic {{+|5}}{{br}}Crafting {{+|7}}
| N/A
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Information broker{{br}}(Broker)
| NAME caught a ship to the next star system and began a life of travel and learning, quickly collecting a massive bank of knowledge from people of all shapes and sizes.{{br}}{{br}}HECAP learned to sell this knowledge for great profit, and became a powerful broker of information.
| Shooting {{--|1}}{{br}}Melee {{--|2}}{{br}}Social {{+|5}}{{br}}Research {{+|4}}
| N/A
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Mercenary chef{{br}}(Mercenary)
| Following in HIS family's footsteps, NAME was a soldier for hire.{{br}}{{br}}HECAP is a naturally gifted sharpshooter. However, HIS real passion is in perfecting a new recipe or dissecting a new gadget.
| Shooting {{+|4}}{{br}}Cooking {{+|5}}{{br}}Construction {{--|3}}{{br}}Mining {{--|3}}{{br}}Crafting {{+|5}}
| Plant work
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! AI researcher{{br}}(Researcher)
| NAME was a renowned researcher in artificial intelligence, robotics, and interactive holography. HISCAP friendships with the artificial minds he created gave HIM the confidence to interact with real people, and HE soon excelled at personal communication.
| Melee {{--|2}}{{br}}Social {{+|4}}{{br}}Mining {{--|2}}{{br}}Crafting {{+|1}}{{br}}Research {{+|6}}
| Dumb labor
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Spy{{br}}(Spy)
| NAME was trained by HIS government in infiltration and espionage. HECAP learned to keep a cool head and to talk HIS way out of tight situations. When talking didn't work, HE was capable of more violent direct action.
| Shooting {{+|2}}{{br}}Melee {{+|2}}{{br}}Social {{+|7}}
| N/A
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Bounty hunter{{br}}(Hunter)
| NAME was a bounty hunter on a massive glitterworld. HECAP worked sensitive assignments for extremely wealthy clients, and was known for quiet execution and total discretion.
| Shooting {{+|8}}{{br}}Melee {{+|5}}
| N/A
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Beast slayer{{br}}(Slayer)
| NAME traveled between planets, following news of animal attacks. HECAP would camp on the planet for weeks, learning about HIS prey before striking. HECAP most enjoyed hunting thrumbos.{{br}}{{br}}Preferring to work alone, NAME enjoyed the thrill of the hunt, and the meat from the kill.
| Shooting {{+|4}}{{br}}Melee {{+|4}}{{br}}Cooking {{+|3}}{{br}}Growing {{+|2}}
| Animals
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Pop idol{{br}}(Pop idol)
| NAME performed and did interviews constantly. HECAP refined HIS skills in dancing and singing, and became a master of social presentation.{{br}}''Note: Automatically grants the beautiful [[Traits | trait]]
| Shooting {{--|4}}{{br}}Melee {{--|4}}{{br}}Social {{+|8}}{{br}}Mining {{--|4}}{{br}}Artistic {{+|8}}
| Dumb labor{{br}}Cleaning{{br}}Hauling{{br}}Plant work{{br}}Mining
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Criminal surgeon{{br}}(Surgeon)
| Being near many injured fellow criminals, NAME took it upon HIMself to work on them.{{br}}{{br}}Although many people died, HE did get better at using knives.
| Melee {{+|6}}{{br}}Social {{--|2}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|5}}{{br}}Artistic {{+|1}}{{br}}Research {{--|3}}
| N/A
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Ninja assassin{{br}}(Ninja)
| NAME performed stiletto-precise assassinations for an interplanetary conglomerate. HECAP was assigned the most complex missions involving disguise, deception, subterfuge, and efficient violence.{{br}}{{br}}A nasty incident with a potted plant and an assassination gone wrong left HIM with an aversion to plant life.
| Shooting {{+|4}}{{br}}Melee {{+|3}}{{br}}Social {{+|2}}{{br}}Crafting {{+|2}}
| Plant work
| ? || ? || ? || {{check}} || ? || ?
! Wandering healer{{br}}(Healer)
| NAME studied to be a doctor, but was dissatisfied with HIS practice on an otherwise peaceful midworld.{{br}}{{br}}Instead, HE chose to pull up roots and travel to the rimworlds in order to care for people who needed HIM most.
| Social {{+|3}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|7}}{{br}}Cooking {{+|2}}{{br}}Construction {{--|1}}{{br}}Mining {{--|1}}
| Violent
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Combat engineer{{br}}(Engineer)
| NAME became a combat engineer. HECAP built bases, fixed guns, and repaired vehicles for the army - when HE wasn't shooting at people, that is.
| Shooting {{+|5}}{{br}}Constructing {{+|2}}{{br}}Crafting {{+|3}}
| N/A
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Test subject{{br}}(Subject)
| NAME's tests went from geometry to quantum physics, and HE could run the grand gauntlet without a scratch.{{br}}{{br}}One day, Mother said that HIS final test lay beyond the red door, and that even if HE couldn't hear her voice, Mother would always be there.
| Melee {{+|4}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|3}}{{br}}Cooking {{+|1}}{{br}}Research {{+|4}}
| Caring{{br}}Social{{br}}Plant work{{br}}Mining
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Urbworld pimp
| At first, NAME made a small profit from selling drugs. Then, HE switched to selling women and made a fortune.{{br}}{{br}}HECAP developed great skills with HIS fists. HECAP also learned to fix up the injuries HE inflicted on the girls.
| Melee {{+|6}}{{br}}Social {{+|4}}{{br}}Medicine {{+|5}}
| Cleaning
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Combat negotiator{{br}}(Negotiator)
| After escaping HIS homeworld, NAME took HIS skills to the stars.{{br}}{{br}}HECAP chose to operate as a hired gun, working for various rebel organizations, enslaved groups, and merchant enclaves. HISCAP specialty was negotiation in combat situations.
| Shooting {{+|4}}{{br}}Melee {{+|3}}{{br}}Social {{+|3}}
| N/A
| {{check}} || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Graphic designer{{br}}(Designer)
| NAME's interest in artistic expression led HIM to become a designer. HISCAP eye for detail made HIM a reasonably well-known artist on HIS planet, though HIS meticulousness often led HIM to spend too much time perfecting a single project.
| Artistic {{+|7}}{{br}}Crafting {{+|1}}
| N/A
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Flaneur{{br}}(Flaneur)
| NAME sipped and strolled HIS way through the streets and cafes of HIS world, pursuing freedom at every turn, never becoming attached.{{br}}{{br}}Through all this time, HE remained distrustful of others. And never took an order from anyone.
| Social {{+|6}}{{br}}Cooking {{+|3}}{{br}}Artistic {{+|3}}{{br}}Intellectual {{+|3}}
| N/A
| ? || ? || ? || ? || ? || ?
