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<div style="Background-color: #15191d; color: white; text-align: left; border: 1px solid white;">
<noinclude>&larr; <small>[[Backstories]]</small> [[Category:Characters]]
<!-- Structure -->
{| {{STDT| sortable c_17}}
! Title <br/> (Short Title) !! Description !! Bodytype !! Skill Modifications !! Spawn Categories !! Traits !! Possessions
<div style="display: block; text-align: left;">
<!-- Solid Rare -->
[[File:Empire map marker.png|Sophian|32px|Ideoligion#Sophian]]
<!-- BackStoryDef Abstract="True" Name="Solid"
| '''Shuffleable:''' false /BackStoryDef -->
<!-- Styles --><div style="display: block; text-align: left;">
<!-- Tynan -->
[[File:Style_Horaxian.png|Horaxian|16px|link=Ideoligion#Style Horaxian]]
<!-- BackstoryDef ParentName="Solid" -->
[[File:Style_Morbid.png|Morbid|16px|link=Ideoligion#Style Morbid]]
<!-- TynanCustomChildhood -->
[[File:Style_Techist.png|Techist|16px|link=Ideoligion#Style Techist]]
| punk <br /> (punk)
| [PAWN_nameDef] spent his childhood selling knockoff cigarettes to 15-year-olds. The cigarettes were often full of grass clippings.
| Intellectual: {{--|2}}<br />Social: {{--|2}} <!-- BackstoryDef ParentName="Solid" -->
<!-- Title -->
|- <!-- TynanCustomAdulthood -->
<div style="text-align: center;">
| game developer <br /> (game dev)
'''Nightmare Deep'''
| [PAWN_nameDef] was an independent game developer.<br /><br />After an early success, [PAWN_possessive] career quickly degenerated into a circus of misguided ideas, deals gone wrong, and desperate, failed PR stunts.
| Global: [[File:Naked Male south.png|32px|frameless]]
<!-- Memes -->
| Construction: {{--|2}}<br />Mining: {{--|2}}
<div style="display: inline-block; align-content: center; border: 1px solid white;">
| Pirate
<div style="display: inline-block; position: relative; top: -30px; text-align: left;">Memes</div><div style="display: inline-block; background-color: #1e2226; border: 1px solid white; align-content: center;">
| '''Forced Traits:''' [[Traits#Slothful|Slothful]]
<div style="display: inline-block; background-color: #1e2226; border: 1px solid white;">
| '''possessions:''' 1x {{Icon Small|Game-of-Ur board|24}} [[Game-of-Ur board]] <!-- Joe -->
<!-- BackstoryDef ParentName="Solid" -->
|- <!-- JoeCustomChildhood -->
<div style="display: inline-block; background-color: #1e2226; border: 1px solid white;">
| drummer <br /> (drummer)
| [PAWN_nameDef] was born into a family of musicians. When hard times came, [PAWN_pronoun] was forced to play the drum in a traveling band.
| Artistic: {{+|2}}
| '''possessions:''' 1x {{Icon Small|Drum|24}} [[Drum]]{{IdeologyIcon}} <!-- BackstoryDef ParentName="Solid" -->
|- <!-- JoeCustomAdulthood -->
| game developer <br /> (game dev)
<!-- Narrative
| [PAWN_nameDef] was a hobbyist game developer who lived in an endless cycle of unfinished projects and lofty ideas.
--><div style="display: block; align-content: center; border: 1px solid white;"><div style="display: inline-block; position: relative; text-align: left;">Narrative</div>
| Global: [[File:Naked Male south.png|32px|frameless]]
You see space as a grid, pure and mathematical. We know it is only the glassy surface of a black ocean of nightmares buried under every place and every moment. We know the mind who reigns from the deep. Its thoughts reach up from the boiling darkness and reward those who serve its will.
| Offworld, Scientist
| Artistic: {{--|2}} <!-- Liam -->
<!-- BackstoryDef ParentName="Solid" -->
<!-- Deities -->
|- <!-- LiamCustomChildhood -->
<div style="display: block; align-content: center; border: 1px solid white;"><div style="display: block; position: relative; text-align: left;">Deities</div>
| sim addict <br /> (sim addict)
[[File:Generic deity.png|32px]] <div style="display: inline-block; text-align: left; border: 1px solid white;">'''Horax'''<br />God of the Void</div><div style="display: inline-block; position: relative; top: -25px;">[[File:Male.png|Male|16px]]</div>
| Born and raised on a glitterworld, [PAWN_nameDef] was obsessed with simulation software. [PAWN_pronoun] spent far too much time plugged in.
| Intellectual: {{+|2}} <!-- BackstoryDef ParentName="Solid" -->
<!-- Precepts -->
|- <!-- LiamCustomAdulthood -->
<div style="display: block; border: 1px solid white;"><div style="display: block; position: relative; text-align: left;">Precepts</div>
| simulation developer <br /> (sim dev)
| [PAWN_nameDef] worked on a peaceful glitterworld developing hyper-realistic war crime simulation software.
