Naked Brutality Guide

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In the Naked Brutality scenario, you start with absolutely nothing, not even clothes.

Because of this, it is possibly the hardest scenario of all.

Starting colonist


You must choose a colonist that is capable of survival skills. This includes:

  • Dumb labor: Hauling, cleaning and cutting plants.
    • Though hauling can be done with animals, cleaning and plant cutting have to be done by colonists, especially when foraging will be your main source of food early on.
  • Construction: Building shelter to live in.
  • Medicine: Treating oneself when injured or sick.
    • Thankfully, you start off with the powerful glitterworld medicine, so you can afford to have someone with weaker medicine skill while still having decent treatment quality.
  • Cooking: Making meals out of raw food and butchering creatures. While you can substitute raw berries for meals early on, it's not a reliable source of food.
  • Violence: Defending oneself from mad animals or raiders, as well as hunt for food.
    • You can substitute it with Construction (building turrets) or Animals (training attack animals) in a pinch, but it's not recommended to do so unless the colonist is great at everything else.
  • Crafting: Making equipment and misc crafting. You need to craft your own starting equipment as you don't start with any.

If the colonist doesn't have these skills then it's best that you reroll until you have one that does. You don't need them to be interested in all of them, but if you do then it's a plus.

Some skills will make survival easier, but are not essential:

  • Growing: Growing food crops. If you don't want to exclusively rely on hunting or gathering. Your early food stocks last for quite some time, and for 1-2 colonists hunting and gathering can allow you to survive.
    • This does not guarantee that a colonist is capable of plant cutting.
  • Social: Recruiting new colonists and trading. If you are lucky enough to capture a raider then you can use your Social skills to turn them to your side.
  • Mining: Extracting mineral resources. Useful for replenishing your supply of components or steel in early-mid game before traders show up who sell components.

Some other skills are better left for future colonists:

  • Animals: Training animals isn't quite a necessity early-game, but will greatly compliment you in combat, provided you have sufficient food to train animals.
  • Intellectual: Unless you started off in an extreme environment and need essential research (such as Hydroponics) then it's better that you focus on building up a working shelter for survival first, as research merely assists survival.
  • Artistic: Early on you should not be making sculptures yet.


Besides this, you should also have a colonist with a decent trait selection.

These traits are especially harmful:

  • Pyromaniac: This universally hated trait is even more dangerous in a rich explorer start because if your lone colonist breaks, nothing but the rain can extinguish the fires started.
  • Volatile: Having your lone colonist break down is not a good thing to happen, as this will put them right out of action, stagnating progress.

Some traits are more helpful:

  • Industrious: Finishing your work faster means you can get more done. This is especially useful if only 1 colonist's doing everything.
  • Fast learner: Improving your skills faster is very handy, as 1 colonist doing everything gives ample opportunity to train up skills.