! Weaver
| NAME was an expert at working muffalo wool, plant fibres and natural dyes into beautiful clothing for HIS kin. HISCAP beautiful handicrafts were traded frequently between local tribes.
| Crafting {{+|5}}{{br}}Growing {{+|2}}
| N/A
| {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{cross}} || {{check}}

Latest revision as of 18:38, 15 September 2022


(Short Title)
Description Skill Modifications Work types Traits Tribal Outlander Pirate Offworld Outsider Imperial
House Servant
[PAWN_nameDef] was a low-level servant in a royal house.
[PAWN_pronoun] cleaned rooms and moved items as directed by the senior staff, while attempting to remain invisible to the lords and ladies of the house.
  • Cooking: +3
  • Construction: +3
  • Mining: +4
  • +ManualDumb
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Female south.png
Head Butler
[PAWN_nameDef] was the head servant in a royal house.
[PAWN_pronoun] managed the other servants to ensure the lord's will was done, even before the lord knew what it was.
  • Social: +4
  • Cooking: +3
  • Crafting: +2
  • +ManualDumb
  • +ManualSkilled
  • +Social
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Fat south.pngNaked Fat south.png
Royal Masseuse
[PAWN_nameDef] was a massage artist for an extended royal house. [PAWN_pronoun] serviced many members of the royal family, and their guests.
[PAWN_nameDef] occasionally offered something extra, if the lord or lady was in the mood. Advancing in this line of work meant having refined social skills.
  • Social: +6
- Beautiful Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Menagerie Keeper
[PAWN_nameDef] managed the royal menagerie of a powerful family at their estate.
[PAWN_nameDef]'s job saw [PAWN_pronoun] feeding elephants, tranquilizing lions, and training birds to display their plumage to titled visitors.
  • Animals: +8
  • +Animals
Beautiful Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Female south.png
Ballet Dancer
[PAWN_nameDef] was a dancer in a traditional ballet troupe. [PAWN_pronoun] mastered the ancient motions and entertained thousands.
  • Social: +3
  • Melee: +3
  • +Social
Nimble Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
Ornament Maker
[PAWN_nameDef] crafted watches, medals, machined jewelry and other complex curios for royal patrons.
  • Crafting: +5
  • Artistic: +5
  • +Artistic
  • +ManualSkilled
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
Royal Cook
[PAWN_nameDef] made meals for [PAWN_possessive] aristocratic patrons.
Only the finest food was acceptable, so [PAWN_nameDef] tended a small garden on the mansion grounds to get the freshest herbs and vegetables. [PAWN_pronoun] fell in love with the food [PAWN_objective]self.
  • Cooking: +7
  • Plants: +2
  • +Cooking
  • +PlantWork
Gourmand Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Fat south.pngNaked Fat south.png
Imperial Priest
[PAWN_nameDef] was a priest in the imperial church.
[PAWN_pronoun] spent half [PAWN_possessive] time studying books to understand the relationship between God's aspects and the facets of [PAWN_possessive] society. The other half was spent preaching the evils of sloth and drink.
  • Social: +5
  • Intellectual: +5
  • +Social
  • +Intellectual
Teetotaler Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Imperial Inquisitor
[PAWN_nameDef] was an inquisitor in the imperial church's anti-heresy school.
[PAWN_nameDef] hunted unorthodox thoughts wherever they could be found - art, music, code, even private conversations. Upon finding deviance, [PAWN_pronoun] exposed it to bring on the punishment of the collective. And [PAWN_pronoun] could always find the deviance if [PAWN_pronoun] looked hard enough.
  • Social: +4
  • Intellectual: +4
  • +Social
  • +Intellectual
Abrasive Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
Church Psychic
[PAWN_nameDef] was a psychic in the imperial church's psychic school.
[PAWN_nameDef] trained [PAWN_possessive] mind to sense the collective emotions and impressions of the people. It was a way to touch the spirit of the empire. It was also a way to root out heretical trends in thought.
  • Social: +3
  • Intellectual: +5
  • +Social
  • +Intellectual
Psychically Hypersensitive Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
Corporate Drone
[PAWN_nameDef] worked in a very large office complex along with thousands of other suited drones.
The work itself consisted of endless organizational drudgery and pointless meetings, punctuated by the occasional performance review.
  • Social: +2
  • Intellectual: +4
  • +Intellectual
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Corporate Manager
[PAWN_nameDef] worked in a massive open-plan office, ensuring that [PAWN_possessive] assigned team of workers stayed mostly on-task.
The job was intensely political. In order to advance, [PAWN_nameDef] learned how to arrange things so [PAWN_pronoun] could take credit for work done by almost anyone.
  • Social: +6
  • Intellectual: +2
  • +Social
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Corporate Fixer
[PAWN_nameDef] was a fixer for an energy corporation. [PAWN_pronoun] work required knowing when to push, when to pull, when to back down and when to strike. The job fit [PAWN_possessive] natural lack of empathy.
While violence was unusual, [PAWN_nameDef] stayed prepared for anything.
  • Social: +4
  • Shooting: +3
  • Melee: +3
  • +Social
  • +Violent
Psychopath Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Planetary Miner
[PAWN_nameDef] was a mining engineer for a major planetary mining corporation. [PAWN_pronoun] work kept [PAWN_objective] underground for weeks at a time, and [PAWN_pronoun] grew to appreciate the darkness.
  • Mining: +8
  • +Mining
Undergrounder Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Fat south.pngNaked Fat south.png
Mailman/Mail Carrier
[PAWN_nameDef] carried mail on [PAWN_possessive] assigned routes. Sometimes [PAWN_pronoun] was even sent to deliver special packages to stylish corporate offices or mansions.
[PAWN_nameDef] got pretty good at avoiding and fighting off angry dogs.
  • Melee: +4
- Nimble Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] worked on factory assembly lines, putting together products with the help of robots.
  • Crafting: +7
  • +ManualSkilled
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] worked on construction sites, building everyday structures according to [PAWN_possessive] boss' instructions.
  • Construction: +7
  • +ManualDumb
  • +ManualSkilled
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Hulk south.png
Crop Farmer
[PAWN_nameDef] ran a crop farm. [PAWN_pronoun] analyzed soil, agricultural equipment, weather patterns, and price trends to optimize the planting and harvesting of massive crop fields.
  • Plants: +8
  • +PlantWork
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Female south.png
Livestock Farmer
[PAWN_nameDef] ran a livestock farm. [PAWN_pronoun] analyzed animal genetics, feed types, birth and slaughter methods, and price trends to optimize the raising of huge animal herds.
  • Animals: +7
  • +Animals
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Female south.png
Line Infanteer
[PAWN_nameDef] was an ordinary infanteer in an imperial battalion.
Conscripted at a young age to add bodies the army, [PAWN_nameDef] learned the methods of fighting well enough to satisfy [PAWN_possessive] officers. However, [PAWN_pronoun] never quite understood what was going on around [PAWN_objective] enough to really believe in it.
