Category:Stats - Animal Productivity

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AnimalProductivity animal productivity 13 false
Label Value String Report Text Display Priority In Category
Gestation time {num.ToString("#.##")} days The time this species takes to gestate its offspring or eggs. 10000
Litter size OffspringRange(d).ToString() The number of offspring this creature creates per litter. If this is a range, any specific litter will have a random number of offspring in this range. 9990
Growth time {num2} days How long it normally takes for this creature to reach adulthood. This time will be longer if the creature starves. 9980
Meat per day during growth MeatPerDayDuringGrowth(d).ToString("#.##") This creature gains this amount of meat for each day it grows, up until it reaches adulthood.

This value is calculated from the meat amount and growth time.
Adult meat amount AdultMeatAmount(d).ToString("F0") The base amount of meat yielded by butchering an adult member of this species. The actual yield is affected by other factors such as damage to the body and butcher skill. 9970
Grass to maintain GrassToMaintain(d).ToString("#.##") The typical number of grass plants that this creature needs in order to fulfill its dietary needs. This is based on normal grass at typical growth rates and ignores winter. 9950
Egg type thingDef.LabelCap The type of egg this creature lays. 9940
Eggs per year EggsPerYear(d).ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.FloatMaxTwo, ToStringNumberSense.Absolute) The number of eggs this creature will lay per year. Some creatures need to be fertilized to lay eggs. Egg laying will be slower if the creature starves. 9930
Egg nutrition EggNutrition(d).ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.FloatMaxTwo, ToStringNumberSense.Absolute) The amount of nutrition in a single egg laid by this creature. 9920
Egg nutrition per year EggNutritionPerYear(d).ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.FloatMaxTwo, ToStringNumberSense.Absolute) The amount of yearly nutrition generated by eggs laid by this creature each year.

This value is calculated from eggs per year and egg nutrition.
Egg market value EggMarketValue(d).ToStringMoney(null) The market value of a single laid egg. 9900
Egg value per year EggMarketValuePerYear(d).ToStringMoney(null) The total value of eggs normally laid over the course of a year.

This is calculated from eggs per year and egg market value.
Milk type milkable.milkDef.LabelCap The type of milk this creature produces. 9880
Milk amount milkable.milkAmount.ToString() The amount of milk this creature produces each time it is milked. 9870
Milking interval {milkable.milkIntervalDays} days The amount of time this creature needs between milkings. 9860
Milk per year MilkPerYear(d).ToString("F0") The amount of milk produced by this animal over the course of a year.

This is calculated from milk amount and milking interval.
Milk market value MilkMarketValue(d).ToStringMoney(null) The value of one unit of this creature's milk. 9840
Milk value per year MilkMarketValuePerYear(d).ToStringMoney(null) The market value of one year's worth of milk from this creature, assuming it never goes hungry and is milked instantly at the end of each milk interval.

This is calculated from milk per year and milk market value.
Wool type shearable.woolDef.LabelCap The type of wool produced by this creature. 9820
Wool amount shearable.woolAmount.ToString() The amount of wool yielded by this creature each time it is shorn. 9810
Wool shearing interval {shearable.shearIntervalDays} days The time after shearing before this creature can be shorn again. 9800
Wool amount per year WoolPerYear(d).ToString("F0") The amount of wool produced by this creature per year.

This is calculated from wool amount and wool shearing interval.
Wool market value WoolMarketValue(d).ToStringMoney(null) The market value of one unit of this creature's wool. 9780
Wool value per year WoolMarketValuePerYear(d).ToStringMoney(null) The market value of one year's worth of wool from this creature.

This is calculated from wool amount per year and wool market value.