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Previous Version: Version/1.3.3082
Released on: 6 August 2021
Next Version: Version/1.3.3086
Released on: 10 August 2021

Released on: 7 August 2021

New build 1.3.3083 is up!

  • Ancient tank trap and ancient macro-engine block are now non-deconstructible.
  • Fix: Hunters finishing off their prey counts as slaughtering an animal.
  • Vegetarian meals now allow animal products as ingredients.
  • Fix: Raids assaulting a thing (like a spacedrone) are broken without Royalty.
  • Fix: You can bypass ability cooldown by using queue cast after casting it the first time.
  • Fix: Scenarios from Steam workshop break scenario ui when run in non-Steam mode.
  • Fix: Colonist bar group calculations can cause errors in rare circumstances.
  • Limit awaking on clamor to ancient complex insects and mechs.
  • Extracting and replanting tree now gives plants xp.
  • Fix: Gauranlen spawn cycle not correct after new archonexus settlement
  • Removed redundant message regarding manhunter chance on tame for insects. Warn player than insects will be hostile during taming attempts.
  • Allow drafted tending of neutral downed pawns.
  • Fix: Pruning hours per day readout doesn't take into account nearby player buildings.
  • Reset additional storyteller parameters after new archonexus settlement.
  • Fix: Outdated anima tree description.
  • Fix: Ancient complex insects that heard a clamor are not fully awoken.
  • Fix: IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy can potentially use a friendly faction if it was generated when they were still enemies.
  • Fixes to GenerateGoodIngredients based on feedback.
  • Adjsut the score modifier from food that gives negative thoughs.
  • Improvements to unsuitable caravan food warning based on feedback.