  • Shooting: +4
  • Melee: +3
  • +Violent
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
Pious Soldier
(Pious Soldier)
When not training or combat, [PAWN_nameDef] was often at the chaplain's side. [PAWN_pronoun] dedicated [PAWN_possessive] life to serving both [PAWN_possessive] lord and [PAWN_possessive] religion.
  • Shooting: +6
  • Melee: +4
  • +Violent
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Infantry Engineer
Despite being in an infantry battalion, [PAWN_nameDef] rarely fired a gun. [PAWN_possessive] specialty was the rapid construction of defenses, traps, defensive installations, and sapping tunnels.
  • Construction: +6
  • Mining: +4
- - Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Infantry Medic
[PAWN_nameDef] treated the combat wounds of [PAWN_possessive] fallen comrades.
  • Medicine: +7
- - Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Military Cook
(Army Cook)
They say an army marches on its stomach. [PAWN_nameDef]'s job was to prepared chow to keep [PAWN_possessive] unit marching, no matter the conditions.
The job required [PAWN_objective] to pay attention to both the nutritional and psychological needs of the troops.
  • Cooking: +7
  • Shooting: +2
  • +Cooking
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Loyal Janissary
[PAWN_nameDef] was a janissary in a great lord's army. Even more than the other troops, [PAWN_pronoun] felt a sense of duty, and [PAWN_pronoun] drew [PAWN_possessive] life's meaning from the effort [PAWN_pronoun] put to fulfilling [PAWN_possessive] duty.
  • Shooting: +7
  • Melee: +4
  • +Violent
Industrious Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Thin south.png
Recon Sniper
[PAWN_nameDef] was a professional military sniper. [PAWN_pronoun] was trained to rapidly reach into unexpected firing positions, snipe key targets, and escape before enemies could pinpoint [PAWN_possessive] location.
  • Shooting: +9
  • +Violent
Jogger Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
[PAWN_nameDef]'s role was to launch through the vacuum of space, land on the enemy ship's hull, punch holes to the interior, and conquer it in room-to-room combat. [PAWN_pronoun] became very good at wielding heavy cataphract weapons to cut both steel and flesh.
[PAWN_pronoun] also developed a taste for the drugs [PAWN_pronoun] used to cope with the overwhelming stress.
  • Shooting: +3
  • Melee: +5
  • Mining: +4
  • +Violent
Chemical Interest Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Hulk south.png
Broken Soldier
[PAWN_pronoun] was a strong soldier in a long war of succession. In [PAWN_possessive] final battle, [PAWN_possessive] unit was sacrified to cover a retreat. [PAWN_nameDef] watched [PAWN_possessive] comrades die and was the only survivor.
The experience broke [PAWN_objective] inside, leaving [PAWN_objective] without the coping strategies to moderate [PAWN_possessive] emotions.
[PAWN_nameDef] learned to draw in the hospital.
  • Artistic: +2
  • +Violent
  • −Violent
Volatile Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Thin south.png
Intelligence Agent
[PAWN_nameDef] was a high-ranking counterintelligence agent tasked with thwarting enemy spies.
  • Intellectual: +6
  • Social: +3
  • +Social
  • +Intellectual
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
After countless battles for a cause [PAWN_pronoun] did not believe in, [PAWN_nameDef] threw down [PAWN_possessive] arms and deserted. [PAWN_nameDef] lived in isolation, hunted by those [PAWN_pronoun] had deserted.
  • Shooting: +4
  • Melee: +2
  • Crafting: +2
  • +Violent
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] revelled in bloodshed. Soldiers who served with [PAWN_objective] were terrified of [PAWN_possessive] ferocity. They rarely socialized with [PAWN_nameDef], and [PAWN_pronoun] did not mind the isolation.
  • Shooting: +7
  • Melee: +4
  • Social: +-3
  • +Violent
  • −Caring
Bloodlust Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Hulk south.png
Infantry Officer
[PAWN_nameDef] was an officer in an imperial battalion. [PAWN_pronoun] developed the social and combat skills to do [PAWN_possessive] job well and was respected by the men.
  • Social: +4
  • Shooting: +5
  • +Violent
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Disgraced Officer
[PAWN_nameDef] was an officer in an imperial battalion. [PAWN_pronoun] developed the social and combat skills to do [PAWN_possessive] job well and was respected by the men.
When [PAWN_possessive] unit came under direct fire for the first time, [PAWN_nameDef] fled to a bunker and hid. [PAWN_pronoun] was demoted and never escaped the disgrace.
  • Social: +4
  • Shooting: +5
  • +Violent
Wimp Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
Military Commissar
[PAWN_nameDef] was an internal spymaster in an imperial army battalion. [PAWN_pronoun] made sure that the men were loyal, and did not fall back unless ordered. This made [PAWN_objective] unpopular, but [PAWN_pronoun] gained great skill at detecting the slightest dishonesty.
  • Shooting: +3
  • Social: +6
  • +Social
  • +Violent
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Thin south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] loaded shells and aimed artillery to pound [PAWN_possessive] army's enemies from afar.
  • Shooting: +6
  • Melee: +1
  • +Violent
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] manufactured and planted explosives used to breach enemy defenses. Dealing with explosives every day taught [PAWN_objective] to keep a level head and steady hand.
  • Shooting: +4
  • Crafting: +4
  • +Violent
Steadfast Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] piloted a small fighter-bomber design specialized in spreading incendiary gel on flammable targets.
Conditioned to love the sight of a target lighting up, [PAWN_pronoun] grew to love fire in all its forms - war, cooking, and even for cauterizing wounds in the hospital.
  • Shooting: +3
  • Cooking: +3
  • Medicine: +2
  • +Violent
Pyromaniac Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
Military Chaplain
[PAWN_nameDef] stayed with the troops in training and in combat, administering to the dying and reinforcing the faith of the living.
Like all imperial chaplains, [PAWN_pronoun] vowed never to fight [PAWN_objective]self. However, [PAWN_pronoun] acted as a medic and treated the wounded.
  • Medicine: +6
  • Intellectual: +2
  • +Caring
  • +Intellectual
  • −Violent
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Royal Guard
[PAWN_nameDef] guarded the personal palace of a powerful lord.
While violence was rare, palace intrigue was constant. [PAWN_nameDef]'s work taught [PAWN_pronoun] to handle both words and guns.
  • Shooting: +4
  • Melee: +3
  • Social: +3
  • +Violent
  • +Social
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] was a skilled artist and military propagandist. [PAWN_pronoun] created works of art depicting [PAWN_possessive] lords and armies fovourably.
  • Artistic: +6
  • Social: +2
  • +Artistic
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] was warmaster to a mid-level royal house. [PAWN_pronoun] oversaw military aspects of the family's strategy.
On the rare occasion a battle occurred, [PAWN_nameDef] directed the military commanders.
  • Shooting: +2
  • Melee: +2
  • Social: +4
  • Intellectual: +4
  • +Violent
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Female south.png
When [PAWN_nameDef]'s family's ally was killed, and his young son inherited his throne, [PAWN_nameDef] was appointed as regent to rule in the child's stead.
