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= Current version (Alpha 7)=
= Current version (Alpha 7)=
= Recent versions (Alpha 6) =
= Recent versions (Alpha 6) =

Revision as of 13:12, 2 January 2015

See upcoming features for future updates. Known bugs in the latest versions are listed here.
  • Public versions were announced on the Developer Blog
  • Quiet versions were recorded on the Changelog
  • Silent versions were released without record
  • Internal versions were not released to the public

Current version (Alpha 7)

Previous Version: [[Version/1.5.4136"" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.]]
Released on:
Next Version: [[Version/0.0.232"" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.]]
Released on:

"Error: Invalid time." contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.

Released on: –

Alpha 8 is out! This time we’ve added a seasonal cycle and temperature simulation, snow, two more biomes (boreal forest and tundra) with all the attached animals, art sculpting, crafted item quality, weapon and apparel crafting, homegrown medicine, wind turbines, and more.

If you own the game, you can get Alpha 8 by re-downloading from the link you used before (it is a permanent link and always has the newest version). You should also get an update email from us. Anyone still having trouble should start at this thread.

Also note that this build will not load old savegames, so keep your old install separate if you want to finish an Alpha 7 colony.

Release Trailer

Core Release

Temperature and Seasons

  • A new temperature system tracks temperatures indoors and outdoors.
  • Characters can get hypothermia, frostbite, heatstroke, or burns from being in extreme-temperature areas.
  • Certain clothing can protect against temperature discomfort/harm.
  • Temperature changes daily and on a yearly cycle according to where you are on the planet. There are distinct seasons.
  • There are special heat wave/cold snap events.
  • Added heater and cooler buildings.
  • Food spoils. This can be slowed or prevented with refrigeration.
  • Snow falls and accumulates over winter. It slows down movement.
  • Snow can be cleared manually, and will melt if heated.
  • New apparel: Parka and tuque.
  • Added new biomes: boreal forest and tundra

Art and Crafting

  • Sculptor’s table added. Colonists can create abstract sculptures.
  • Sculptures and melee weapons have a quality. Quality is influenced by crafter skill and affects beauty and damage.
  • Apparel crafting now allows crafting any kind of apparel.
  • Can now craft any kind of melee weapon from appropriate materials.
  • Created ‘unfinished thing’ step to crafting. Crafting can now take several days per item (as in the case of advanced weapons or art).
  • Added art trading.

New Content

Alpha 8B

There was a bug in Alpha 8: If a colonist smoothed a terrain that wasn’t rough stone, the game would crash.

I thought this would be impossible, because you cannot designate a non-rough-stone terrain to be smoothed. But if you designate some rough stone for smoothing, then designate a floor to be built over it, and the floor is built, and then the smoother finally comes by, the game will die because the floor has no ‘terrain I should become if I’m smoothed’.

If you think you can just not build floors over smoothing designations, you can just avoid the crash that way. I’ve also uploaded a hotfixed version, Alpha8b, which you can download from your existing download links.

Sorry about this.

Alpha 8C

Note: This hotfix created it’s own new bug (colonists can’t use hydroponics). Sorry! I’m uploading a fix now.

I’ve released a hotfix to some further important issues discovered in Alpha 8. You can get the update by downloading from the download link we sent you before (this is your personal permanent link and will never change). There will be no email sent for this non-essential update.


  • Mostly fixed some hard performance hitching that occurred when there were a lot of blueprints that lacked resources (usually when laying large amounts of carpet without enough cloth).
  • Surgically removing bionic parts from living people will now yield the removed part for reinstallation or sale.
  • The binding between workers and bills will no longer time out. This should eliminate problems with workers starting the same bill several times and ending up with multiple unfinished versions of the same item.
  • The ‘was imprisoned’ thought now has a greater effect on mood.
  • Fixed growers just standing there when there was a nearby growing job that was not accessible (e.g. a plant pot in a locked room).
  • Plant not growing now text uses the word ‘resting’ to clarify that the problem isn’t a lack of light.

Alpha 8D & Alpha 8E

Alpha8c created a major bug where colonists would never plant in hydroponics basins. The fixed build, Alpha8d, is now uploaded.

As always, you can update with your existing download link.

Sorry about that. Hopefully not too many of you downloaded the game in the hours between 8c and 8d.

UPDATE: I just released a nonessential fix to reduce the mood impact of seeing rotting corpses from -14 to -4. You can patch as usual, or just go into RimWorld657/Mods/Core/Defs/ThoughtDefs/Thoughts_Memories.xml, search for ObservedLayingRottingCorpse, and change <baseMoodEffect>-14</baseMoodEffect> to <baseMoodEffect>-4</baseMoodEffect>.