<!-- Roles -->
| Global: [[File:Naked Male south.png|32px|frameless]]
<div style="display: block; border: 1px solid white;">
| Offworld, Scientist
| Construction: {{--|3}}<br />Crafting: {{+|4}}<br />Intellectual: {{+|6}}
<!-- Rituals -->
| '''Forced Traits:''' [[Traits#Hard worker|Hard worker]]
<div style="display: block; border: 1px solid white;">
| '''Work Disables:''' Violent <!-- Matt -->
<!-- BackstoryDef ParentName="Solid" -->
<!-- Weapons -->
|- <!-- CynapseCustomChildhood -->
<div style="display: block; border: 1px solid white;">
| tinkerer <br /> (tinkerer)
| [PAWN_nameDef] spent most of [PAWN_possessive] time disassembling and reassembling electronic devices in order to figure out how they function. [PAWN_nameDef] became so preoccupied with [PAWN_possessive] tinkering that [PAWN_pronoun] forgot to develop social relationships with other humans.
<!-- Venerated animals -->
| Intellectual: {{+|2}}<br />Crafting: {{+|2}}
<div style="display: block; border: 1px solid white;">
| '''Work Disables:''' Social <!-- BackstoryDef ParentName="Solid" -->
|- <!-- CynapseCustomAdulthood -->
<!-- Preferred xenotypes -->
| hermit <br /> (hermit)
<div style="display: block; border: 1px solid white;">
| [PAWN_nameDef] spent almost all of [PAWN_possessive] time indoors, away from other humans. To survive, [PAWN_pronoun] trained and sold messenger rats.
| Global: [[File:Naked Male south.png|32px|frameless]]
<!-- Preferred apparel -->
| Offworld, Outlander, Pirate
<div style="display: block; border: 1px solid white;">
| Animals: {{+|3}}
| '''Forced Traits:''' [[Traits#Very neurotic|Very neurotic]]<br />[[Traits#Bisexual|Bisexual]] <!-- Oskar -->
<!-- Appearance -->
<!-- BackstoryDef ParentName="Solid" -->
<div style="display: block; border: 1px solid white;">
|- <!-- OskarCustomChildhood -->
| Childhood
| art slave <br /> (artist)
| [PAWN_nameDef] was born on the dark edge of a tidally-locked urbworld. After an argument, [PAWN_possessive] father sold [PAWN_objective] to a local district lord as a slave artist.<br /><br />Forced to create art or be punished, [PAWN_pronoun] withdrew and became unable to form relations with others.
| Artistic: {{+|4}}
| '''Work Disables:''' Social <!-- BackstoryDef ParentName="Solid" -->
|- <!-- OskarCustomAdulthood -->
| Adulthood
| mod designer <br /> (modder)
| [PAWN_nameDef] designed combat modifications for frontline soldiers.<br /><br />One night, in a nightmare, [PAWN_nameDef] was confronted by all the men and women killed by [PAWN_possessive] work. [PAWN_pronoun] decided to travel to the rimworlds and use [PAWN_possessive] skills for good.
| Global: [[File:Naked Male south.png|32px|frameless]]
| Intellectual: {{+|5}}<br />Crafting: {{+|5}}<br />Medicine: {{+|2}}
| Outlander
| '''Work Disables:''' Violent <!-- Will -->
<!-- BackstoryDef ParentName="Solid" -->
|- <!-- WillCustomChildhood -->
| maze child <br /> (maze child)
| [PAWN_nameDef] grew up in a research camp on a deadworld. [PAWN_possessive] parents were astrobiologists studying mysterious labyrinthine formations beneath the planet's crust. [PAWN_pronoun] spent most of his time wandering those tunnels, wondering what otherworldly entity could have created them.
| Intellectual: {{+|1}}<br />Mining: {{+|1}}
| '''Forced Traits:''' [[Traits#Undergrounder|Undergrounder]] <!-- BackstoryDef ParentName="Solid" -->
|- <!-- WillCustomAdulthood -->
| labyrinth maker <br /> (labyrinth maker)
| [PAWN_nameDef] designed elaborate entertainment mazes for the glitterworld elite. Even now, [PAWN_pronoun] thinks of little else.
| Global: [[File:Naked Male south.png|32px|frameless]]
| Construction: {{+|2}}
| Offworld, <!-- Mate -->
<!-- BackstoryDef ParentName="Solid" -->
|- <!-- MateCustomChildhood -->
| curious kid <br /> (curious kid)
| [PAWN_nameDef] spent most of [PAWN_possessive] childhood dreaming of becoming a famous artist who could impress people with [PAWN_possessive] creations.