[PAWN_pronoun] oversaw diverse matters of house and title, from finances to war to greedy relatives intent on usurping the throne. [PAWN_nameDef] himself never abused [PAWN_possessive] position.
  • Social: +5
  • Intellectual: +4
Work types - Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef]'s family had more children than they had proper titles to inherit. Being of low rank in the birth order, [PAWN_nameDef] was given the honorary title of beastmaster.
[PAWN_nameDef] managed the family's extensive menagerie. While [PAWN_pronoun] never worked hands-on with the beasts, [PAWN_pronoun] connected with them. Few others appreciated [PAWN_objective] the way they did.
  • Animals: +8
  • +Animals
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Female south.png
Arts Patron
[PAWN_nameDef] managed [PAWN_possessive] family's investments in the arts.
[PAWN_pronoun] chose artists to patronize and worked with them to produce the expressions that most glorify [PAWN_possessive] family, the Imperial church, and the Empire itself.
  • Social: +5
  • Artistic: +5
  • +Social
Nimble Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
As soon as [PAWN_pronoun] was old enough, [PAWN_nameDef] was given the post of spymaster for [PAWN_possessive] house. [PAWN_possessive] cold, calculating nature made [PAWN_objective] a natural at the arts of blade, poison, and betrayal.
  • Social: +4
  • Shooting: +3
  • Melee: +3
  • +Social
  • +Violent
Psychopath Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] held the position of landworker in [PAWN_possessive] royal house. [PAWN_pronoun] managed the family's lands and all the resources on them - both agricultural and mineral.
Though [PAWN_pronoun] would never work the machines [PAWN_objective]self, managing these enterprises required learning the methods of farming and mining in detail.
  • Plants: +6
  • Mining: +6
  • +PlantWork
  • +Mining
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Navy Scientist
Interstellar warfare is won by technology, so glitterworld navies are always at the peak of modern research. Even better, they occasionally find archotechnological artifacts floating in space.
[PAWN_nameDef] worked in a navy lab.
  • Intellectual: +8
  • +Intellectual
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Glitterworld Empath
[PAWN_nameDef] found it easy to relate to others and mediate conflict. [PAWN_pronoun] was selected to train as an empath. The training intensified [PAWN_possessive] natural abilities, but [PAWN_pronoun] became unable to cause others pain.
  • Social: +8
  • Medicine: +2
  • +Social
  • −Violent
−Psychopath Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
Glitterworld Surgeon
[PAWN_nameDef] worked as a surgeon on a world mostly free of disease and human suffering, so [PAWN_possessive] job focused on elaborate and creative cosmetic surgeries.
[PAWN_pronoun] understands human biology, deeply, but has never had to remove a tumour — or a bullet.
  • Artistic: +5
  • Medicine: +3
  • Social: +1
  • +Caring
  • +Artistic
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] lived on a glitterworld, penning wildly successful novels. [PAWN_pronoun] lived a carefree lifestyle, spending [PAWN_possessive] days writing and [PAWN_possessive] nights partying - and has never done a day's manual labour in [PAWN_possessive] life.
  • Construction: −5
  • Mining: −5
  • Artistic: +8
  • +Intellectual
  • −ManualDumb
  • −Social
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
Charity Worker
Glitterworlds are havens of comfort for those lucky enough to live there, but [PAWN_nameDef] could not ignore the nearby trashworlds where the people suffered and starved. [PAWN_pronoun] spent [PAWN_possessive] life appealing for donations and supporting those in need.
  • Social: +6
  • Mining: −3
  • +Caring
  • +Social
  • −Violent
−Psychopath Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
Glitterworld Officer
Though glitterworlds are peaceful places, they often remain prepared for war. [PAWN_nameDef]'s unit rarely saw any real action.
Though [PAWN_pronoun] pursued [PAWN_possessive] artistic hobbies, [PAWN_possessive] subordinates preferred to entertain themselves by brawling, so [PAWN_nameDef] got good at breaking up fights.
  • Melee: +6
  • Artistic: +4
  • +Violent
  • −ManualDumb
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Hulk south.png
Biosphere Manager
[PAWN_nameDef] lived on a peaceful glitterworld where all menial work was done by robots, while the people mostly devoted themselves to leisure. [PAWN_pronoun] managed the plant and animal life of a sprawling park, where citizens came to admire nature's beauty.
  • Shooting: −4
  • Animals: +6
  • Plants: +6
  • +Artistic
  • −ManualDumb
  • −Crafting
  • −Cooking
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
VR Designer
(Game Dev)
[PAWN_nameDef] designed virtual reality simulations for glitterworld citizens. [PAWN_pronoun] put great effort into the details of [PAWN_possessive] virtual worlds, learning all [PAWN_pronoun] could about plant life to make [PAWN_possessive] landscapes as realistic as possible.
  • Construction: +3
  • Plants: +4
  • Artistic: +5
  • +Artistic
  • −ManualDumb
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] designed the construction of buildings. On [PAWN_possessive] glitterworld home, the technical aspect of architecture was handled by an AI, whilst the labour was done by robots. This freed [PAWN_objective] up to push the artistic limits of his craft, but also meant [PAWN_pronoun] never had to get [PAWN_possessive] hands dirty.
  • Construction: +5
  • Artistic: +7
  • Crafting: −3
  • +Intellectual
  • −ManualDumb
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] started off sculpting person-sized artworks, but [PAWN_pronoun] soon began to think bigger. With the help of mining robots, [PAWN_pronoun] learned how to carve huge monuments out of cliffsides. Soon the parks of the glitterworld where [PAWN_pronoun] lived were full of giant stone figures.
  • Plants: −4
  • Mining: +4
  • Artistic: +9
  • +Artistic
  • −ManualDumb
  • −Crafting
  • −Cooking
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Fat south.pngNaked Fat south.png
Medieval Farm Oaf
Tilling, hoeing, guiding ox carts, pushing wheelbarrows. Digging ditches, planting seeds, predicting the harvest.\n\nMedieval-level farmers aren't educated in the usual sense, but they know a lot about growing plants without technology. That said, such a life leaves one essentially incapable of participating in intellectual, technology-driven activities.
  • Plants: +8
  • Mining: +3
  • +ManualDumb
  • +PlantWork
  • +Mining
  • −Intellectual
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Fat south.pngNaked Fat south.png
Medieval Lord
[PAWN_nameDef] was a lord on a preindustrial planet. [PAWN_pronoun] went to parties, managed the underlings, and even learned some swordplay.\n\n[PAWN_possessive] soft hands did not hold a work tool during that entire time. [PAWN_pronoun] considers manual labor to be beneath [PAWN_objective].
  • Social: +7
  • Melee: +5
  • Shooting: +5
  • +Social
  • −ManualDumb
  • −ManualSkilled
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Thin south.png
Medieval Minstrel
[PAWN_nameDef] was a traveling entertainer on a medieval world.\n\n[PAWN_pronoun] could always be found telling stories or singing songs, and is capable of protecting [PAWN_objective]self from the dangers of the road. However, [PAWN_pronoun] was always conspicuously absent whenever there was hard labour to be done.
