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Revision as of 12:50, 2 November 2022 by Ickputzdirwech (talk | contribs) (Undo revision 115204 by Ickputzdirwech (talk))
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Previous Version: Version/1.3.3068
Released on: 23 July 2021
Next Version: Version/1.3.3070
Released on: 25 July 2021

"Error: Invalid time." contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.

Released on: 24 July 2021

Released July 24, 2021

Hey all, another quick update before the weekend.

I've just released version 1.3.3069b to everyone. This is the same as 1.3.3069 from earlier today, with the addition of a feature that lets you save and load ideoligions within the ideoligion customization screen.

If you have a complicated ideoligion you want to use from now on, you can save it during creation and load it in future games.

You should be able to get the update by restarting Steam. It'll be compatible with everything.

Look forward to more updates soon!