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Revision as of 18:14, 8 August 2024 by Arcangelus (talk | contribs)
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Previous Version: Version/1.3.3080
Released on: 4 August 2021
Next Version: Version/1.3.3082
Released on: 6 August 2021

Released on: 5 August 2021

1.3.3081 is up! Not for release, but please test away!

  • Added tree replanting. Anyone can use this, but it should be especially useful for colonies who believe it's immoral to kill trees. You can move trees out of the way of your building sites.
  • Colonists now get initial optimism thought after resettling in archonexus quest line
  • Fix: Ideology loads before royalty when resetting mods config.
  • Fix: Ideology about.xml file is missing <loadAfter> to be loaded after core mod.
  • Ensure clicking on social tab ideoligion opens ideoligion tab to correct ideoligion
  • Fix: MinifiedThing looks for atlas textures in wrong atlas group.
  • Do not randomize classic ideo styles. Just use whatever is in the culture.
  • Fix: Minified trees left behind on caravans do not count as died.
  • Fix: Bills wont load if ideo apparel is from unloaded mod
  • Fix: Error when forming caravan with a minified tree in inventory (Unknown TransferAsOne pair)
  • Ensure classic ideo preset doesn't have tattoos for tribal player.
  • Added audiovisual feedback for tree replanting process.
  • Allow classic ideo preset to generate relics.
  • Renounce title confirmation dialog explains that the pawn will lose all faction permits and permit points. Mention that psylinks and psycasts will stay with the pawn.
  • Added a command for dryads that tells them to return to a healing pod. They will stay inside for three days, and emerge with their wounds healed.
  • Added missing check for playerSettings != null.
  • Allow drafted tending (with and without medicine) on downed hostile pawns.
  • Removed redundant RulePackDef for tree connection ritual.
  • Persona weapons are no longer included in "allow biocoded" thing filters.
  • Reword ideo preset categories' descriptions.
  • Fix: Music doesnt play for about 2 minutes after loading a game
  • Clicking on ideoligion certainty in social card now opens ideoligion tab