  • Social: +4
  • Artistic: +3
  • Melee: +2
  • −ManualSkilled
  • −Hauling
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Fat south.pngNaked Fat south.png
As the taster for a medieval king, any dish served at the royal table had to be sampled first by [PAWN_nameDef]. [PAWN_pronoun] lived a decadent lifestyle at court, getting fat and doing very little work.
  • Cooking: +7
  • Construction: −4
  • Crafting: −4
  • +Cooking
  • −ManualDumb
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Fat south.pngNaked Fat south.png
As a smith on a medieval world, [PAWN_nameDef] gained a reputation for the high quality of [PAWN_possessive] work. [PAWN_pronoun] wasn't bad at using the swords [PAWN_pronoun] forged either.
  • Shooting: −5
  • Melee: +4
  • Crafting: +6
  • +ManualDumb
  • +ManualSkilled
  • −Intellectual
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Message Carrier
On a medieval world, the fastest way to send a message is to give it to somebody on a horse and hope they survive the journey. [PAWN_nameDef] was that somebody.
  • Melee: +3
  • Animals: +4
  • −Intellectual
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Hulk south.png
Medieval Doctor
[PAWN_nameDef] worked as a doctor on a medieval planet. [PAWN_pronoun] firmly believes that most ailments can be cured with a little bloodletting.\n\n[PAWN_pronoun] was also a master anaesthetist, developing a specialty technique that involved a heavy blow to the head.
  • Melee: +6
  • Medicine: +1
  • +Caring
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Thin south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] lived in the forest near a village. Though many of the villagers feared [PAWN_objective], sick villagers would come to [PAWN_objective] to purchase salves and poultices made from the herbs [PAWN_pronoun] grew in [PAWN_possessive] garden. [PAWN_pronoun] was happy to help them — for a price.
  • Plants: +4
  • Medicine: +4
  • Social: −2
  • +Caring
  • +PlantWork
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
Medieval Sailor
[PAWN_nameDef] explored the oceans on a wooden ship, seeking out plant and animal specimens from exotic places, and occasionally fending off pirates. [PAWN_pronoun] loved the sea so much [PAWN_pronoun] refused to do all but the barest minimum of work on land, except to sell the treasures [PAWN_pronoun] collected.
  • Melee: +4
  • Social: +4
  • Animals: +4
  • +ManualDumb
  • −ManualSkilled
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] kept the peace as a line officer in a municipal police force.
[PAWN_pronoun] was trained in de-escalation, physical control, shooting, and other police skills.
  • Social: +3
  • Shooting: +4
  • Melee: +3
  • +Social
  • +Violent
- Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png -
[PAWN_nameDef] ran a high-class restaurant. [PAWN_pronoun] was famous among patrons for [PAWN_possessive] creative culinary specialties, and infamous among kitchen workers for [PAWN_possessive] casual disdain for grunt work.
  • Cooking: +6
  • Social: +2
  • +Cooking
  • −Cleaning
  • −ManualDumb
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
As an adult, [PAWN_nameDef] kept house and cared for children while [PAWN_possessive] spouse worked.
  • Cooking: +3
  • Medicine: +3
  • Crafting: +2
  • +ManualDumb
- Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
On [PAWN_possessive] homeworld, [PAWN_nameDef] worked as a moderately successful inventor. [PAWN_pronoun] developed several minor technologies.
  • Crafting: +5
  • Intellectual: +2
  • +Intellectual
  • +Crafting
- Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] was educated in the liberal arts and taught at a public school. [PAWN_pronoun] was widely knowledgeable and well-liked by [PAWN_possessive] students.
  • Intellectual: +3
  • Social: +4
  • +Intellectual
  • +Social
- Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Civil Servant
[PAWN_nameDef] worked as a low-ranking administrator for a moribund government bureaucracy. [PAWN_pronoun] is most at home filling out complicated paperwork and playing office politics.
  • Social: +3
  • Intellectual: +3
  • Construction: −2


- Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] worked as a bartender in a seedy establishment. The job was one part drink-mixing, one part diplomacy, and one part head-bashing.
  • Social: +4
  • Melee: +2
  • Cooking: +2
  • +Social
  • +Cooking
- Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Fat south.png
Conceptual Artist
[PAWN_nameDef] was well-known in art circles on [PAWN_possessive] home world for [PAWN_possessive] unique and creative conceptual artworks.
Nobody was sure exactly what [PAWN_pronoun] was trying to communicate, but [PAWN_possessive] pieces were highly valued by collectors.
  • Artistic: +8
  • Crafting: +1
  • +Artistic
  • −Social
  • −Caring
  • −Hauling
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
As a youth, [PAWN_nameDef] experienced a religious awakening. [PAWN_pronoun] decided to spend the rest of [PAWN_possessive] life spreading the word of [PAWN_possessive] deity, the beauty of its culture, and its unusual medical tradition.
  • Social: +4
  • Artistic: +4
  • Medicine: −3
  • +Social
  • +Caring
- Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Ascetic Priest
After taking a vow of silence, [PAWN_nameDef] joined a monastery to spend [PAWN_possessive] days in quiet contemplation.
[PAWN_pronoun] found happiness growing vegetables in the garden and making cheese in the monastery cellars.
  • Plants: +4
  • Medicine: +2
  • Cooking: +2
  • +PlantWork
  • +ManualDumb
  • −Violent
  • −Social
Ascetic Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
Escaped Convict
[PAWN_nameDef] denies involvement in the crimes that brought about [PAWN_possessive] incarceration in a brutal penal colony. [PAWN_pronoun] escaped by tunneling beneath the perimeter using modified cutlery.
  • Mining: +4
  • Crafting: +2
  • +Violent
  • −Caring
- Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] worked in a hospital, doing routine work such as changing bandages and taking temperatures.
It was a busy job, but [PAWN_pronoun] could always find time for a chat with a patient.
  • Social: +4
  • Medicine: +5
  • +Caring
  • −Violent
- Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
House Servant
[PAWN_nameDef] was a domestic servant to wealthy homeowners.
[PAWN_pronoun] got to know the kitchens and basements of [PAWN_possessive] master's mansion well, but never did any work outside.
  • Cooking: +4
  • Plants: −3
  • Mining: −3
  • +ManualDumb
  • +Cleaning
  • −Intellectual
- Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Fat south.pngNaked Fat south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] protected whoever paid [PAWN_objective]. [PAWN_pronoun] gained proficiency in many different combat forms, and was known for [PAWN_possessive] ruthlessness against those who crossed [PAWN_objective].
  • Shooting: +4
  • Melee: +4
  • +Violent
  • −Social
- Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Hulk south.png
(Math Prof)
[PAWN_nameDef] did mathematical research at a university.
