Category:Stats - Capacity Effects

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CapacityEffects effects 100 true
Category Label Value
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Capacity Effects Pain (num * 100f).ToString("+###0;-###0") + "%" The amount of pain caused by this condition. 4050 null null false false
Capacity Effects Pain "x" + num2.ToStringPercent() The amount of pain caused by this condition. 4050 null null false false
Capacity Effects capMod.capacity.GetLabelFor().CapitalizeFirst() (capMod.offset * 100f).ToString("+#;-#") + "%" capMod.capacity.description 4060 null null false false
Capacity Effects capMod.capacity.GetLabelFor().CapitalizeFirst() "x" + capMod.postFactor.ToStringPercent() capMod.capacity.description 4060 null null false false
Capacity Effects capMod.capacity.GetLabelFor().CapitalizeFirst() "max".Translate().CapitalizeFirst() + " " + capMod.EvaluateSetMax(instance.pawn).ToStringPercent() capMod.capacity.description 4060 null null false false
Capacity Effects Affects stringBuilder.ToString() The mental abilities this affects. 4080 null null false false
Capacity Effects Hunger rate "x" + stage.hungerRateFactor.ToStringPercent() A multiplier on the rate at which the food need depletes. 4051 null null false false
Capacity Effects Hunger rate offset stage.hungerRateFactorOffset.ToStringSign() + stage.hungerRateFactorOffset.ToStringPercent() An offset on the rate at which the food need depletes. 4051 null null false false
Capacity Effects Tiredness "x" + stage.restFallFactor.ToStringPercent() A multiplier applied to the rate at which the creature's sleep need falls. 4050 null null false false
Capacity Effects Sleep fall rate stage.restFallFactorOffset.ToStringSign() + stage.restFallFactorOffset.ToStringPercent() An offset applied to the rate at which the creature's sleep need falls. 4050 null null false false
Capacity Effects Prevents infection (from im in stage.makeImmuneTo

select im.label).ToCommaList(false, false).CapitalizeFirst()

Whether or not this will prevent infections. 4050 null null false false
Capacity Effects Total bleed factor stage.totalBleedFactor.ToStringPercent() A multiplier applied to the overall rate of blood loss. 4041 null null false false
Capacity Effects Natural healing factor stage.naturalHealingFactor.ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.FloatTwo, ToStringNumberSense.Factor) A multiplier applied to the overall rate of natural wound healing. 4020 null null false false
Capacity Effects Healing {string.Format("{0:0}", stage.regeneration)} hp/day A flat amount of healing per day. 4025 null null false false
Capacity Effects statModifier.stat.LabelCap statModifier.stat.Worker.ValueToString(num4, false, ToStringNumberSense.Offset) statModifier.stat.description 4070 null null false false
Capacity Effects statModifierBySeverity.stat.LabelCap statModifierBySeverity.stat.Worker.ValueToString(val, false, ToStringNumberSense.Offset) statModifierBySeverity.stat.description 4070 null null false false
Capacity Effects statModifier2.stat.LabelCap statModifier2.stat.Worker.ValueToString(num5, false, ToStringNumberSense.Factor) statModifier2.stat.description 4070 null null false false
Capacity Effects statModifierBySeverity2.stat.LabelCap statModifierBySeverity2.stat.Worker.ValueToString(val2, false, ToStringNumberSense.Factor) statModifierBySeverity2.stat.description 4070 null null false false
Capacity Effects label "x" + num6.ToStringPercent() {damageFactor.damageDef.Named("DAMAGE").CapitalizeFirst()} damage that this creature receives is multiplied by this amount. 4075 null null false false
Capacity Effects Pain "x" + this.painFactor.ToStringPercent() The amount of pain caused by this condition. 4050 null null false false
Capacity Effects Pain (this.painOffset * 100f).ToString("+###0;-###0") + "%" The amount of pain caused by this condition. 4050 null null false false
Capacity Effects Non-{this.LabelCap.Named("GENE")} romance chance "x" + this.missingGeneRomanceChanceFactor.ToStringPercent() A multiplier on chance of having a romantic relationship with someone who does not have this gene. 4050 null null false false
Capacity Effects Forced traits text "These traits will be added. All conflicting traits will become suppressed.

" + text
4080 null null false false
Capacity Effects Aptitudes text2 "Aptitude makes an individual perform at a higher or lower level than their learned skill.

For example, an aptitude of +1 for a skill means that a person with level 5 in that skill will perform as though they were at level 6.

The total value cannot exceed level 20 or fall below level 1.

" + text2
4090 null null false false
Capacity Effects statModifier.stat.LabelCap statModifier.ValueToStringAsOffset statModifier.stat.description 4070 null null false false
Capacity Effects statModifier2.stat.LabelCap statModifier2.ToStringAsFactor statModifier2.stat.description 4070 null null false false
Capacity Effects capMod.capacity.GetLabelFor().CapitalizeFirst() (capMod.offset * 100f).ToString("+#;-#") + "%" capMod.capacity.description 4060 null null false false
Capacity Effects capMod.capacity.GetLabelFor().CapitalizeFirst() "x" + capMod.postFactor.ToStringPercent() capMod.capacity.description 4060 null null false false
Capacity Effects capMod.capacity.GetLabelFor().CapitalizeFirst() "Max " + capMod.EvaluateSetMax(req.Pawn).ToStringPercent() capMod.capacity.description 4060 null null false false

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