Chemfuel powered generator

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Chemfuel powered generator

Chemfuel powered generator

Produces electricity from chemfuel.

Base Stats



+ 1000 W

A chemfuel powered generator provides power by burning chemfuel. Unlike the variable power output of solar generators and wind turbines which depend on the night-day cycle and wind, respectively, chemfuel powered generators produce a constant supply of power for as long as they are fueled. A constant supply may reduce your base's need for batteries at the cost of having chemfuel and haulers to keep it running. Chemfuel is obtained by milking tamed boomalopes or created from a refinery. Similar to the Wood-fired generators, chemfuel powered generators avoid issues with wind, weather, and eclipses as long as they have fuel.

A chemfuel powered generator can hold 25 chemfuel, which will provide power for roughly 6 days and 6 hours before running out. A single boomalope, milked every two days, can easily provide enough fuel to keep two generators running. Chemfuel powered generators produce heat as a by-product, although not as much as a campfire or heater. They are also very unattractive, making them a poor choice for your bedroom-heating needs.


Chemfuel powered generators can be constructed after you have completed research into Electricity.


Chemfuel powered generators were added in Beta 18.