Mech high-shield

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Mech high-shield

Mech high-shield

A shielding device which projects a momentum repulsor field. Shots can go out, but not in. This one is tuned to high angles, so it will block mortar rounds. The unit can be temporarily disabled by EMP attacks, either by shocking the projector unit itself, or using EMP munitions on the shield.

Base Stats

BuildingMechanoid cluster
Path Cost


1 × 1
pass through only
Cover Effectiveness
Blocks Wind


Deconstruct yield
Plasteel 7 + Shield core 1
Destroy yield
Plasteel 7

Mech high-shields are Mechanoid cluster buildings added by the Royalty DLC. It blocks incoming mortar shells in a 25-tile radius around it. Upon being hit by an EMP, it is disabled for 1,080 ticks (18 secs). Every 10 days, it goes down to charge for 1 day. When deconstructed, they are a valuable source of shield cores needed to create low-shield packs.


Like all mech cluster buildings, they not only have a Flammability of 0%, but also take no damage from attacks with the Flame damage type. This is in contrast to, for example, a stone wall which will not be ignited by molotov cocktails but will take the 10 flame damage from the initial attack.

Version history

  • 1.1.2575 - Implement mech shield generator charge cycle. Shields now go down for a random day every 10 days. Now shuts down when the cluster is defeated.
  • 1.2.2753 - Renamed from "Mortar shield" to "mech high-shield".
  • 1.3.3066 - Now stops orbital strikes and aerodrone strikes, the same way they stop mortars.

See Also

  • Skipshield - A 6th level psycast with that stops all incoming and outgoing ground-level ranged attacks in a smaller radius and short duration
  • Low-shield pack - a utility item that stops all incoming ground-level ranged attacks in a smaller radius and short duration
  • Mech low-shield - a mechanoid cluster building that produces a similar effect in size and duration, but tuened to ground-level ranged attacks only.