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Revision as of 18:15, 8 August 2024 by Arcangelus (talk | contribs)
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Previous Version: Version/1.3.3083
Released on: 7 August 2021
Next Version: Version/1.3.3087
Released on: 11 August 2021

Released on: 10 August 2021

Build 1.3.3086! This build will hopefully be released to the public.

  • Fix: Imprisoning and releasing slave immediately can cause some slaves to immediately join the player faction.
  • Add a "drag to reorder" label on colonist creation screen for clarity.
  • Remove second tick noise when reordering pawns on colonist creation screen.
  • Colorize the Tree Connection ritual icon to match the Gauranlen color.
  • Fix: Savage Tribe shows what it will buy.
  • Fix: Item style overrides information is not shown on ideo preset screen.
  • Fix: Slaves opportunistically haul during rebellion while grouping up.
  • Lower slave social fight chance by 50%.
  • Fix: Nutrient paste does not produce ate meat or ate non meat thoughts.
  • Fix: Pawn ritual arrival tag is not set if they started on the exact position they needed to be.
  • Fix: Animal products are considered when generating ate meat or ate non-meat history events and thoughts.
  • Add a null check to prevent old bestowing ceremony quests that existed pre-fix from causing issues.
  • Fix: Blood from animal sacrifice automatically cleans itself before ritual even completes.
  • PawnRenderer weapon drawing now supports Graphic_Random.
  • Fix: Players can load a caravan and bring disallowed items to new archonexus settlement.
  • Fix: Relic destroyed notification sent when player starts new archonexus settlement if they can't bring it.
  • Fix: Positive goodwill reward given when labourers miss shuttle and fixed scribe error trying to deep save a def.
  • Fix: Mentally broken pawn appears as participant for anima linking ritual.
  • Fix: Tribal members do not become hostile when arrested in terminal hack quest.
  • Fix: Insect jelly is treated as a drug, causing exception to be thrown.
  • Fix: Passive cave insects block bestowing ceremony.
  • Fix: Using numCase causes errors in date colorization. Also, add support for colorizing all cases of numCase dates.
  • Fix: Possible map junk wiping archonexus structure.
  • Fix: Badly formatted relic name in relic hunt quest description.
  • Fix: Some ancient junk is spawning overlapping chunks.