Medieval Farm Oaf (Oaf)
Tilling, hoeing, guiding ox carts, pushing wheelbarrows. Digging ditches, planting seeds, predicting the harvest.\n\nMedieval-level farmers aren't educated in the usual sense, but they know a lot about growing plants without technology. That said, such a life leaves one essentially incapable of participating in intellectual, technology-driven activities.
- +ManualDumb
- +PlantWork
- +Mining
- −Intellectual

Medieval Lord (Noble)
[PAWN_nameDef] was a lord on a preindustrial planet. [PAWN_pronoun] went to parties, managed the underlings, and even learned some swordplay.\n\n[PAWN_possessive] soft hands did not hold a work tool during that entire time. [PAWN_pronoun] considers manual labor to be beneath [PAWN_objective].
- Social: +7
- Melee: +5
- Shooting: +5
- +Social
- −ManualDumb
- −ManualSkilled

Medieval Minstrel (Minstrel)
[PAWN_nameDef] was a traveling entertainer on a medieval world.\n\n[PAWN_pronoun] could always be found telling stories or singing songs, and is capable of protecting [PAWN_objective]self from the dangers of the road. However, [PAWN_pronoun] was always conspicuously absent whenever there was hard labour to be done.
- Social: +4
- Artistic: +3
- Melee: +2

Taster (Taster)
As the taster for a medieval king, any dish served at the royal table had to be sampled first by [PAWN_nameDef]. [PAWN_pronoun] lived a decadent lifestyle at court, getting fat and doing very little work.
- Cooking: +7
- Construction: −4
- Crafting: −4

Blacksmith (Blacksmith)
As a smith on a medieval world, [PAWN_nameDef] gained a reputation for the high quality of [PAWN_possessive] work. [PAWN_pronoun] wasn't bad at using the swords [PAWN_pronoun] forged either.
- Shooting: −5
- Melee: +4
- Crafting: +6
- +ManualDumb
- +ManualSkilled
- −Intellectual

Message Carrier (Messenger)
On a medieval world, the fastest way to send a message is to give it to somebody on a horse and hope they survive the journey. [PAWN_nameDef] was that somebody.

Medieval Doctor (Quack)
[PAWN_nameDef] worked as a doctor on a medieval planet. [PAWN_pronoun] firmly believes that most ailments can be cured with a little bloodletting.\n\n[PAWN_pronoun] was also a master anaesthetist, developing a specialty technique that involved a heavy blow to the head.

Herbalist (Herbalist)
[PAWN_nameDef] lived in the forest near a village. Though many of the villagers feared [PAWN_objective], sick villagers would come to [PAWN_objective] to purchase salves and poultices made from the herbs [PAWN_pronoun] grew in [PAWN_possessive] garden. [PAWN_pronoun] was happy to help them — for a price.
- Plants: +4
- Medicine: +4
- Social: −2

Medieval Sailor (Sailor)
[PAWN_nameDef] explored the oceans on a wooden ship, seeking out plant and animal specimens from exotic places, and occasionally fending off pirates. [PAWN_pronoun] loved the sea so much [PAWN_pronoun] refused to do all but the barest minimum of work on land, except to sell the treasures [PAWN_pronoun] collected.
- Melee: +4
- Social: +4
- Animals: +4
- +ManualDumb
- −ManualSkilled
