Property:Recode Reason

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Section:Automate table once all pages created  +
Add as page property via infobox and automate table  +
Section:Actual math on Prison Break MTB  +
Section:Now pawnkinds are complete, link to specific Pawnkinds on the faction pages  +
Section:Automate table using tag system if possible. Consider collaboration with [[User:JuliaCat]] who created the current list to see how generated. Also reported: [[Tome]], [[Simple meal]], [[Fine meal]], [[Packaged survival meal]]  +
Pawnkind table, see [[Insectoids#Pawns]] and [[Mechanoid hive#Pawns]] for example  +
Consider adding health scale given disparity in values. melee and range dps?  +
Section:The patch notes for 1.5 say that drug-related genes no longer prevent overdose across all drugs. Verify if true, then edit this section to reflect the change  +, Thought templates  +
Some optional way to force Colors to be independent of dark mode to allow them to be consistent across modes - as it is you select colors for one mode only and it limits your options  +
Add new 1.5 and Anomaly Hediffs  +
Pink is unreadable on darkmode  +
Section:Verify and automating math for profitability calculations.  +
Convert mood descriptions to [[Template: Thought]]. <b style="color: red;">DO NOT</b> convert without adequate detail to fully utilize the template, including max stack count, duration etc.  +
Links to the topics being talked about would make this a lot easier to parse without having to duplicate content - the rows precepts and memes and roles can be linked to directly  +
1) Doesn't play nice with skins - font color changes, but not background. Background either needs to be transparent or use color from skin. 2) [[Equip delay]] (see tag on that page)  +
1) Doesn't play nice with skins - font color changes, but not background. Background either needs to be transparent or use color from skin. 2) [[Equip delay]] (see tag on that page)  +
1) only works for one stuff category, bioferrite has two 2) Given we now have a control panel standard, it might be best to add a toggle for the stuffable options to limit table bloat - ideally needs to be autodisabled if the material ONLY has stuffables, and otherwise should be toggled off by default to increase initialusability  +
True melee dps with note like the weapon stat table  +
Section:Templatized explanation of Invisibility mechanics for this page and revenant vertebrae. i suggest at [[Template: Invisibility Note]]  +
It'd be really nice if the template actually supported the console options it claims too, specifically the ones added by [[Console edition]] and steam deck too.  +