[PAWN_pronoun] spent much of [PAWN_possessive] spare time immersed in shooting simulations, though [PAWN_pronoun] was frequently ridiculed by other players for [PAWN_possessive] terrible aim.
  • Shooting: −3
  • Intellectual: +8
  • +Intellectual
  • −ManualDumb
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
[PAWN_nameDef]'s job was to respond rapidly to medical emergencies. [PAWN_pronoun] is used to dealing with severe injuries with only limited medical supplies.
[PAWN_pronoun] treated so many gunshot wounds over the years that even seeing a gun made [PAWN_objective] uncomfortable.
  • Shooting: −5
  • Medicine: +6
  • +Caring
  • +Violent
- Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] worked at the mansion of a powerful family, tending the lavish gardens as part of a team of servants.
  • Plants: +8
  • +ManualDumb
  • +PlantWork
  • −Intellectual
  • −Crafting
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Working for a tyrannical dictator, [PAWN_nameDef] earned a reputation as an expert in 'persuasion.' Any prisoner who went down into the dungeons left with no secrets - and with [PAWN_nameDef]'s smile scarred permanently into their nightmares.
  • Melee: +6
  • +Violent
  • −Social
  • −Caring
Psychopath Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Early in [PAWN_possessive] adulthood, [PAWN_nameDef] decided to leave the oppressive dictatorship where [PAWN_pronoun] lived. [PAWN_possessive] defection was not well-received, and agents were sent out after [PAWN_objective].
[PAWN_pronoun] spent years on the run, treating [PAWN_possessive] own wounds so no doctor could betray [PAWN_objective]. The ordeal made [PAWN_objective] bitter and untrusting
  • Shooting: +5
  • Social: −4
  • Medicine: +3
  • +Violent
  • +Caring
  • −Artistic
- Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Construction Engineer
[PAWN_nameDef] was a construction worker. [PAWN_pronoun] lead a team which built everything from office blocks to cathedrals.
[PAWN_possessive] busy job and numerous nearby fast-food outlets meant [PAWN_pronoun] never cooked for [PAWN_objective]self.
  • Construction: +8
  • Plants: −3
  • +ManualSkilled
  • −Intellectual
  • −Cooking
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] owned and operated a successful ranch where [PAWN_pronoun] raised animals for meat and wool.
[PAWN_pronoun] refused to do any dumb labour [PAWN_pronoun] could pay someone else to do for [PAWN_objective].
  • Animals: +8
  • Cooking: −4
  • Mining: −4
  • +Animals
  • −ManualDumb
- Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Fat south.pngNaked Fat south.png
Low-Wage Worker
[PAWN_nameDef] worked a variety of casual jobs to support [PAWN_possessive] family, gaining a set of basic hands-on skills.
  • Cooking: +4
  • Plants: +3
  • Crafting: +3
  • +ManualDumb
  • +Cleaning
- Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] modelled clothes and jewellery for advertisers, and was also used as a physical blueprint for characters in virtual reality simulations.
  • Social: +5
  • Artistic: +6
  • +Social
  • +Artistic
  • −ManualDumb
  • −Intellectual
  • −ManualSkilled
  • −Caring
Beautiful Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Thin south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] worked with miners and cave-diggers, identifying rock types and natural formations.
During [PAWN_possessive] years underground [PAWN_pronoun] also gained experience repairing drilling machines and other technical equipment.
  • Mining: +8
  • Crafting: +3
  • +Intellectual
- Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] spent most of [PAWN_possessive] life in prisons, where [PAWN_pronoun] was put to work in the kitchens. [PAWN_pronoun] had a habit of getting into fights, and developed an aggressive way of speaking.
  • Melee: +5
  • Cooking: +3
  • +Violent
  • −Social
  • −Caring
- Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Hulk south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] travelled with a company of actors, playing to packed theatres and loving audiences everywhere. [PAWN_pronoun] was a perfectionist, and made [PAWN_possessive] own props and costumes rather than use the ones [PAWN_pronoun] was given.
  • Social: +8
  • Crafting: +3
  • +Social
  • −ManualDumb
- Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] treated sick and injured animals for a living. Seeing their suffering affected [PAWN_possessive] stance on the practice of eating meat, and for many years [PAWN_pronoun] lived as a vegetarian.
  • Animals: +4
  • Medicine: +4
  • Cooking: −4
  • +Caring
- Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Explosives Expert
[PAWN_nameDef] was an explosive engineer employed in mines. [PAWN_pronoun] took [PAWN_possessive] job very seriously and was well-versed in the technicalities - so much so that [PAWN_pronoun] refused to demean [PAWN_objective]self by helping with the clean-up once [PAWN_possessive] carefully-calculated explosion was complete.
  • Mining: +5
  • Intellectual: +5
  • +Violent
  • −ManualDumb
- Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Fat south.pngNaked Fat south.png
A terrifying trauma when [PAWN_nameDef] was a young adult caused [PAWN_objective] to develop a serious eating disorder. With counseling [PAWN_pronoun] learned to have a healthier relationship with food, and decided to put [PAWN_possessive] new skills to use helping others overcome their emotional problems.
  • Social: +9
  • +Social
  • −Cookingtypes
- Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] was part of a revered order of martial artists, infamous both for their skill in combat and for their practice of refusing to treat their wounded.
[PAWN_pronoun] travelled [PAWN_possessive] homeworld, judging the young people [PAWN_pronoun] met to determine if they might be suitable for training.
  • Melee: +5
  • Social: +5
  • +Social
  • −Caring
- Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] never figured out what to do with [PAWN_possessive] life. [PAWN_pronoun] travelled often, taking up casual work wherever [PAWN_pronoun] found it.
[PAWN_pronoun] also occasionally worked on a novel that [PAWN_pronoun] knew would be a bestseller - just as soon as [PAWN_pronoun] could find a publisher who was interested
  • Cooking: +3
  • Construction: +3
  • Artistic: −4


- Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
Machine Collector
[PAWN_nameDef] was obsessed with old machines and arcane pieces of technology. [PAWN_pronoun] obtained them wherever [PAWN_pronoun] could, and loved taking them apart to see how they worked.
[PAWN_pronoun] had a habit of talking about [PAWN_possessive] collection long after people around [PAWN_objective] had stopped listening.
  • Social: −3
  • Crafting: +6
  • Intellectual: +6
  • +Crafting
- Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Con Artist
(Con Artist)
[PAWN_nameDef] never created anything in [PAWN_possessive] life. [PAWN_pronoun] did, however, prove to be a natural at getting others to give [PAWN_objective] what they had created.
  • Social: +10
  • +Social
  • −Violent
- Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Thin south.png
Factory Worker
[PAWN_nameDef] did menial, unskilled work in an industrial factory. [PAWN_possessive] job also included caring for the mules and horses which transported the goods.
