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Revision as of 03:16, 25 April 2024 by Harakoni (talk | contribs) (Thaks to User:Mithril475)
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A dark metallic sphere covered with curved and jagged grooves. The sphere emanates sensations of pain. It hurts to be near it.

The sphere thrums with a mysterious energy. It appears to be increasing in activity. It's not clear what will happen when it reaches its full capacity. However, if you capture it, you can decrease its activity by suppressing it.

Base Stats


The Nociosphere is an initially-dormant mechanical entity with devastating combat capabilities.


The nociosphere will randomly appear on the map, playing a soundbyte, spawning in a docile state. Here it can be easily captured. Having a holding requirement of 0 makes this even easier, as it will never randomly escape or attack.


The nociosphere is a black sphere with red highlights. It can be suppressed, and should it reach 100% instability, it will become hostile & attack. Study will reveal it can be used as a weapon on your local map. Extended study will reveal that it is unstable and suppression will soon become impossible (10 days). Even if not studied, it will become unstable with time.

If sent out it will be active from 90-115 seconds depending on what stage of study, starting from 115 down to 90

Even if you don't study it, it will become unstable with time so you cannot leave it be to keep as a weapon so be careful. Depending on how long you have it, study deepens on at what stage it is, how long it's active, all from 115 from the start down to 90 seconds.


The nociosphere yields 7.2 bioferrite and 720W per day.


It is incredibly strong, and should be treated with extreme care when being deployed as an offensive or defensive weapon. When deployed it goes into an "onslaught mode" which lasts 90-115 seconds during which it will attack everything and teleport to get closer to its targets. This means also, if deployed carelessly, that it can easily wipe out an even midgame colony due to its extremely powerful attacks. The nociosphere IS affected by EMP weapons and can be brought down with ease.

Once it reached the point where it can no longer be stabilised it is imperative to get rid of it as fast as possible. If possible it should be released against a threat that can keep it busy for most of its 90-115 seconds of onslaught mode. If it destabilises it will enter its onslaught mode and go after everything living (not entities) until the onslaught mode is over. Once it has been released for one last time it will disappear. In the event there are no enemies, you can set it down near animals for it to target, faster animals can sometimes kite the Nociosphere until its onslaught mode deactivates.

There are NO DOWNSIDES to farming from a Nociosphere as it will not destabilise faster, even when farmed. It yields 7.2 bioferrite and 720W of electricity per day when harvested. This makes it great for farming, as long as the player is aware of the risks.

A possible way of dealing with the Nociosphere is to use Summon Shamblers and/or Summon Fleshbeasts, this will create a large number of high HP/Regenerating foes for the Nociosphere to defeat, in an ideal world the Nociosphere will be distracted for the entire 110 seconds, and the enemies left can be cleared out by your Pawns.

The author of this note conducted several real-world tests in order to assess the combat effectiveness of the nociosphere. Although the health parameters indicate that each part of the sphere withstands 12,500 damage, in fact it is destroyed much earlier. According to tests in developer mode, she can withstand 1,500 damage, which is 10 times more than a human. It also has protection no worse than that of marine armor. Extremely effective against melee opponents due to constant teleportation and the inability to be surrounded by more than eight opponents. It can be continuously stunned by EMP grenades, which are often found among pirates. Due to its large size, it takes x200% damage from machine guns. Uses attacks: 1)Agony pulse- adds +100% pain. The effect is weakened against pain-resistant Neanderthals and piggies. useless against mentally deaf creatures and mechanoids. 2)Heatspikes- machine gun fire with 18 damage. 3)Fleshmelter bolt- it looks like a Diabolus weapon, but it shoots instantly. Reduced damage to the mechanoids. The nociosphere was able to repel the attack of the impids with a number of 60 people, for 5,000 raid points, but failed to repel a Gorehulk attack of similar size. It may have been able to defeat 60 Gorehulks grouped tightly together, but if its opponents are distributed over the map, the nociosphere's attacks become way less efficient and its onslaught timer will run out before it was able to kill all its opponents. So beware if you are sending the nociosphere to defeat a single group of enemies, like a siege raid: it may be able to cause the raiders to flee with just a few attacks and then it has plenty of time left to teleport back to your base and end your run.


  • The Nociosphere's name likely comes from the words "nocioception", which refers to the body's ability to feel pain, or "nocere" which is the latin word for harm/hurt.

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