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m ((Bot) XML data extraction: All material values)
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| category = Metallic
| category = Metallic
| flammability base = 1.0
| description = The most seductive metal of them all. Millions have died in attempting to feed the endless human thirst for gold. This soft metal is little use on its own, but is strikingly beautiful and very rare.
| market value base = 15
| note = Gold is a very beautiful and expensive resource. Can sometimes be found off the bodies of raiders, as well as those who pop out of random cryptosleep caskets in buildings around the map, but the primary source is gold veins. You can sell gold to certain traders to get a staggering amount of cash, or craft it into golden sculptures that are perhaps the most valuable items in the game. It can also be used to create extremely beautiful furniture and structures.
| melee blunt damage base = 1.15
| color = (255,235,122)
| melee sharp damage base = 0.3
| always haulable = true
| construct effect = ConstructMetal
| def name = Gold
| draw gui overlay = true
| graphic class = Graphic_Single
| graphic path = Things/Item/Resource/Gold
| label = gold
| parent name = ResourceBase
| path cost = 15
| resource readout priority = Middle
| rotatable = false
| selectable = true
| small volume = true
| sound drop = Silver_Drop
| sound impact stuff = BulletImpactMetal
| sound interact = Silver_Drop
| stack limit = 400
| stuff adjective = golden
| thing class = ThingWithComponents
| use standard health = false
| beauty factor = 6
| beauty factor = 6
| beauty offset = 18
| flammability factor = 0.2
| flammability factor = 0.2
| market value base = 15
| max health factor = 0.6
| max health factor = 0.6
| melee blunt damage base = 1.15
| melee cooldown factor = 1.1
| melee cooldown factor = 1.1
| melee sharp damage base = 0.3
| work to make factor = 1.3
| work to make factor = 1.3
| beauty offset = 18
| description = The most seductive metal of them all. Millions have died in attempting to feed the endless human thirst for gold. This soft metal is little use on its own, but is strikingly beautiful and very rare.
| note = Gold is a very beautiful and expensive resource. Can sometimes be found off the bodies of raiders, as well as those who pop out of random cryptosleep caskets in buildings around the map, but the primary source is gold veins. You can sell gold to certain traders to get a staggering amount of cash, or craft it into golden sculptures that are perhaps the most valuable items in the game. It can also be used to create extremely beautiful furniture and structures.
| color = (255,235,122)

Revision as of 16:03, 26 February 2015



Gold b.png

The most seductive metal of them all. While it is too soft to be of much practical use, it is strikingly beautiful and never tarnishes. Millions have died in attempting to feed the endless human thirst for gold.

Material – [[{{{2}}}|{{{1}}}]]
Stack Limit

Base Stats

Market Value
... further results

Stat Modifiers

Armor - Blunt
Armor - Heat
Armor - Sharp
Door Opening Speed
Insulation - Cold
Insulation - Heat
Max Hit Points
Melee Cooldown
Rest Effectiveness
... further results

Gold art and furniture is the best way to get that coveted "Beautiful Environment" mood bonus for your colonists, though this may be wasteful unless you are swimming in cash already and don't need much extra.

Colonists can suffer from a "High Expectations" mood debuff if your colony becomes too rich. Make sure you have plenty of mood-boosting effects to buffer against this before you start accumulating some real wealth.