| Intellectual: {{+|1}} <br />Artistic: {{+|1}} <!-- BackstoryDef ParentName="Solid" -->
|- <!-- MateCustomAdulthood -->
| busker <br /> (busker)
| After being laid off by an interplanetary megacorp, [PAWN_nameDef] spent several years disillusioned and fighting alcohol addiction.<br /><br />[PAWN_pronoun] ended up busking aboard a space freighter, playing a beaten-up guitar and entertaining the crew with blues and folk songs from the distant past.
| Global: [[File:Naked Male south.png|32px|frameless]]
| Cooking: {{+|2}}
| Offworld, Scientist
| '''Forced Traits:''' [[Traits#Tortured artist|Tortured artist]]
| '''possessions:''' 1x {{Icon Small|Beer|24}} [[Beer]] <!-- Nathan - Copied from existing backstories with slight trait changes -->
<!-- BackstoryDef ParentName="Solid" -->
|- <!-- NathanCustomChildhood -->
| cave child <br /> (cave child)
| [PAWN_nameDef] grew up in a large and intricate cave complex that extended deep into a mountainside. [PAWN_pronoun] helped the adults maintain and improve the deep caves.
| Mining: {{+|3}}<br />Construction: {{+|3}}
| Tribal
| '''Forced Traits:''' [[Traits#Undergrounder|Undergrounder]]<br />[[Traits#Quick sleeper|Quick sleeper]] <!-- BackstoryDef ParentName="Solid" -->
|- <!-- NathanCustomAdulthood -->
| digger <br /> (digger)
| [PAWN_nameDef] carved living spaces and mined minerals from the sides of hills and mountains. [PAWN_pronoun] learned to feel at home picking through rock and shoring up cave walls.
| Tribal, TribalMiner
| Male: [[File:Naked Hulk south.png|32px|frameless]]<br />Female: [[File:Naked Hulk south.png|32px|frameless]]
| Mining: {{+|6}}<br />Construction: {{+|2}}
| '''Required Work Tags:''' Mining
| '''Forced Traits:''' [[Traits#Undergrounder|Undergrounder]]<br />[[Traits#Quick sleeper|Quick sleeper]]
| '''possessions:''' 3x {{Icon Small|Jade|24}} [[Jade]] <!-- Fey -->
<!-- BackstoryDef ParentName="Solid" -->
|- <!-- FeyCustomChildhood -->
| wargame fanatic <br /> (wargame fanatic)
| Growing up sheltered in an urbworld archology, [PAWN_nameDef] distracted [PAWN_objective]self by playing wargames and painting miniatures. While [PAWN_pronoun] was never very good at the game itself, it helped to connect [PAWN_objective] with others.
| Crafting: {{+|2}}<br />Social: {{+|1}}
| '''Forced Traits:''' [[Traits#Undergrounder|Undergrounder]] <!-- BackstoryDef ParentName="Solid" -->
|- <!-- FeyCustomAdulthood -->
| game master <br /> (game master)
| [PAWN_nameDef] spent all [PAWN_possessive] time running tabletop role-playing games as a way to connect socially with others. The game changed every year, and other players always loved [PAWN_possessive] worldbuilding and stories.
| Global: [[File:Naked Female south.png|32px|frameless]]
| Artistic: {{+|2}}<br />Social: {{+|1}}<br />Intellectual: {{+|1}}<br />Mining: {{--|2}}
| '''Forced Traits:''' [[Traits#Very neurotic|Very neurotic]] <br /><br />[[Traits#Gay|Gay]]
| Offworld

Revision as of 19:17, 26 August 2024


(Short Title)
Description Bodytype Skill Modifications Spawn Categories Traits Possessions
[PAWN_nameDef] spent his childhood selling knockoff cigarettes to 15-year-olds. The cigarettes were often full of grass clippings. Intellectual: −2
Social: −2
game developer
(game dev)
[PAWN_nameDef] was an independent game developer.

After an early success, [PAWN_possessive] career quickly degenerated into a circus of misguided ideas, deals gone wrong, and desperate, failed PR stunts.