  • Animals: +3
  • Construction: +3
  • Crafting: +2
  • +ManualDumb
  • +ManualSkilled
  • +Animals
  • −Intellectual
  • −Artistic
  • −Cooking
- Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Hulk south.png
Psychiatric Patient
[PAWN_nameDef] spent most of [PAWN_possessive] adult life in an insane asylum. [PAWN_possessive] industrial homeworld had a poor understanding of mental illness, and [PAWN_pronoun] was treated more like an animal than a person.
Though [PAWN_pronoun] eventually recovered and was released, [PAWN_possessive] experience dampened many of [PAWN_possessive] basic life skills.
  • Cooking: −2
  • Crafting: −2
  • −Social
  • −Caring
  • −Violent
- Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
Human Computer
[PAWN_nameDef] turned out to have an excellent memory and a gift for performing complex calculations in [PAWN_possessive] head. An industrial-world dictator decided to employ [PAWN_nameDef] to keep track of [PAWN_possessive] state's finances and expenditure.
  • Shooting: +3
  • Intellectual: +7
  • +Intellectual
  • −Artistic
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] was the law enforcer in an isolated industrial town. [PAWN_pronoun] dealt with petty crime, dispute resolution, and the occasional drunken saloon shootout.
  • Shooting: +4
  • Melee: +4
  • Social: +4
  • +Violent
- Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Fat south.pngNaked Fat south.png
Urbworld Entrepreneur
In the urbworlds, most suffer. But someone has to run the corporations.
[PAWN_nameDef] learned the skills of the trade - greasing palms and technical analysis. [PAWN_pronoun] is a sociointellectual machine.
  • Social: +6
  • Intellectual: +3
  • +Social
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Thin south.png
Joywire Artist
[PAWN_nameDef] worked in an urbworld lab developing cutting-edge joywire software to maximize user pleasure.
When the local government imposed harsh restrictions on joywire manufacturing, [PAWN_pronoun] began selling [PAWN_possessive] products on the black market.
  • Artistic: +3
  • Intellectual: +2
  • Medicine: +2
  • +Intellectual
  • −ManualDumb
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Mafia Boss
[PAWN_nameDef] was a high-ranking member of an urbworld crime syndicate.
[PAWN_pronoun] bribed officials, maintained the loyalty of [PAWN_possessive] subordinates, and extracted overdue payments - by any means necessary.
  • Shooting: +4
  • Melee: +3
  • Social: +4
  • +Social
  • −ManualDumb
  • −Caring
  • −Cooking
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Female south.png
Urbworld Drone
[PAWN_nameDef] worked as a mindless construction drone on a massive urbworld. Though [PAWN_pronoun] is now freed from the brutal social experiments to which [PAWN_pronoun] was subjected, [PAWN_pronoun] remains incapable of creative thought and leadership.
  • Construction: +5
  • Mining: +4
  • Social: −2
  • +ManualDumb
  • +ManualSkilled
  • −Artistic
  • −Intellectual
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Hulk south.png
Urbworld Rebel
Most of the people on [PAWN_nameDef]'s world gave up their individuality to join together in an online hivemind. [PAWN_nameDef] joined a rebel faction that rejected technology entirely.
  • Melee: +3
  • Construction: +3
  • Mining: +2
  • +ManualDumb
  • −Intellectual
  • −Crafting
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Female south.png
Caveworld Illuminator
Among tunnel-dwellers, those with vision as strong as [PAWN_nameDef]’s are revered as sages. [PAWN_pronoun] would lead the way, marking spots to dig with bioluminescent fungus and warning others of impending danger.
  • Mining: +3
  • Social: +2
  • +Mining
  • +ManualSkilled
Undergrounder Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Colony Settler
[PAWN_nameDef] was a settler on a new colony world.
Such a life requires a jack-of-all trades at basic hands-on tasks.
  • Construction: +4
  • Plants: +4
  • Mining: +4
  • +ManualDumb
  • +ManualSkilled
- Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Female south.png
Deep Space Miner
[PAWN_nameDef] did the sweaty, grimy work of pulling metal out of asteroids on a deep space rig. [PAWN_pronoun] used [PAWN_possessive] hands-on industrial skills daily - and wasn't bad in a bar fight either.
  • Mining: +7
  • Construction: +3
  • Melee: +2
  • +ManualDumb
  • +ManualSkilled
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Fat south.pngNaked Female south.png
Starship Janitor
While other passengers pass the years between star systems in cryptosleep sarcophagi, [PAWN_nameDef] had to wake up at periodic intervals to perform inspections, check the navigation systems, and to oil the mechanoids.
  • Construction: +2
  • Crafting: +3
  • +ManualDumb
  • +ManualSkilled
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] was the only survivor of a ship crash on an unhabited animal world. For many years until [PAWN_possessive] rescue [PAWN_pronoun] scrounged an existence out of whatever [PAWN_pronoun] could find.
[PAWN_possessive] survival skills became razor-sharp, but spending so long alone severely dampened [PAWN_possessive] conversatial[sic] abilities.
  • Melee: +5
  • Animals: +3
  • Construction: +4
  • +ManualDumb
  • +PlantWork
  • −Intellectual
  • −Social
  • −Artistic
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Hulk south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] travelled between star systems, studying and classifying the plant and animal life [PAWN_pronoun] found in the hopes of creating a complete catalogue.
  • Animals: +5
  • Plants: +5
  • +Intellectual
  • −Violent
- Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
Space Tactician
[PAWN_nameDef] joined the space navy in an unstable system, fraught with large-scale interplanetary wars. [PAWN_pronoun] turned out to have a sharp mind for battle, and became adept at commanding combat units to great effect.
  • Shooting: +4
  • Intellectual: +4
  • +Intellectual
  • −Social
  • −Artistic
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
Worn out by the pressures of social interaction, [PAWN_nameDef] left [PAWN_possessive] crowded city to live a simple life in the wilderness. There, [PAWN_pronoun] spent [PAWN_possessive] days alone, tending [PAWN_possessive] garden and crafting the simple tools [PAWN_pronoun] needed to survive.
  • Plants: +4
  • Crafting: +3
  • Construction: +1
  • +PlantWork
  • +ManualDumb
  • +Crafting
  • −Social
Ascetic Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
Space Pirate
Piracy appears everywhere that governments are weak and society spread thin. [PAWN_nameDef] was part of this age-old part of human existence, extorting and smashing peaceful trade ships for profit.
  • Melee: +4
  • Shooting: +4
  • +Violent
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Female south.png
Pit Brawler
[PAWN_nameDef] was nine years old when [PAWN_pronoun] got in [PAWN_possessive] first fight. [PAWN_pronoun] won, but more important was the enjoyment of [PAWN_possessive] audience. Pit fighting turned out to be a lucrative career for those who could survive it. And it was even mostly legal.
  • Melee: +8
  • +Violent
  • −Intellectual
  • −Caring
Brawler Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Female south.png
Illegal Shipwright
There is a law that says that you're not allowed to put terawatt-range grasers on a cargo scow. Especially if you hide them under what looks like a communications dish for better ambush potential. [PAWN_nameDef] discovered that there is great profit to be made, however, from those who are uninterested in these laws.