Dev Fix

The ‘saw corpse’ thought is stacking far too high because of a bug. In cases where there are lots of corpses, it can reach absurd levels and make it nearly impossible to keep colonists sane.

The fix is only one line in a single file. You can do it yourself:

  1. Go to the directory (RimWorldDirectory)/Mods/Core/Defs/ThoughtDefs
  2. Edit the file Thoughts_Memories.xml
  3. Go to the “ObservedLayingCorpse” mood effect (usually line 173 to 189). (Usually it’s easiest to do this by hitting Ctrl+F to search for ObservedLayingCorpse).
  4. Change the line “<stackedEffectMultiplier>1</stackedEffectMultiplier>” to “<stackedEffectMultiplier>0.5</stackedEffectMultiplier>”

I’ve also uploaded a fixed version. So, if you wish, you can also just re-download the game from your existing download link.

Saved games won’t be affected either way.

Recent versions (Alpha 6)

Previous Version: [[Version/1.5.4136"" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.]]
Released on:
Next Version: [[Version/0.0.232"" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.]]
Released on:

"Error: Invalid time." contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.

Released on: –

It’s a whole new world! Here’s Alpha 6, the update with world generation, biomes, a medical system that tracks every wound and body part, and personality traits. You can follow our day-to-day work on the changelog.

If you own the game, you should get an update email from us. You can also get Alpha 6 by re-downloading from the link you used before (it is a permanent link and always has the newest version). Anyone still having trouble should start at this thread.

Also note that this build will not load old savegames, so keep your old install separate if you want to finish an Alpha 5 colony.

Release Trailer


  • World generation added. You can now generate a world from a seed value and choose where to land your escape pods.
  • Biomes added. There are six biomes on the world map, but only three of them are implemented so far – desert, arid shrubland (the only choice, previously), and temperate forest.
  • Obviously, biomes have distinct animal and plant life which present unique challenges and opportunities.
  • Coastlines added. If you land on a seashore, your map will have a coastline in it (though it doesn’t do much, it’s fun to play on the beach.)
  • Medical system added. Instead of simply having hit points, characters, animals, and mechanoids have a body health tracker that records every wound and every body part and how they interact. Wounds will affect specific abilities, so someone with eyes burned out can’t shoot or do surgery well, and someone with leg wounds will move slow. Wounds can also become permanent if left untreated, or kill someone due to bleeding.
  • Pain level is tracked. A character in too much pain will become incapacitated.
  • Doctors and medicine now have a purpose! Your doctor will attempt to heal wounded colonists and prisoner (if the prisoner is marked to receive care). If there is medicine available, he will use it to increase the chance of giving quality care. Wounds treated with quality care are much less likely to become permanent.
  • Delicate body parts like brains or eyes usually end up with permanent damage when harmed.
  • Characters now have personality traits which affect gameplay! Enjoy playing with colonists who are lazy or hardworking, neurotic, psychically sensitive or deaf, bloodlusty, or nudist.
  • EMP weapons added. Useful for fighting mechanoids, and for enemies attacking your turrets.
  • Spacey new menu music from Alistair Lindsay. More in-game music and sound effects from Al added as well.
  • More translations added and existing translations updated.
  • Lots of other small improvements and dozens of bug fixes, as well as new bugs to discover!

Complete Version List


0.8.657 (Alpha 8)
0.7.581 (Alpha 7)
0.6.532 (Alpha 6)
0.5.496B (Alpha 5D)
0.5.496 (Alpha 5C)
0.5.492B (Alpha 5B)
0.5.492 (Alpha 5)
0.4.460 (Alpha 4)
0.3.410 (Alpha 3)
0.2.363 (Alpha 2)
0.1.334 (Alpha 1)
Internal 0.0.334
Internal 0.0.333
Internal 0.0.332
Internal 0.0.331


Internal 0.0.330B
Internal 0.0.330
Internal 0.0.329
Internal 0.0.328
Internal 0.0.327
Internal 0.0.325
Internal 0.0.324
Internal 0.0.323
Internal 0.0.322
Internal 0.0.321
Internal 0.0.320
Internal 0.0.318
Internal 0.0.317B
Internal 0.0.317
Internal 0.0.314
Internal 0.0.294
0.0.254B (Pre-Alpha Backer 2)
Internal 0.0.254
Internal 0.0.253c
Internal 0.0.253b
Internal 0.0.253
0.0.250 (Pre-Alpha Backer 1)
Internal 0.0.250
Internal 0.0.249a
Internal 0.0.248
Internal 0.0.247
0.0.245 (Pre-Alpha Press Release 2)
Internal 0.0.245
Internal 0.0.243
Internal 0.0.241
Internal 0.0.240
0.0.232 (Pre-Alpha Press Release 1)