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Hello world! I'm an enthusiastic wikian and experimental gamer. I look forward to helping flesh out this wiki and seeing what y'all are discovering about RimWorld as you play.

Ruling through fear

Suddenly, I've developed a morbid fascination with a colony based heavily on slavery and cannibalism. Since I have too much time on my hands, I'll write up a general outline of my strategy.

Acquiring colonists

The need to capture new colonists has to be balanced against the need for human flesh. Raiders (or colonists) die in combat often enough, so it may not be an issue. If that doesn't provide enough meat, the occasional prisoner can (and perhaps should) be executed.

Prisoner treatment

Prisoners will be held in minimalist 2x2 cells without light or food. They will be frequently beaten and occasionally executed. Gibbet cages would be a waste of corpses, but the other horrendous conditions should be plenty to scare them. Darkness, beatings, and stress over the executions should instill enough fear for recruitment, when needed. Even when recruiting, happiness isn't useful and it's not really a loss if they starve to death... it serves the dual purpose of saving food and making more.

Food preparation

Since cannibalism is part of the theme, fine meals should be produced, so as to ensure human flesh is on the menu.

Trading resources

Mining any mineral veins and overproduction of potatoes will provide supplies for trade. Slave traders will be my best friends, as I'll be wanting to buy all the bodies I can get.

Psychotic sadism

Colonists are frightened when wounded or witnessing death. When low on flesh, I could transfer a prisoner to a large, well-lit cell. I'd take manual control of the colonists and have them assemble to watch the public execution, just to scare them a bit more. I could occasionally order colonists to open fire on squirrels while their neighbors are in the line of fire, since fresh wounds would keep them on their toes.