  • Construction: +7
  • +ManualSkilled
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Fat south.pngNaked Fat south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] was used for [PAWN_possessive] body by hundreds of customers in brothels on several planets. [PAWN_pronoun] gained some mental marks and a special kind of street smarts.
  • Social: +8
  • Melee: +3
  • +Social
  • −ManualDumb
  • −ManualSkilled
Beautiful Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Thin south.png
Space Marine
[PAWN_nameDef] was a warrior in an Imperial navy. [PAWN_possessive] job was to punch into enemy starships, gun down the crew, and capture the ship intact. And [PAWN_pronoun] was good at it.
  • Melee: +5
  • Shooting: +7
  • +Violent
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Thin south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] was a professional assassin. [PAWN_pronoun] was cold, calculating, and made a good profit. In this business, an utter lack of empathy was an asset.
  • Melee: +10
  • Shooting: +10
  • +Violent
  • −Intellectual
  • −ManualDumb
  • −ManualSkilled
  • −Social
  • −Caring
Psychopath Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Thin south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] tracked, trapped and killed animals for their meat and leather.
[PAWN_nameDef] used both ranged and melee weapons. Sometimes, [PAWN_pronoun] hunted alongside animals.
  • Shooting: +4
  • Melee: +3
  • Animals: +2
  • +Violent
  • +Animals
- Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] chopped trees and hauled their lumber back to the tribe. [PAWN_pronoun] wielded [PAWN_possessive] axe with the finesse of an artist and the force of a charging muffalo.
  • Plants: +6
  • Melee: +3
  • +PlantWork
- Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Hulk south.png
Using [PAWN_possessive] knowledge of plants, roots, and berries, [PAWN_nameDef] could find food in even the most barren landscapes. [PAWN_pronoun] stayed away from animals.
  • Plants: +8
  • Animals: −2
  • +PlantWork
- Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] carved living spaces and mined minerals from the sides of hills and mountains. [PAWN_pronoun] learned to feel at home picking through rock and shoring up cave walls.
  • Mining: +6
  • Construction: +2
  • +Mining
Undergrounder Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Hulk south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] was an expert at working wool, plant fibers and natural dyes into beautiful clothing for [PAWN_possessive] kin. [PAWN_possessive] handicrafts were traded frequently with other settlements.
  • Crafting: +6
  • Plants: +2
  • +Crafting
- Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] was responsible for erecting structures for [PAWN_possessive] fellow tribespeople to live in. This included both temporary structures for nomadic travel, and permanent settlements. Gathering building materials from local plant life was part of the job.
  • Construction: +6
  • Plants: +2
  • +ManualSkilled
- Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Stew Keeper
[PAWN_nameDef] prepared meals from the plants and animals brought in by gatherers, farmers, and hunters of [PAWN_possessive] tribe. [PAWN_pronoun] had to make sure it was calorie-efficient, long-lasting, and healthy. [PAWN_pronoun] often processed and sometime[sic] gathered plants [PAWN_objective]self.
  • Cooking: +6
  • Plants: +2
  • +Cooking
- Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef]'s role in [PAWN_possessive] tribe was to connect with the natural world around - especially the world of animals. In addition to fulfilling a spiritual role, [PAWN_pronoun] also tamed wild beasts and cared for them as they served the tribe.
  • Animals: +6
  • Social: +2
  • +Animals
- Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] carved artworks for [PAWN_possessive] tribe from wood, stone, and occasionally, more exotic materials. The work was sometimes sold, and sometimes kept to beautify settlements and provide a focus for rituals.
  • Artistic: +7
  • +Artistic
- Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
After [PAWN_possessive] tribe’s elder healer was killed in a raid, [PAWN_nameDef] took on the role. [PAWN_pronoun] spent [PAWN_possessive] days scrounging up herbs and mineral compounds from the nearby area to use in surprisingly effective remedies.
  • Medicine: +5
  • Plants: +3
  • +Caring
- Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Hearth Tender
While the others were out hunting and foraging, [PAWN_nameDef] would stay at home to cook and take care of the young and sick.
  • Cooking: +4
  • Medicine: +3
  • Crafting: +2


Undergrounder Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] was a fearsome warrior, proficient with many weapons. [PAWN_pronoun] participated in many battles.
  • Melee: +4
  • Shooting: +4
  • +Violent
- Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] fought for [PAWN_possessive] tribe. [PAWN_pronoun] and specialized in the use of bows, pila, and other ranged weapons.
  • Melee: +2
  • Shooting: +7
  • +Violent
- Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] wielded ikwa, axes, clubs, and other close-ranged weapons in battles for [PAWN_possessive] tribe.
  • Melee: +7
  • Shooting: +2
  • +Violent
- Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Hulk south.png
Since [PAWN_possessive] tribe made contact with local outlanders, [PAWN_nameDef] contracted [PAWN_possessive] services out as a guide. Frequent contact with ancient technology made [PAWN_objective] comfortable with the lost machines.
  • Shooting: +2
  • Intellectual: +2
  • Social: +2
  • +Violent
Jogger Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
Vengeful Hunter
Following the death of a close friend by animal attack, [PAWN_nameDef] hunted the beast responsible. [PAWN_pronoun] tracked it to a nearby village, only to find one of the villagers wearing its pelt.
  • Shooting: +4
  • Melee: +6
  • +Violent
  • −Animals
- Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Hulk south.png
Muffalo Shaman
Because of [PAWN_possessive] quiet wisdom and great strength, [PAWN_nameDef] became the spiritual guide for [PAWN_possessive] tribe. [PAWN_pronoun] had a special connection with the great spirit of the muffalo.
  • Melee: +5
  • Social: +2


- Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Hulk south.pngNaked Hulk south.png
Lore Keeper
[PAWN_nameDef] was one of a long line of lore keepers in [PAWN_possessive] tribe. Every night around the fire, [PAWN_pronoun] would pass on ancient knowledge and helpful wisdom through stories.
  • Intellectual: +2
  • Social: +3
  • Artistic: +2
  • +Intellectual
- Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] never much liked the tribal council or the yearly festivals. [PAWN_pronoun] preferred the open plain and the whistle of wind through the rocks.
[PAWN_pronoun] visited [PAWN_possessive] tribe from time to time, but mostly took care of [PAWN_objective]self using [PAWN_possessive] own survival skills.
  • Shooting: +3
  • Melee: +2
  • Plants: +5
  • Construction: +1
  • −Social
- Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
[PAWN_nameDef]'s tribe banished [PAWN_objective] following a bloody dispute. [PAWN_pronoun] survived in the wilds alone for a long time.
  • Melee: +3
  • Shooting: +2
  • Plants: +4
  • −Social
- Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.pngNaked Thin south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] often feigned sickness in order to avoid [PAWN_possessive] responsibilities. While resting in the sick hut, [PAWN_pronoun] told stories to the children.
  • Intellectual: +2
  • Social: +5
  • −ManualDumb
- Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.pngNaked Female south.png