Global: Naked Male south.png Construction: −2
Mining: −2
Pirate Forced Traits: Slothful possessions: 1x Game-of-Ur board Game-of-Ur board
[PAWN_nameDef] was born into a family of musicians. When hard times came, [PAWN_pronoun] was forced to play the drum in a traveling band. Artistic: +2 possessions: 1x Drum DrumContent added by the Ideology DLC
game developer
(game dev)
[PAWN_nameDef] was a hobbyist game developer who lived in an endless cycle of unfinished projects and lofty ideas. Global: Naked Male south.png Offworld, Scientist Artistic: −2
sim addict
(sim addict)
Born and raised on a glitterworld, [PAWN_nameDef] was obsessed with simulation software. [PAWN_pronoun] spent far too much time plugged in. Intellectual: +2
simulation developer
(sim dev)
[PAWN_nameDef] worked on a peaceful glitterworld developing hyper-realistic war crime simulation software. Global: Naked Male south.png Offworld, Scientist Construction: −3
Crafting: +4
Intellectual: +6
Forced Traits: Hard worker Work Disables: Violent
[PAWN_nameDef] spent most of [PAWN_possessive] time disassembling and reassembling electronic devices in order to figure out how they function. [PAWN_nameDef] became so preoccupied with [PAWN_possessive] tinkering that [PAWN_pronoun] forgot to develop social relationships with other humans. Intellectual: +2
Crafting: +2
Work Disables: Social
[PAWN_nameDef] spent almost all of [PAWN_possessive] time indoors, away from other humans. To survive, [PAWN_pronoun] trained and sold messenger rats. Global: Naked Male south.png Offworld, Outlander, Pirate Animals: +3 Forced Traits: Very neurotic
Childhood art slave
[PAWN_nameDef] was born on the dark edge of a tidally-locked urbworld. After an argument, [PAWN_possessive] father sold [PAWN_objective] to a local district lord as a slave artist.

Forced to create art or be punished, [PAWN_pronoun] withdrew and became unable to form relations with others.
Artistic: +4 Work Disables: Social
Adulthood mod designer
[PAWN_nameDef] designed combat modifications for frontline soldiers.

One night, in a nightmare, [PAWN_nameDef] was confronted by all the men and women killed by [PAWN_possessive] work. [PAWN_pronoun] decided to travel to the rimworlds and use [PAWN_possessive] skills for good.
Global: Naked Male south.png Intellectual: +5
Crafting: +5
Medicine: +2
Outlander Work Disables: Violent
maze child
(maze child)
[PAWN_nameDef] grew up in a research camp on a deadworld. [PAWN_possessive] parents were astrobiologists studying mysterious labyrinthine formations beneath the planet's crust. [PAWN_pronoun] spent most of his time wandering those tunnels, wondering what otherworldly entity could have created them. Intellectual: +1
Mining: +1
Forced Traits: Undergrounder
labyrinth maker
(labyrinth maker)
[PAWN_nameDef] designed elaborate entertainment mazes for the glitterworld elite. Even now, [PAWN_pronoun] thinks of little else. Global: Naked Male south.png Construction: +2 Offworld,
curious kid
(curious kid)
[PAWN_nameDef] spent most of [PAWN_possessive] childhood dreaming of becoming a famous artist who could impress people with [PAWN_possessive] creations. Intellectual: +1
Artistic: +1
After being laid off by an interplanetary megacorp, [PAWN_nameDef] spent several years disillusioned and fighting alcohol addiction.

[PAWN_pronoun] ended up busking aboard a space freighter, playing a beaten-up guitar and entertaining the crew with blues and folk songs from the distant past.
Global: Naked Male south.png Cooking: +2 Offworld, Scientist Forced Traits: Tortured artist possessions: 1x Beer Beer
cave child
(cave child)
[PAWN_nameDef] grew up in a large and intricate cave complex that extended deep into a mountainside. [PAWN_pronoun] helped the adults maintain and improve the deep caves. Mining: +3
Construction: +3
Tribal Forced Traits: Undergrounder
Quick sleeper
[PAWN_nameDef] carved living spaces and mined minerals from the sides of hills and mountains. [PAWN_pronoun] learned to feel at home picking through rock and shoring up cave walls. Tribal, TribalMiner Male: Naked Hulk south.png
Female: Naked Hulk south.png
Mining: +6
Construction: +2
Required Work Tags: Mining Forced Traits: Undergrounder
Quick sleeper
possessions: 3x Jade Jade
wargame fanatic
(wargame fanatic)
Growing up sheltered in an urbworld archology, [PAWN_nameDef] distracted [PAWN_objective]self by playing wargames and painting miniatures. While [PAWN_pronoun] was never very good at the game itself, it helped to connect [PAWN_objective] with others. Crafting: +2
Social: +1
Forced Traits: Undergrounder
game master
(game master)
[PAWN_nameDef] spent all [PAWN_possessive] time running tabletop role-playing games as a way to connect socially with others. The game changed every year, and other players always loved [PAWN_possessive] worldbuilding and stories. Global: Naked Female south.png Artistic: +2
Social: +1
Intellectual: +1
Mining: −2
Forced Traits: Very neurotic
