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|name = Scyther
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|mobdamage = Bludgeon - 24
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{{quote|"Fast, spindly, human-sized combat mechanoids. They usually carry one primary ranged weapon, and their bodies are adorned with multiple knife-like protrusions to make them deadly in melee combat. They don't use cover. Best handled by concentrated, overwhelming force."|In-game description}}
{{quote|"Fast, spindly, human-sized combat mechanoids. They usually carry one primary ranged weapon, and their bodies are adorned with multiple knife-like protrusions to make them deadly in melee combat. They don't use cover. Best handled by concentrated, overwhelming force."|In-game description}}

Revision as of 09:55, 27 February 2015

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"Mechanoids - Autonomous intelligent robots built for domestic, industrial or military purposes. Only available to advanced cultures because such complex AI is needed to control them."

— RimWorld Universe Quick Primer[1]



Base Stats


"Heavy combat mechanoids that glide on dozens of tiny legs. Their heavy armor and firepower makes them very effective against bunched-up static defenders. They are somewhat vulnerable to mobile hit-and-run tactics."

— In-game description


Centipedes consist entirely of mechanical parts, and are mostly composed of very large 'rings' that make their appearance similar to that of a real-life centipede. Despite being somewhat sluggish (in movement and appearance), they are immensely durable and can absorb a significant amount of fire before they are killed or even disabled.

Centipedes have six body rings, several sensors for hearing, sight, and smell, and an artificial brain that drives them. Interestingly enough, they lack any sort of communication parts and always spawn with their communication indicated as 'None', or no ability to. The only other external body part a centipede has other than its rings is its head, making it very difficult to actually kill a centipede.


Centipedes are machines, and machines don't need to eat - but they do need some source of power.

Currently, it is unknown what power source or other source of energy the Centipede uses.


Centipedes are generally equipped with either a Minigun, Inferno Cannon, or Heavy Charge Blaster on semi-rare occasions, but are also able to engage in melee combat with colonists.

Melee Attacks Damage Amount
Bludgeon 50

Their melee attack is the second-highest damaging attack in the game, surpassed only by the EMP Grenade.

Body Parts (Summary)

Centipedes are actually very simplistic and robust in design, with not that many parts overall. Their obvious weakness is that they're able to be severed in two, rapidly reducing their ability to move (which may eventually incapacitate them).

  • Note: Centipedes have a health scale of 2.0 - meaning their parts have twice the health of body parts listed in the files.
Body Part Name Health (× Health Scale) Base Health Quantity Coverage (per part)[2] Group Function / Required for following System Effect if Destroyed/Removed
First Body Ring 200 100 1 ? Core Part Functioning in general Machine Failure
Mechanical Head 60 30 1 8.0% Head Houses Artificial Brain, Sensors Machine Failure
Artificial Brain 60 30 1 20% Inside Head Dataprocessing Machine Failure
Sight Sensor 20 10 2 15% Head Sight Loss of sight/Blindness
Hearing Sensor 20 10 2 5.0% Head Hearing Loss of hearing/Deafness
Smell Sensor 20 10 1 10% Head - -
Second Body Ring 170 85 1 75% Inside first ring Moving, Manipulation Loss of moving/manipulation ability
Third Body Ring 140 70 1 80% Inside second ring Moving, Manipulation Loss of moving/manipulation ability
Fourth Body Ring 110 55 1 75% Inside third ring Moving, Manipulation Loss of moving/manipulation ability
Fifth Body Ring 80 40 1 66% Inside fourth ring Moving, Manipulation Loss of moving/manipulation ability
Sixth Body Ring 200 100 1 50% Inside fifth ring Moving, Manipulation Loss of moving/manipulation ability




Base Stats


"Fast, spindly, human-sized combat mechanoids. They usually carry one primary ranged weapon, and their bodies are adorned with multiple knife-like protrusions to make them deadly in melee combat. They don't use cover. Best handled by concentrated, overwhelming force."

— In-game description

Scythers, are fast moving and dangerous Mechanoids.


Scythers, although mechanical and not-very-human looking, are actually almost the same in structure as a typical human (minus the organs). However, they're clearly faster and more durable than humans, don't feel pain and do not fear for their life - they don't even use cover. This alone makes them very dangerous to fight against when under-armed.

They have two arms, run on two legs, and (surprisingly) have a neck and make vocal communication. Why a machine would use standard human-like air-based vocalization is unknown at this time - especially when Centipedes are completely unable to manually communicate.


Much like Centipedes, it's unknown what exactly drives a Scyther, but it's likely it would be similar to whatever powers the Centipede.


Scythers are usually seen carrying their Charge Lance into battle, but are able to engage in melee.

Melee Attacks Damage Amount
Bludgeon 24

Body Parts (Summary)

Scythers, again, are practically humans in biology, although they lack many of the human organs and bones.

  • Note: Scythers have a health scale of 1.5 - meaning their parts have ×1.5 the health of body parts listed in the files.
Body Part Name Health (×1.5 Health Scale) Base Health Quantity Coverage (per part)[2] Group Function / Required for following System Effect if Destroyed/Removed
Mechanical Thorax 60 40 1 ? Core part Functioning in general Machine failure
Mechanical Neck 45 30 1 8.0% Top of Thorax Communication (vocal),
connector of thorax and head
Machine failure
Mechanical Head 45 30 1 75% Neck Houses Artificial Brain, Sensors Machine failure
Artificial Brain 45 30 1 15% Head Dataprocessing Machine failure
Sight Sensor 15 10 2 15% Head Sight Loss of sight/Blindness
Hearing Sensor 15 10 2 5.0% Head Hearing Loss of hearing/Deafness
Smell Sensor 15 10 1 10% Head - -
Arm 45 30 2 10% Thorax Manipulation Loss of manipulation ability/Unable to work (if both lost)
Hand 30 20 2 20% Arm Manipulation Loss of manipulation ability
Fingers 10.5 7 10 5.0% Hand Manipulation Loss of manipulation ability (minor)
Leg 45 30 2 10% Thorax Moving Unable to move
Foot 30 20 2 20% Leg Moving Loss of moving ability
Toes 15 10 10 5.0% Foot Moving Loss of moving ability (minor)

Body Parts (Detailed)

Body Rings

Everything is built off of the Centipede's first body ring - the head, and second body ring are connected to the first ring, while the rest of the rings chain off (second ring connected to third, third connected to fourth, etc).

Body rings enable the Centipede to move and work, as there are many tiny, tiny legs that are connected to the body rings (not listed under body parts).

Artificial Brain

Required for overall function and function of any Mechanoid. Without this, a Mechanoid is simply an empty husk of mechanical parts.


Sight sensors for seeing, hearing sensors for hearing, and smell sensors for smell.

It's worth noting that smell is not yet implemented in the game, so destroying a smelling sensor doesn't harm a Mechanoid overall since they do not feel pain.

Scyther Knife Protrusion

Scyther Knife Protrusions can be surgically removed from a scyther if they're incapacitated.

They can then be installed into colonists as replacements for their fists, and do more damage than human fists. Only a little bit uncomfortable.


  1. Mechanoids - RimWorld Universe Quick Primer
  2. 2.0 2.1 Coverage determines the chance to hit this body part. It is dependant on which group the body part is part of, so, for example, you can't shoot someone in the toe and hit them in the brain.